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The Public Archive of Odessa region
Survey of funds and documents
"the Jews of Odessa and south of the Ukraine: history in the
documents "
(The first volume - end OF THE XVIII - THE XX centuries)
Control of the Novorossisk and Bessarabian governor general Office of the Odessa mayor Trustee committee about the foreign settlers of the southern edge of
Russia Odessa urban on the compulsory military service presence
ESTABLISHMENTS OF THE URBAN And CLASS SELF-GUIDANCE Odessa urban thought, the Odessa urban setting Odessa petty-bourgeois setting
Odessa municipal magistracy Office of the Odessa police chief Elder notary of the Odessa circuit court Odessa merchant's court |
Banker house Of Ashkenazi in Odessa
Odessa municipal ravvinat
Cultural-educational SOCIETIES
Committee of the Odessa department of the society of the propagation
of education among the Jews
Funds for the higher educational institutions of g.Odessy, general
education secondary schools, schools and schools and oranov of their
Odessa Jewish School "Of Talmud- Thor"
Odessa 6- Class School Of efrussi
Funds for the establishments of the period of the temporary German-
Rumanian occupation
Control of the Novorossisk and Bessarabian governor general
f. 1, 1797-1874, 29624 matters
General- governor archive both by the volume and on the
significance, is placed in the category of the separately valuable
funds GAOO. Since 1803 Odessa was the administrative center of
Novorossisk edge and the residence of governor general, who
accomplished control of the enormous territory of the Kherson,
Ekaterinoslav, Tavricheskeye provinces and Bessarabian region. In
the archive of governor is concentrated the information on the
history of Jews in the south of the Ukraine v on the different
Legislative acts are widely represented, the resolutions of
imperious organs - emperor edicts about the rules of the settling of
Jews in by Novorossisk edge, positions about Jews 1835, 1844,
position about the box collection of 1839, rules about the
production by the Jews of crafts only in the small cities, the
settlements and the places (op.2ya8 (1847), d.eeeya). Was preserved
the matter for particular office concerning the report of the
governor general of the graph Of m.S.Vorontsova to emperor "relative
to the assumed measures to the conversion of Jewish people in
Russia" (1843, f.y, op.yshche, d.y28).
There are opinions and decisions of the chiefs of provinces,
information about their fulfillment on the following questions: on
the settling of Jews on the particular, landowner's and fiscal earth
(1847-1859 yr, op.2ya9, d."'; 1849, op.y92, d.e0; 1854, op.y9e,
dd.88-89); on the moving out of Jews to 50 versts from the border of
Austria and Prussia (1852, op.2yshch, d.ey); on the limitation of
Jews in the trade - opinion of the chiefs of provinces about the
equation in the rights of Jews with the Christians (1857, op.y9shch,
d.shchya9); on the department of Jews into the special blocks (1856,
op.20e, d.ya"); on the prohibition by them entrance into Moldavia
(1861, op.y"e, d.2ya); on the order of the selections of Jews to the
urban and public posts (1857, op.y9shch, d."0"); on the
subordination of Jews to general control and the destruction of
kagalov (1844, op.yshchya, d.e"; 1845, op.y92, d.90); on the
establishment of commissions for the formation of Jews (op.y92
(1842), of d.e9); on permission to buy to Jews the earth in the
Crimea; on the assignment to the Jew- farmers of the 50- summer
privilege of release from the rekrutskoy duty, about the isolation
of loans to the acquisition of economy, about the establishment in
the Ekaterinoslav province of the colonies of "Israeli Christians",
about the candle and box collections (pub. 248 (1858), dd.2yaye,
2415; op.2ya8 (1843), d.y0shch), the device of hospitals and
almshouses (op.2ya8 (1843), of d.y09; op.y9e (1854), d.yy8; op.2ya8
(1854), d.2'"0; op.y"(1868), d.y2y). Was preserved the information
about a quantity of kagalov, synagogues and Jewish schools in the
edge (op.2yya (1834, d.e), about the collection of donations to the
construction of synagogues and of houses of prayer (1842, op.2ya8,
d.9'), about the establishment in Odessa of Jewish school (op.y90
(1826 g.) d.ya") and handicraft classes in by Novorossisk edge
(op.y9e (1853), d.98).
