Sachar Family
The Sachar family evolved from several related branches who
settled in Kupiskis and nearby Vabalninkas, Lithuania. Many of the family left
Lithuania prior to World War II and went to South Africa and the United States. The
branches that went to the United States settled first in New York, then New
Jersey and St. Louis. The family had four generations of distinguished rabbis
and scholars and the best-known are Dr. Abram Sachar, founding President of
Brandeis University, and his son Howard Sachar, the historian.
What follows are photos from the South African branch of the
family who distinguished themselves in business and philanthropic pursuits. The
older generation were all born in Kupiskis and the photos of their home and
backyard well as well as their friends can be found below.
The next three photos below were
donated by the late Hilda Sachar Geffin and her sister Ida Sachar Schaverin, of
Cape Town, SA. whose parents were David Sachar and Chaya Zieper. The first
two photos represent a group of friends that the Sachar sisters either were
related to, grew up with or went to school with. Where the married names
of the girls are known, they have been put in parentheses. A number of
these girls did not survive the Holocaust.
The third photo is of the Sachar home which was located on Kupergas gatve (or
street) in 1926. It was a wooden frame structure as most were in the
shtetl. In many cases, the roofs were made of tin or, in some cases, the
older ones were made of thatch. The home had an outdoor well and garden.

Back row, left to right - 1, Hindke Goldin (Shatt); 2, Nechamke Friedman (Finkel);
3, Lucy Musikant; 5, Ester Kiepffe; 6, Dina Bedil (Givon)
Front row, left to right - 7, Shimichke Smidt; 8, Henke Milner; 9, Shotske Sachar (Hilda
Geffin),; 10, Frume Bedil (Herring); 11, Miriam Sachar (Fendel) |

Back row, left to right -
1, Lucy Musikant; 2, Nechamke Friedman (Finkel); 3, Henke Milner; 4, Frume Bedil
Middle row, left to right - 5, Miriam Sachar (Fendel); 6, Shotske Sachar (Hilda
Geffin); 7, Ester Keipffe; 8, unknown
Front row, left to right - 9, Dina Bedil (Givon); 10, Hindke Goldin (Shatt);
11, Shimichke
Smidt |


This is the Sachar
home, which was located on Kupergas
gatve (or street) in 1926. It was a wooden frame structure, like
most in Kupiskis, with roofs made of tin or, in some cases, the older
ones were made of thatch, a great fire hazard. The home had an
outdoor well and garden. According to Velve Sachar, he bought the
house, which was located near Dvora Gurevic's brick house in a
small lane next to Karesh the Fisherman, from Leib Brozin. Another
Sachar property was at 45 Gediminas gatve, which was a main thoroughfare
in Kupiskis.
The family of Yitzhak Sachar and his wife Roche
Sachar was a large and diverse one.
The family later left Kupiskis and settled quite comfortably in
Cape Town
, SA.

Yitzhak Sachar in Kupiskis |
The family of Yitzhak Sachar was composed of his
sons, David and Velva Sachar, who not only shared a large commodious
home in Kupiskis, but married sisters Chaya Zieper and Rochel-Beile
Zieper. Yitzhak also had the
following children: Eta-Hinda
Sachar who married Chaim Barron and Movsha-Kussel Sachar who married
Yitzhak Sachar’s children and grandchildren flourished and they are
shown below in several shots taken both in Kupiskis and
Cape Town
, SA.
David Sachar and his wife Chaya Zieper, taken in Cape Town |


Sisters, Ida Sachar Schaverein and Hilda Sachar Geffin,
daughters of David and Chaya Sachar, taken in Kupiskis
Some of the grandchildren of Yitzhak Sachar
taken in 1927
in Kupiskis
L to r: Israel
Barron, son of Eta-Hinda Sachar Barron; Ida Sachar (Schaverein),
daughter of David Sachar; Vittel-Rokhlia Sachar (Berman), daughter of
Movsha-Kussel Sachar; Hilda Sachar (Geffin), daughter of David Sachar;
Miriam Sachar (Fendel), daughter of Velva Sachar; and Issy Sachar, son
of Velva Sachar |


Some of the grandchildren of Yitzhak Sachar taken after
they had migrated to Cape Town, SA.
L to r: Israel Barron, son of Eta-Hinda Sachar Barron; Max
Sachar, son of David Sachar; Ida Sachar Schaverein, daughter of David
Sachar; Manual Sachar, son of Velva Sachar; Herschel Berman and
Vittel-Rokhlia Sachar Berman, daughter of Movsha-Kussel Sachar; Ida
Sachar Geffin, daughter of David Sachar; Barney Barron, son of Eta-Hinda
Sachar Barron; and Manuel Sachar, son of Eliyahu Sachar |

