Passengers from Kobylnik (many alternate spellings)
Vilna Gubernia Russia 1903-1914 to NY


Jewish One Search:

E.D.Note: In viewing the records, it is clear that the entries have been mis-read. However, no attempt has been made to correct or change the Ellis Island database' original transliterated spellings. With these spellings it is possible to re-enter the data base, make a search, and see the actual record. To check on individual entries go to and if the message is "no image" try the following few pages.


Section One


Alperowitz, Neach Kobilnik, Wolyn 1908 45y
Alperowitz, Rochel Kobilnik, Wolyn 1908 16y

Chiplowicz, Nechame Kobylniky June 2 1907 41y SS Badenia Hamburg Germany
To: husband and father: Pinchas Chiplowicz Iron Mountain MI
Chiplowicz, Bertha Kobylniky 1907 4y
Chiplowicz, Lina Kobylniky 1907 6y
Chiplowicz, Anna Kobylniky 1907 7y
Chiplowicz, Israel Kobylniky 1907 11y
Chiplowicz, Sonie Kobylniky 1907 15y

Chodosch, Reise Kabilnik July 24 1906 24y SS Potsdam Rotterdam
To: husband B. Chodosch 237 Henry St. NYC, New York
(See Katz family below)

Cohodes, Chana Cabilink August 16 1903 35y SS Blucher Hamburg
To: husband Aron Cohodes Raymond Street, Marinette Wisconsin
Cohodes, Mote Cabilink 1903 2y
Cohodes, Nochem Cabilink 1903 4y
Cohodes, Israel Cabilink 1903 6y
Cohodes, Liebe Cabilink 1903 8y
Cohodes, Malke Cabilink 1903 10y
Cohodes, Heiz Cabilink 1903 13y

Dimentstein, Lewik Kobylniki, Russia March 5 1912 18y SS Lituania Libau Prussia
To:uncle B. Diamond 580 Hamilton St Brooklyn NY

Dwierstein, Ester Kobilnik, Russia June 11 1911 17y SS Lapland Antwerp Belgium
To: brother 186 ? St. NYC New York
(See Gantowink below)

Feni,Hirsch Hobilnik, Russia March 23 1913 18y SS Finland Antwerp
To: uncle Simon Rosenthal 151 ? St Brooklyn New York

Gantowink, Meier Kobilnik, Russia June 11 1911 20y SS Lapland Antwerp
To: unreadable name uncle 77 Market Street NYC New York

Gordan, Sekie Kabylnik, Russia April 3 1914 21y SS President Lincoln Hamburg Grmny
To: Utica NY

Gordon, Dawid Kobilnik, Russ. January 17 1912 18y SS Nieuw Amsterdam Rotterdam
To: father

Kamchy, Leibe watchmaker Kabelniky December 18 1905 16y SS Pretoria Hamburg Germany
To: father Scheir kamsky New Haven CT
Kamche, Itsch Kabelink, Russia April 23 1910 9y SS Uranium Rotterdam
Kamche, Chane Kabelink, Russia 1910 10y
Kamche, Riwhe Kabelink, Russia 1910 15y
Kamche, Zipe Kabelink, Russia 1910 20y
To: father Leib Kamchy 911 John Street Elmira New York

Kanter, Sluwe Habolnik, Russia July 1 1914 18y

Katz, Zelik butcher Kabilnik July 24 1906 46y SS Potsdam
To: son J. Katz 62 Henry St. NYC New York
Katz, Eidle Kabilnik 1906 10y
Katz, Moische Kabilnik 1906 15y
(See Reise Chodosch above)

Klatzki, Rachel Kobilnik, Russia Aug 17 1907 3y SS Celtic Liverpool England
Klatzki, Hueh Kobilnik, Russia 1907 11y
Klatzki, Nalke Kobilnik, Russia 1907 23y
To: son-in-law J. Klatzky 408 1/2 Lake Ave S. Duluth MN

Kopelowitz, Leibe Kobilniki, Wilna March 20 1909 17y SS Lituania Libau Prussia
To: uncle A. Brumberg 19 111 St NYC NY

Lapides, Munche Kobelniky June 251907 35y SS Nieuw Amsterdam Rotterdam
To: husband Abram lapides % H. Weinstein 660 Rochaway Av. Brooklyn NY
Lapides, Schmuel Gobelniky 1907 3y
Lapides, Ester Gobelniky 1907 5y
Lapides, Hirsch Gobelniky 1907 8y

Lapides, Scsik Kabilnik, Russia April 9 1914 25y SS Ryndam Rotterdam
To: brother-in-law H. Weinstein 660 Rochaway Ave Brooklyn NY

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