A number of documents they reflect the process of Jewish
colonization. These are materials about land surveying of the earth
for the device of colonies, application of the Jews of Podolskiy,
Grodnenskoy and Vitebskoy of provinces about the migration into the
Kherson province (1837, op.yya8, d.y; 1838, d.shch; 1840, d.ee,
2728); the information about the desire of merchants to found model
Jewish colony in Bessarabia (1840, op.2yshch, d.y'). There are
permissions of authorities to the delivery of passports for the
entrance from abroad or of migration from other provinces of Russia,
information about the state of Jewish colonies (1841, op.2ya8,
d.2"Рё; 1843, op.2ya8, d.y08, 115), about the Jew- farmers (1859,
op.y', d.y0shch), about the measures for an improvement in control
of the Jewish settlings (1843, op.2ya8, d.yy0), about the
"disorders" in the colonies (1841, op.2ya8, d.89). Materials on the
colonization are concentrated in the fund also on the separate
inventory - "about the Jewish colonies of Novorossisk provinces"
(inventory 2, 1837-1847, 101 matters). This of order and the reports
of the central and local administrative bodies of control about the
outlet of the earth in the Kherson and Ekaterinoslav provinces for
the settling of Jews and device for them of agricultural colonies,
the assignment of fiscal means for the building of the houses of
colonists, the determination of the staff of officials and
supervisors for control of the newly formed settlings. There are
petitions of Jews of Podolskiy, Kurlyandskeye, Vitebsk, Mogilev,
Grodnensk, Kovenskeye and Minsk provinces about the migration into
Novorossiyu, and also applications of some colonists about the
permission by it to return in the previous place of residence, about
the delivery of passports and tickets for the departure to the
In the documents is contained valuable information about the
development of Jewish colonies beaver Kut, greater and small
Nagartav, Seydemenukha, Ingulets, Yefengar, Kamenka, tortuous (Khortitskiy
district), Izrailevka (Bobrinetskiy district), new Berislav, L'vov,
Romanovskoye, Novopoltavka (Kherson district) - statistical
evidence, reports and the review of the officials of the department
of the state asset and other officials about the development of
agriculture and handicraft matter, wine ransom, about a quantity of
inhabitants and the status of the health of population, the device
of training and medical institutions, in particular, in Nagartave,
the passage of some colonists from judaic to orthodox faith,
applications of Jews about their reckoning in farmers, about their
release from the rekrutskoy duty.
Office of the Odessa mayor
f. 2, 1802-1837, 1848-1854, 1856-1917, 20890 matters
The materials of fund are systematized on 16 inventories, comprised
in accordance with the structure of the office: tables capable,
secret, economic, construction, certified, societies and meetings, 1
All-Russian population census. Inside each inventory the matters are
systematized in the chronological order with some retreats.
Materials on the history of Jews do not compose united collection,
but they bear the separate nature and they are included in all
structural parts.
Capable table (inventories 1, 1a, 1b, 4 - ch.2, 1796-1919 yr.)
Orders of mayor about the order of compilation of public sentences,
about the order of conducting, to checking and zasvidetel'stvovanii
of the Jewish metric books, about the establishment of handicraft
classes with the fiscal Jewish schools, about the introduction of
examination for the teachers of Jews, about the Odessa Jewish
Lists about a quantity of Jews in Odessa, kagalov, synagogues and
houses of prayer, information about discovery and activity of
synagogues and of houses of prayer, selections of their officials.
Information about the Odessa rabbis, in such cases to shvabakhere,
doctor of philosophy To krepse.
Information about the commercial houses, the enterprises, the
drugstores and the therapeutic establishments - Abraham rafalovich,
the steamer offices Kossodo, Rappoport et al., particular hospitals
Of gurovich, Polukhera, Meringa and the assertion of the regulations
of the orthopedic institute of Joseph val'tukh in Odessa.
Orders relative to Jewish rites and customs - about the prohibition
since 1851 to the Jews of the carrying of special Jewish clothing,
about the prohibition to appear into the urban police during
subbotniye and authorized days, to arrange wedding festivals on the
streets of Odessa, to woman- jewesses to shave heads, to accomplish
some religious rites not by rabbis.