Sachar family at a
wedding in
Cape Town
, SA.
L to r, Standing:
Rosa Geffin Kolevsohn, (daughter of Hilda Sachar Geffin); Bennie
Geffin, (son of Hilda Sachar Geffin);
L to r, Sitting: Ida Sachar Schaverein
(daughter of David Sachar); Hymie Schaverein (husband of Ida Sachar
Schaverein); Julius Sachar (son of David Sachar); Sheila Goldin Sachar
(wife of Julius Sachar); Helene Schaverein Tooch (daughter of Ida Sachar
Schaverein); Rhona Schaverein Benson (daughter of Ida Sachar Schaverein);
Unknown (behind Manual Sachar); and Manuel Sachar (son of Velva Sachar). |

The well behind the Sachar house,
1926 |

Home, located on the main thoroughfare in Kupiskis at 45
Gediminas gatve
Click on the photo to see a larger version

The wedding photo that follows is that of
Manual ben
Sachar and Fanny bat Jacob Kolnik taken in 1943 in Cape Province, South Africa.

(photo donated by Elliot
Left to right are: David Sachar, Barney Baron (behind David),
Chaia Zieper Sachar, Issy Sachar, Vittle Sachar Berman, Hershel Berman (behind
Vittle), Freda Kolnik Sholk (Fanny's sister), Sheindel Schulman Kolnik (Fanny's
mother), Manual ("Big Manual") Sachar (behind Sheindel), Manual
("Small Manual", groom) Sachar, Fanny Kolnik Sachar (bride), Moss
Kolnik (Fanny's brother) (behind Fanny), Jacob Kolnik (Fanny's father), Tauba
Kolnik Woolf (Fanny's sister), Max ben David Sachar, Julius ben David Sachar,
Tefka Kolnik (Fanny's brother).
Elliott Sachar, son of the bride and groom, recalls the close
family ties the Sachar family had and the wonderful Sunday afternoon teas that
the family attended in the apartment of Hershel and Vittle Berman in Woodstock.
He also remembered that the Sachars and their relatives were an
enterprising bunch as can be seen by their commercial ventures: Barney Sachar
ran a retail clothing store in downtown Cape Town; Manual (Small Manual) Sachar
ran a chain of clothing stores in Cape Town; Vittle Sachar married Hershel
Berman (orginally Pergament) and ran a dry goods store in Woodstock; Issy Sachar
ran a clothing store in Claremont; Julius Sachar became a doctor, then farmer
and lives in Australia; and Max and Manual (Big Manual) Sachar were in business
together and founded the well-known Grand Bazaars Stores.
The Kolniks were also active in the commercial sphere as Freda
Kolnik married Bill Sholk and lived in Pretoria; Moss Kolnik was an Engineer and
lived in Durban and the Moss Kolnik Highway is named for him; Tauba Kolnik
married Bernard Woolf and lived in Rhodesia, now Muizenberg; and Tefka Kolnik
was an Optician and Pharmacist and now lives in Israel.


This photograph was
taken at the Sachar family picnic reunion, a large-scale affair that was
attended by eighty-eight family members in December, 1979. The picnic was held at Dr. Julius Sachar's farm "Tierhoogte"
in Philadelphia, in the Western Cape of South Africa.
Click on the photo to
see a larger version with the names of the people included.
(Photo and identifications: Elliot Sachar, the son of Manual (Small) Sachar and
Fanny Kolnik, and Jackie Sachar, the son of Manual (Big) Sachar and
Phyllis Bergman). |

This is a photograph of the Zieper family whose daughters Chaya and
Rochel-Beile married into the Sachar family and later went to South Africa.
L to r: Unknown Zieper, Sara Zieper, Raize "Bobba" Zieper,
Chaya Zieper Sachar, Yudel "Zeide" Zieper, Hirsh Sachar, and his
mother Rochel-Beile Zieper Sachar. This was taken about 1900.


Photograph of Hirsh Sachar, his wife and
child Marek, taken in Kupiskis

The following are two photos of Iankel-Vulf Sachar, who was known as
Velve Sachar to his contemporaries. He was the son of Itsek Sachar and was married to Rocha-Beila Zieper. (The photo on the left is dated 1956.)
An excerpt follows which is taken from a biography found in his papers that gives an idea of the type of man he was:
All his life he endeavored to be of service to his people. At the outbreak of the War, when the refugees passed through his home town, he organized help for them. After the War, he was one of the representatives sent to negotiate the return of the refugees to their homelands, with the Russian Government and the Lithuanian Consul in
Russian. He also established soup kitchens and relief stations. During the period of peace between the two Wars, he was a leading member of his Community in social, educational, benevolent and religious affairs. He travelled extensively, visiting South Africa at the beginning of the century, Palestine (1910) and many European countries,
returning to settle in South Africa just before the last War.
Mr. Sachar is still mentally alert, taking a keen interest in all Jewish and world affairs and takes an active part in business and charitable work. He reads profusely and keeps up an extensive correspondence.
Much of what we know of the activities of the Kupishok Benevolent Society in Cape Town, South Africa, and the individuals who remained in Kupishok or left for South Africa, America, Israel and South America, is due to his extensive correspondence, society records and his autobiography which were mainly written in Yiddish.

