The Jews of Kraków and its Surrounding Towns

Jewish Voters 1929

Note: This data has been temporarily removed as it is being transferred to the main JewishGen site.

This list contains the names of male Jews eligible to vote in the Polish general elections in the constituency of Kraków, District VIII, Kazimierz. Of genealogic importance, it contains the ages of almost 7,000 individuals.

The original document was typed using an old-fashioned typewriter with a heavily-inked ribbon. The result is that many letters and numbers- such as 'a', 'e', and 'o', or '3' and '8' - are completely inked through, making it impossible to differentiate one letter from another. As a result, information, especially age, may not be accurate. Because of this, assumptions have been made as to the correct spelling of many first names and surnames. These assumptions are probably correct. In addition, many assumptions have also been made as to age. These assumptions need corroborating data. Occupation names remain in the original Polish, and have not been translated into English. Again, the spellings are open to question. Lastly, note that those surnames beginning with the letter 'A', 'N', 'O', and 'P' are missing on the original document.

It is suggested that the viewer corroborate this data by examining the 1907 or 1929 Kraków Business directory, as well as the 1911 Kraków Voters List.

(Document Source: Sprinzak Library, Hebrew University of Jerusalem)


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