Matters about the assignment of the right of trade in Russia to Jews
-inostrannopoddannym only to the merchants of the 1st guild, about
the enumeration of Jews into the agricultural title, about the
permission to Jews to open printing houses, in particular, to
merchant aksenfel'd. Permissions to the publication of newspapers
and periodicals, in such cases. "dawn", "gamelits". Information
about the collisions between the Jews and the Christians on the
religious soil, about the activity of London missionaries for the
rotation of Jews into Christianity.
Permissions about the erection of Jews into the honorable
citizenship - I.Gorovitsa, M.Gurovicha, etc.
_ matter about permission found different society - mutual
assistance Jewish salesman, "conversation, mutual assistance Jew,
mutual assistance jewess, Jewish blagotvoritelСЃogo charity
association, society for propagation education between Jew, society
for propagation craft between Jewish woman, mutual assistance Jew,
assistance farmer and craftsman in Syria and Palestine, society for
assistance inverted in Christianity Jew, society care about poor and
homeless Jewish child, society mutual aid merchant agent and
different merchant- Jew, society sanitary colony for treatment and
training weak health study indigent Jewish population Odessa,
society assistance require toiler- Jew Odessa, society for benefit
former pupil commercial school Fa1ga, society care about poor Jewish
population on settlement -Romanovke, society assistance by the
student of the commercial school Of gokhmana, society of working aid
to the requiring themselves Jews of Odessa, society "friendliness"
and other.
Materials about the charitable activities - about the donation
A.Brodskim of house and 50 thousand rubles for the Jewish orphans
and the device of barracks for 30 patients, about the establishment
in the Jewish orphan house of allowance to im.Ashkinazi and of other
nominal allowances, and also of allowance Of rafalovicha in the
Jewish orphan house, the device of house for the aged Jews, the
establishment by the Jews of almshouse, the donation Of l.Ashkinazi
76500 rub to the construction of operating building in the Odessa
Jewish hospital.
Orders concerning the educational institutions, in particular,
school "eshibot", the commercial school of the name Of gurovicha,
school "labor", the musical classes Of plinera, "Talmud- tori", the
dancing classes Of khaimovicha and Krymershmoysa, musical is course
Rafalovicha, bandmaster it is course Kauffmann, drawing is course
Reynbol'da, to the professional school of the practical painting Of
Materials about the establishment into 1875 with the mayor of the
post of scientific Jew and reports of scientific Jews (Genikesa and
of others.)
Secret table (inventory 2, 1820-1912; op.ye, 1874-1910 yr.)
On inventory 2: the matter for search and establishment of
supervision after the persons, suspected of the criminal and
political crimes, on the delivery of evidence about the loyalty.
Lists of political prisoners, materials on the dispatch to the
settling into Siberia and other province. Circular about the
prohibition of voluntary offerings among the Jews by the name
"collection to the Israeli earth". Documents and the protocols of
commission for Jewish problem. Matters about the transfer from
Warsaw to Odessa of the monthly Jewish journal "gaboker-Or", about
the assertion of the program of weekly political- public and
literary Jewish newspaper in the Russian language "love" edited by
Yakov Prilukera.
On inventory 13: the matter of office about the Jewish pogroms in
Odessa in 1905 (dd.e-shch).
Economic table (inventory 3, 1830-1916)
Permissions to the discovery of industrial and commercial
enterprises, information about the state of factories and plants,
commercial houses, application in questions of owner's activity.
Deal about the construction of Odessa Jewish hospital of 1860; on
the sums of box and candle collections and the content of Jewish
schools 1864 about the discovery of the enterprises: Gamsheyem by
Wolf, By b.Rozenbergom - vodka distilleries, by Siegal, by Schechter,
by Vaynberg - factories of water and lemonade, Rafalovichem - the
plant of starch and of solodovareniya, Gurovichem - the factory of
finishing it is pin and the preparation of vinegar, By perel'muterom
- cosmetic institution, by Frenkel - the factory of the preparation
of fraction, dynamic meter Gusevs, By roytblat, b. by goose, by
Barban - cotton factories, Shorshteynom - sheet metal factory,
Brodskim - sugar refinery, by Bronstein - the medovarennogo plant,
etc; on the assertion of plan for the construction of Jewish cold
Sudnyy table (inventory 4, 1828-1914 yr.)
