Rabinowitz/Zadikowitz Family

This photo, taken in Newark, N.J., c. 1953, is of
Shlomo Aharon Bedil (known as Sam Rabinowitz), born in Kupiskis in 1873, son of Avraham Ze'ev (Wolf) Bedil and Etta Sora Baron (1840-1930).
The family left Kupiskis in 1881 after Wolf Bedil was killed. Samuel's sister,
Chaia-Pese Bedil, married Mordechai-Yehuda Choritz, who brought them to South Africa, where he started an ostrich feather business, first in
Oudtshoorn, SA, then a general dealers shop called Choritz and Jaffe in the tiny dorp (village) of Bot River, SA which he owned until his death in 1937.

Mordechai-Yehuda and
Chaia-Pese Choritz

Mordechai-Yehuda Choritz
Samuel Jaffe and family
Partners with him was Samuel
Jaffe, son of Nahum Jaffe, who was a relation
to both the Bedil and Choritz families. They were surrounded by a
cohesive Jewish community of approximately seven or eight families, many of whom were from

Choritz and Jaffe, General
Dealers, Bot River, SA, (as it looked in 1997)
Sam and his brother, whose name is not known, came to New York in 1893 and lived on the Lower East Side where many other Kupishokers lived, including his future wife. He met Hienna Musha (known as Anna) Zadikowitz, born 1880, daughter of Shloime Dovid Zadikowitz and Fanny Meyerowitz, when he
was a tenant in her parent's home. They married in 1905. They then went to Plainfield, New Jersey, where other
Kupiskis relatives such as the Bedell, Meyerowitz, Mintz, Sachar and Toll families lived. The couple had three children, two sons, Shmuel Velvel (known as William Samuel) (1908-1988) and Mottel (known as Milton) Rabinowitz
(1910-1990), and a daughter who died at birth, with her mother, in 1913.
Following the death of Anna Zadikowitz Rabinowitz, her husband was introduced by his Sachar
landsleit, Kaspar Sachar, to his sister-in-law, the widow, Ida Morril (or Morrel) Levine, whom he subsequently married in 1915. She was the daughter of Israel Morril (or Morrel) and Helen Sachar and also a
Kupishoker. They had no children.

The photo of
William Samuel (Shmuel
Velvel) Rabinowitz, age 5,
and his brother Milton (Motel) Rabinowitz, age 3, was taken in Plainfield, NJ,
in 1913, shortly after the death of their mother Anna Zadikowitz Rabinowitz.
William Samuel Rabinowitz is the father of Ann Rabinowitz.


of William Samuel Rabinowitz, taken in 1925-6, for his graduation from
Plainfield, N.J. High School.
photo of William Samuel Rabinowitz and Fay Fink March
28, 1945 (parents of Ann Rabinowitz)
Ann: They had 24 hours to get ready as my father got a
compassionate leave (from the US Army) to get married. It was
Pesach and they had to get a dispensation from the Chief Rabbi in
London. So, my mother didn't have a wedding dress, just a suit.
My grandmother had died in 1917 and my grandfather had died in 1935,
which left my mother with only her siblings (sisters) as her brothers
were in the military and could not attend.
My father's first cousin, Harold Simon, was his best man as he was
stationed in England too at the time. Since it was wartime and
they only had 24 hours leeway, they did not have a professional
photographer, so their wedding photo is all that I have.


photo was taken in the 1940's in Miami Beach, Florida, of Rose
Zadikowitz and her husband Samuel Simon, son of Abraham Simon and Jane Katz.
Rose was born in Kupiskis in 1888 and was the daughter of Shloime Dovid
Zadikowitz and Fanny Meyerowitz. She was one of five sisters: Anna,
Sheine (Jenny), Asna Leah (Lena), and Mary, who came with their mother to meet
their father in New York in 1903.
Afterwards, the family moved to Paterson, NJ, where there was a substantial
Kupiskis population including Shloime Dovid's sister Rose Zadikowitz Pear and
relatives such as the Hillman family.
Rose had two sons: Sidney and Harold.

This photo was taken in Bridgeport, CT, in the 1950's and
depicts the Zadikowitz / Hillman family.
Lena and Rose are the daughters of Shloime Dovid Zadikowitz and Fanny Meyerowitz
and were born in Kupishok.
Max Hillman was born in Bauska, Latvia, and was the inspiration for the
genealogy studies of Ann Rabinowitz.
Left to Right: Sam Jaffe, Adele Hillman Jaffe, Marie Simon, Max (Menachem-Mendel)
Hillman, Lena Zadikowitz Hillman, and Rose Zadikowitz Simon.
(Photos are contributed by Ann Rabinowitz in
memory of her father, grandparents and great grandparents.)

The following are paintings
of Abba-Leib ben Moshe Zadikowitz and his wife Rachel, the great
grandparents of Arnold Rosenberg and his sister Lorraine Rosenberg
Shimberg (their branch of the Zadikowitz family used the name Rosenberg
in America and the children of this family were born in Kupiskis and
Gelesiai) and the grandparents of David, Julius, Joseph, Nathan, and
Helen Segel (their branch went to South Africa and the children of the
family were born in Vabalninkas, Kupiskis and Geleziai, and were related
to the Jaffe and Melamed families).
One of the family, Sari R. Dunn, has written a book about the extended
Zadikowitz and Salny families entitled Delving Into The Past, A
Family Tree and Memories . |
On the left,
Zadikowitz, a wealthy tanner whose father, Moshe Zadikowitz, was the
Rabbi of Vabalninkas. Abba-Leib's tombstone still exists in
Vabalninkas, where he died in 1905 (this information thanks to member
Ellen Stepak's research in the Vabalninkas cemetery).
On the right, Rachel Zadikowitz, wife of Abba-Leib. She had eight
plus children, many of whom went to South Africa, while a few went to
(Photos donated by
David Segel, in memory of his mother and her family, and Arnold Rosenberg and Lorraine Rosenberg Shimberg, in memory of
their father and his family.)
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