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Thanks to Gary Liss for these! |

Russia 1706: Lisle
Full Title:
(Carte de Moscovie. Southern section. Dressee par Guillaume De l'Isle de l'Academie royale des
Sciences a Son Excellence Monseigneur Andre Artemonides de Matueof Ministre d'Etat de sa Majeste
Csarienne l'Empereur des Russes, son Lieutenant gnal. en la Principaute de Jaroslavie ... Par son tres
humble et tres obeisst. Serviteur De l'Isle. A Paris, chez l'Auteur sur le Quai de l'Horologe, avec
Privilege, 1706). Grave par Liebaux le fils.
Short Title: Map of Moscovie.
Date: 1706
Cartographer: Lisle, Guillaume de
Scale: 1:2,600,000
Region portrayed: Russian Empire, Ukraine

Russia in Europe 1747: Bowen
Full Title:
A new & accurate map of Moscovy or Russia in Europe, with its aquisitions. Drawn from surveys &
the best modern maps. The whole being regulated by astronomical observations. By Emanl. Bowen.
(London: Printed for William Innys, Richard Ware, Aaron Ward, J. and P. Knapton, John Clarke, T.
Longman and T. Shewell, Thomas Osborne, Henry Whitridge ... M.DCC.XLVII)
Short Title: Russia in Europe
Date: 1747
Cartographer: Bowen, Emanuel
Scale: 1:11,500,000
Region portrayed: Russian Empire, Ukraine

Russia in Europe 1799: Wilkinson
Full Title:
Russia in Europe with the Dismemberments from Poland in 1773, 1793, and 1795.
Short Title: Russia in Europe
Date: 1799
Cartographer: Wilkinson, Robert
Scale: 1:10,100,000
Region portrayed: Russian Empire, Ukraine

Ukraine 1824: Delamarche
Full Title:
Atlas De La Geographie Ancienne et moderne, Adopte Par Le Conseil Royal De l'Instruction Publique,
A l'usage des Colleges Royaux et des Maisons d'Education, pour suivre les Cours de Geographie et
D'Histoire; Par Felix Delamarche, Successeur De Robert De Vaugondy, Geographe Du Roi. A Paris,
Chez Felix Delamarche, Ingenieur-Mecanicien Pour Les Globes Et Spheres, Rue du Jardinet, No. 13.
1826. (Annee Scolaire.)
Short Title: Russie D'Europe Partie Meridionale
Date: 1824
Cartographer: Delamarche, Felix
Scale: 1:7,500,000
Region portrayed: Russian Empire, Ukraine

European Russia 1833: Stieler
Full Title:
Hand Atlas Uber Alle Theile Der Erde nach dem neuesten Zustande Und Uber Das Weltgebaude.
Herausgegebenn von Adolf Stieler, berbeitet von Demselben, so wie von C.G. Reichard, H. Hubbe,
F.v. Stulpnagel, H. Berghaus u. I.C. Bar. Gotha bei Justus Perthes. (title page only) gez. v. Bar. gest. v.
Edler in Gotha.
Short Title: No. XL. Stieler's Hand-Atlas (No. 37). Europaeisches Russland auch Schweden u.
Date: 1833
Cartographer: Stieler, Adolf
Scale: 1:11,000,000
Region portrayed: Russian Empire, Ukraine

European Russia 1850: Stieler
Full Title:
Hand Atlas Uber Alle Theile Der Erde nach dem neuesten Zustande Und Uber Das Weltgebaude.
Herausgegebenn von Adolf Stieler, berbeitet von Demselben, so wie von C.G. Reichard, H. Hubbe,
F.v. Stulpnagel, H. Berghaus u. I.C. Bar. Gotha bei Justus Perthes. (title page only) gez. v. Bar. gest. v.
Edler in Gotha.
Short Title: No. XL. Stieler's Hand-Atlas (No. 37). Europaeisches Russland auch Schweden u.
Date: 1850
Cartographer: Stieler, Adolf
Scale: 1:11,000,000
Region portrayed: Russian Empire, Ukraine

Russia 1870: Johnson
Full Title:
Johnson's New Illustrated Family Atlas Of The World, Was Awarded The First Prize Medal At The
Universal Exposition Of 1867, In Paris, With A Treatise On Physical Geography, By A. Guyot, LL.D.
... With Descriptions, Geographical, Statistical, And Historical ... A Dictionary Of Religious
Denominations, Sects, Parties, And Associations, Compiled By Professor Roswell D. Hitchcock, D.D.
... New York: A.J. Johnson, Publisher, 276 & 278 Mulberry Street. 1870. Entered ... One Thousand
Eight Hundred and Seventy, by A.J. Johnson ... New York.
Short Title: Russia
Date: 1870
Cartographer: Johnson, A.J.
Scale: 1: 7,850,000
Region portrayed: Russian Empire, Ukraine

European Russia 1881_ Andree
Full Title:
Richard Andree's Allgemeiner Handatlas in sechsundachtzig Karten mit erlauterndem Text.
Herausgegeben von der Geographischen Anstalt von Velhagen & Klasing in Leipzig. Bielefeld und
Leipzig, Verlag Von Velhagen & Klasing 1881.
Short Title: Europaisches Russland
Date: 1881
Cartographer: Andree, Richard
Scale: 1:8,700,000
Region portrayed: Russian Empire, Ukraine

European Russia 1895: Andree
Full Title:
The Times atlas. Containing 117 pages of maps, and comprising 173 maps and an alphabetical index to
130,000 names. Published at the office of "The Times," Printing House Square, London, E.C. 1895.
(colophon:) Cassell & Company. Limited, Belle Sauvage Works, London, E.C.
Short Title: European Russia
Date: 1895
Cartographer: Andree, Richard
Scale: 1:8,700,000
Region portrayed: Russian Empire, Ukraine

Southwest Russia and Kingdom of Poland 1912: Johnston
Full Title:
South-West Russia. (with) Odessa. Showing the Extent of the Kingdom of Poland prior to its partition
in 1772. Keith Johnston's General Atlas. May 1912. Engraved, Printed, and Published by W. & A.K.
Johnston, Limited, Edinburgh & London.
Short Title: Southwest Russia
Date: 1912
Cartographer: Johnston, W. and A.K.
Scale: 1: 3,456,000
Region portrayed: Russian Empire, Ukraine

Southern Russia 1922: Bartholomew
Full Title:
Southern Russia. The Edinburgh Geographical Institute, John Bartholomew & Son, Ltd. "The Times"
atlas. (London: The Times, 1922)
Short Title: Southern Russia
Date: 1922
Cartographer: Barthomomew, John George
Scale: 1:6,000,000
Region portrayed: Russian Empire, Ukraine

Europe and the Near East 1943: Nat Geo Soc
Full Title:
Europe and the Near East
Date: 1943
Produced by: Cartographic Section of the National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C.
Editor: Gilbert Grosvenor
Chief cartographer: James M. Darley
Physiography: Charles E. Riddiford
Scale: 1:6,000,000
International boundaries as of Sept. 1, 1939, the day Germany invaded Poland
Region portrayed: Russian Empire, Ukraine

Western Soviet Union 1959: Nat Geo Soc
Full Title:
Title: Western Soviet Union: Atlas Plate 45
Date: 1959
Produced by: Cartographic Division of the National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C.
Editor: Melville Bell Grosvenor
Chief cartographer: James M. Darley
Scale: 1: 6,336,000
Region portrayed: Russian Empire, Ukraine