Materials about sale of the immovable properties for the debts,
selection of complaints and claims, spiritual wills and
guardianships, penalty of duties, expulsion of an alien abroad on
the charge in the criminal and political crimes, performance of
judicial sentences, into t.ch.:ob abduction by foreign Jews abroad
of the russkopoddannykh women for the completion in Konstantinopole
of public houses (d.'', 2483); on the delivery to the Jews of metric
evidence; "about the investigation of denunciation about the formed
gang of Jews, which issues the false of passport to the departure
abroad. 1882 g."," on the complaint of the parishioners of Odessa
main synagogue of improper actions of the warden of the synagogue Of
a.Kupervassera on the post "; the alphabets of prisoners; rule for
the activity in Russia of joint-stock Jewish colonization company
and information about its work 7670); "about the meetings of
Zionist- Jews".
Construction committee (inventory 5, 1812-1901 yr.)
Information about the construction of public buildings, the outlet
of the urban earth to private individuals, the activity of urban
architects, in particular, about the service in the post of the
architect of the 5th part of Odessa not the class artist of Joseph
kolovich (drafter Of brodskoy synagogue).
Certified table (inventory 6, 1808-1912 yr.)
Passport, tickets to the entrance into Russia or the departure
beyond its limits for the years 1808-1898 (they were preserved not
completely). Matters to the individual citizens on the reckoning in
Odessa petty bourgeois merchants, on the drive to the oath and the
delivery of evidence to those, who accepted Russian citizenship, to
the delivery of foreign passports, in particular, to
avstriyskopoddannomu rabbi gersh To dannemarku in the passage into
S- Petersburg, Moscow and Kiev. Lists about the foreigners, who
arrived from abroad.
Table of societies and meetings (inventory 7, 1906-1914 yr.)
There are permissions to the establishment, the regulations and the
information about the activity of societies and meetings of g.Odessy.
Are introduced the society of the mutual aid of those been of
handicraft society "labor", the society of assistance to Jew-
farmers and craftsmen in Syria and Palestine, Odessa
territorialistskoye emigratory society, the union of Jewish charity
associations and establishments "central Jewish registration
bureau", the department of Vilenskiy of the charitable Jewish
society Of "gmilus-Khesed", the society of the amateurs of Jewish
language, Jewish public meeting in Odessa, the Jewish society Of "ivriya",
and also different professional societies with the traditionally
high percentage of the participation of Jewish population -
particular agents, brokers, photographers, industrialists, etc.
First All-Russian population census of 1897 (inventory 8, 9, 10)
The sheets of census with 3 thousand addresses were preserved, in
them were registered the surname, name and patronymic of inhabitant,
his age and the place of generation, citizenship, class, formation,
religion, social position, profession, sources of income. (in 1897
the number of Odessa residents, who showed by native language
Jewish, was 124511 man. - 2-4 on the number national group after
Trustee committee about the foreign settlers of the southern edge
of Russia
f. 6, 1800-1873, 14815 matters
In the fund for 9 inventories, in the inventories в„–в„– 1a, 3 and 4
there are divisions on the Jewish table, in the rest the materials
according to the Jews are not isolated as separate complexes.
In the fund were put off the materials on the colonization of
Novorossisk edge, in such cases about the appearance and development
of Jewish colonies in the Ekaterinoslav and Kherson provinces. These
are reports and the list of the supervisors of Jewish colonies,
circumferential orders and shul'tsev about the population, the
welfare of colonies (statistical evidence since 1811), the penalty
of taxes, the delivery of loans, the elections of officers, the
development of agriculture, horticulture, trade; the application of
the Jews of the western provinces of the Russian Empire about the
migration into the newly formed colonies, about their reckoning in
colonists and other classes, about the Jewish schools, about the
fight with the vagabondage of Jew- colonists. Interest they can
represent materials about the realization of government plan with
respect to the involvement of Jews in productive zemledel'chestvo on
the model of the well organized German farmer economies, the
reciprocal effect of Jewish and mennonitskikh colonies - for
example, about the building by mennonitami of houses for the arrived
Jews in the colony To nechayevke, about the designation of wardens
from mennonitov into the Jewish settlings, in particular, David
Hertz into the colony to L'vov, about the migration of mennonitov in
a constant place of residence into the Jewish colonies for the
purpose of the development of there particular production, about the
creation of the mixed settlings (Yudenplan in Khortitse), about the
isolation by mariupol'skimi mennonitami of wheat for the sowing to
Jew- colonists, about the orders by the Jews of agricultural
instruments and seeds in molochanskikh mennonitov, etc.