The wedding of Manual Sachar, son of Velve Sachar and Rocha-Beila Zieper, to
Phyllis Bergman, the daughter of Samuel Bergman and Dora Gochin, of Port Elizabeth, SA, is shown in the following photograph. Attendees at the wedding are left to right: Issy Sachar, Joe Bergman (brother of the bride), Sheila Perl,
Cynthia Sussman Shapiro, Velve Sachar (father of the groom), Dora Gochin Bergman and Sam Bergman (parents of the bride), Manual Sachar and Phyllis Bergman (groom and bride), Miriam Sachar Fendel and husband Louis Fendel, Cecille Bergman King (sister of the bride), Oppie Oppenheim, Sylvia Perl


Donated in memory of the Sachar and
Zieper families by Phyllis Bergman Sachar, wife of Manual Sachar, and her
children Jackie, Kenneth and Rachel Sachar

Manual Sachar
is buried in Israel, but his family put up a tombstone in Cape Town's
Pineland 2 Cemetery as a memorial. The tombstone states that Manny,
Menachem ben Yacov Zev Sachar, was born in Kupiskis.
My Uncle Hirsch
Sachar and his son, my cousin Marek Arone

Kenneth Sachar
generously shared this interesting
article about the fate of Kupishoker Hirsch Sachar.
It was originally written for his synagogue magazine, New North London
Synagogue in Finchley, London, UK. Hirsch Sachar was a brother of
Manual Sachar and
a son of Velve Sachar and Rocha-Beila Zieper.
My late father, Manual
Sachar Z”L, was born in Kupishok/Kupiskis a shtetl in north east
Lithuania near Ponavez where the Yeshiva was. He studied at the Hebrew
medium Gymnasium there and emigrated to South Africa in 1929, travelling
on his own aged 17.
Growing up
in Cape Town I heard stories about my father’s childhood, how during the
First World War the entire family was relocated by train to the east, of
his freezing feet being warmed inside a relative’s jacket. On the
journey they were starving and a farmer caught a cousin trying to steal
potatoes in a frozen snow covered field. The farmer raised his sword
above his head to kill the cousin but on some whim of compassion he
relented and let him go.
My father
had an older brother Hirsch who did not come with the family when they
joined my father in Cape Town. We were told that Hirsch had “missed the
train”. As a child I had an image of a man running frantically, almost
comically, suitcases in hand, alongside the train tracks, as the train
recedes into the distance.
In 1966 my father visited the Soviet Union, no mean feat on a South
African passport at that time. He made contact with remnants of the
family in Moscow. Because they were fearful of the KGB the meetings had
to be clandestine. Their first encounter was on the steps outside the
Bolshoi Ballet Theatre where the cousins pretended to be ticket touts,
selling tickets for the ballet.
In 1972 Hirsch’s son, my cousin Marek Arone, emigrated to Israel with
his family. This was long before the
era of Glasnost and Perestroika during which Jews started emigrating
from Russia to Israel, Germany and the US. I
don’t know how this Aliyah was arranged given that Marek was a
successful senior engineer ( of metallurgy ) with twenty or so graduate
engineers working under him, living in Moscow in a flat, with a car and
a lakeside Dacha. In 1978 Marek and his wife Dora were at our wedding
in Cape Town.
In the 1990s my
daughter Cassy and I were in Israel and we went up to Haifa to visit
with Marek and Dora. This is my recollection of what Marek told us about
his father. Hirsch did not “miss the train”. He was much older than my
father, having been born before my zaida went out on his own to Cape
Town to work in his in-laws’ business, returning to Kupishok after ten
years when he had three more children. Hirsch chose not to emigrate
because he was a committed idealistic Bolshevik. He was highly
intelligent and went on to sit on the Ukrainian ruling Soviet Committee.
Marek told us how his father was taken during the Stalin purges of the
late 1930s. He described his father’s arrest. Marek was doing his
homework and his father knew the security police were coming to arrest
him and, because he did not want his son to witness his arrest, he
stepped out of the flat into the corridor. Later the family were told
that he had been sentenced to ten years hard labour “without visiting
rights”. This last phrase was known to be a code for a death sentence
because you can’t visit people who have been killed.
Stalin also went after the families of those he killed. Hirsch and
Marek’s mother had been idealistic utopians. They believed in the
wonderful new world order they were going to create and did not want to
enter into an “establishment” marriage so they never got married. This
saved the lives of Marek and his mother. Marek took his mother’s
surname, Arone. They ran and hid under that name and Stalin never found
In the 1950s under Khrushchev they went to court and were able to
rehabilitate Hirsch’s name. Marek passed away in 2018. He is survived by
his wife Dora and his son, Gregory Arone, a professor of Mathematics.
Sachar. January 2021.
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