Gafinowitz/Oshry Family
This photo, taken in 1904, shows Notte Leibe Gafinowitz
, married to Etta Sachar, the great great grandfather of our photo's donor, Anschel Strauss.

Kusiel and Rochel Gafinowitz and Family
This photo, taken in Lawrence, Massachusetts in ????, shows (1) Joseph Gafinowitz; (2) Kusiel Gafinowitz, son of Notte Leibe, born in Kupiskis in 1866; (3) Goodman Gafinowitz, born in Kupiskis on May 14, 1893; (4) Rochel (Rose) Schotlander Gafinowitz, daughter of
Gutman; (5) Morris Gafinowitz; (6) Sarah Gafinowitz; (7) Ida Gafinowitz; (8) Fanny Gafinowitz
(Kusiel and Rose were married in Kupiskis on December 7, 1890)

Yankel and Hessa Oshry and Family
Back Row, standing, from left to right: Anna Oshry; Hessa (Hessie) Gafinowitz Oshry; Meyer Oshry
Front row, seated, from left to right: David Oshry; Isadore Oshry (child, standing on a cushion); Yankel Oshry
(Yankel and Hessa were married on December 30, 1880)
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