Odessa urban on the compulsory military service presence
f. 315, 1884-1920, 1022 matters
Materials according to the Jews are not isolated as separate
Lists of reservists and their metric vypisi (beginning from 1884 of
generation), the private affairs of draftees, correspondence on the
postponements of military service.
Odessa urban thought, the Odessa urban setting
ff. 4, 16, 1796-1920, 67818 matters
The Duma and setting knew by economic, financial, construction and
businesses. Jewish department:
f. 4, inventory 107 (1824-1872, 1034 matters)
f. 4, inventory 108 (1884-1895, 120 matters)
f. 16, inventory 109 (1896-1903, 76 matters)
f. 16, inventory 110 (1904-1912, 183 matters)
f. 16, inventory 124, part of 2, p. 399-423 (1870-1920 yr.)
Annual reports of Jewish department. Information about the start of
the arrived in Odessa Jews in petty-bourgeois and merchant class,
the transfer from the class into the class, the restoration in the
class and the exception from the same. Family and personal lists of
Odessa Jew- petty bourgeois, merchants and craftsmen. Lists of Jews
musical spark gaps and shops.
Metric books and the lists of the borne and dead Jews (men), not
registered in Odessa municipal ravvinate, in particular, by that
belonging not to what konfessii. Correspondence on the certification
of metric evidence about the generation, marriage, death and to the
correction of errors in metric records. The decisions of setting
about the establishment of the events of the generation of those,
who do not be registered according to the metric books, and the
alphabetical lists of such citizens. Correspondence on the delivery
of passports, it is specific to the residence, evidence and other
Tax lists of Odessa petty-bourgeois Jewish class. Correspondence and
lists on the rekrutskim collections, on the apportionment of candle
and box collections.
Lists of Jewish schools and materials about their content, in
particular, the report of the member of the setting N.A. Of gantsa
about the delivery in 1919 to the Jewish community of subsidy in the
amount of 3806000 rub to the content of 28 elementary schools. Lists
of Jews, which entered educational institutions.
Information about building and discovery of synagogues and houses of
prayer. Lists of synagogues and houses of prayer and their terms.
Information about the officials of Jewish society - rabbis To
fil'shteyne, Stopchike, Polinkovskom, To shvabakhere, the wardens of
synagogues Abraham -Xasime, To kupervassere, scientific Jew Solomon
To guroviche, etc.
Materials about the donations, the content disabled, charitable
actions, allocation of assets to the content of Jewish hospital,
Jewish cemeteries, shelters. Lists of philanthropists and their
spiritual wills (A.M.Brodskogo, etc.).
Besides the inventories on the Jewish department, funds for 4 and 16
contain additional those 144 comprised on the years of inventory -
on the general office management, the construction and charitable
departments, the public education and the bookkeeping, in which also
there is an information on the history of Jewish community against
the background of townspeople life. The significant interest present
the yearly lists of merchants, who declared capital, to list about
the collection of taxes, materials about the discovery of
commodity-industry enterprises, the outlet of the sections of the
urban earth under the individual building, the participation of
citizens in the urban self-guidance. The comparative analysis of
documents can give idea about the formation, the increase and the
motion of the private capital, formation and development of Jewish
commercial houses, economic state of both the Jewish community as a
whole and its individual representatives. In the fund for setting
was preserved "the periodical of the honorable citizens of Odessa.
1854-1897 ", into which were carried 304 surnames of distinguished
and most authoritative in the Odessa society citizens, in such cases
of 96 Jews and karaites with the members of their families.
Odessa petty-bourgeois setting
f.eshch9, 1828-1919, 200 matters
Jewish department (1894-1918, 44 matters) is represented by the
family lists of the Odessa petty bourgeois- Jews (list it contains
the names of all members of family with the indication of their age
or date of generation, relation to the military service, the
addresses of stay at the moment of the composition of document over
the signature of the head of family).
Odessa municipal magistracy
f. 17, 1795-1839, 162 matters
Magistracy knew by the administrative and judicial matters of Odessa
petty bourgeoisie and merchants. In its office management were put
off the most important and chronologically earliest materials of
economic nature - the information about the delivery of commercial
and estimated evidence, about the assertion of merchant women,
zaprodazhnykh, borrowed letters, introductions into the estate,
about the selection of commercial transactions, bankruptcies,
complaints. There are also lists, lists and correspondence about a
quantity of merchants and petty bourgeois, their properties and
capital, organization it is shop particular applications about the
reckoning into the Odessa merchants and the petty bourgeoisie, in
particular, for the years 1808-1809. - M.Sh.Medyanika, Levi and Aron
pibergod, Solomon and Abel Gershkovichey, Leyby of Krakow,
tsesarskopoddannogo T.G.Kumana, etc. (op.e), Leyby Of balabana,
Abraham bondoni, Gilelya Of manusovicha, Mordko Of moshkovicha,
Mendel Doyberga, Yakuba Lando, Getselya Of fridentalya, Moshi
Mangubi, etc. (op.shch), the information about the individual
citizens, in such cases Jews, added into the Odessa petty
bourgeoisie in 1811-1812.
Documents about the erection of Jews in the post or the suspension
from it are of interest also. In the fund there is an "alphabet
about the Jews" in 1811 (op.e, d.yayashch)
Office of the Odessa police chief
f. 314, 1824-1917, 437 matters
Fund contains reports, reports, correspondence of the officials of
the police about search and detention of the persons, suspected and
accused in the criminal and political crimes; the lists of citizens,
which consist under the supervision of the police, the political
prisoners of Odessa prison, exiled to the hard labor works, the
members of underground organizations, participants in the
revolutionary movement, Jewish pogroms in Odessa. There is
information about the participation of Jews in the revolutionary
movement. The political matters can serve as an example: on the
participation in the preparation of attempt on governor in 1902 of
the members of the party of the terrorists, in number of whom of 30
pupils of school "labor"; on the creation in 1907 by young Jews
headed by leftist Mochmanom - by the workers of the plant of gene -
guard by the name "young will" in contrast the "union of Russian
people" and their participation in the "expropriation" of private
property; on the witnesses on business Of beylisa; on the
establishment By i.A.Trivusom, Ya.Landesmanom, S.Rabinovichem and By
i.B.Smirom of "Odessa Zionist club KADIMA"; on the activity of
"Jewish territorialisticheskoy organization" and its theorist Israel
To zangvile; on supervision after the sect of subbotniks and "zhidovstvuyushchikh"
and others.
Fund is rich in the materials, which tell about the role of Jews in
the criminal peace. From the criminal cases present interest
materials about the activity in Odessa of the criminal groups of
fal'shivomonetnogo and gambling business, sutenerstva, smuggling,
and also of information about the well-known criminals -
international pocket pilferer To moyshe To miroshnike-Irline (Bear-
American), the international souteneurs Isaac Goldstein and the
silverer, the cardsharper Zinof golender in the nickname "Pushkin"
et al.
Elder notary of the Odessa circuit court
f. 35, 1869-1920, 32404 matters
Funds contain the notarial reports about the buying and selling, the
donation, the will of the immovable property and land sections,
given to the estates, agreements about the transactions, concluded
by the notaries of g.Odessy, the Odessa, Anan'evskogo and Tiraspol'
districts of Kherson province. There is, for example, information
about the enterprises Of frola Of shpolyanskogo.
Odessa merchant's court
f. 18, 1808-1920, 5072 matters
Materials on the selection of commercial transactions, the delivery
of estimated evidence, the collection of the commercial duties,
matter for guardianship, commercial insolvency, registration of
commercial institutions in the territory of Odessa mayorship. There
are books of the registration of commercial establishments
(1836-1843), of list about the property and capital of merchants
(1826-1843), investigation and judicial matters for bankruptcies,
promissory note actions, containing valuable information about
activity and state of Jewish commercial houses.
Banker house Of Ashkenazi in Odessa
f. 246, 1893-1918, 5 matters
Materials on establishment and activity of the joint-stock company
of southeastern steam navigation "star" of the banker house Of
ashkenazi. Balances and reports on the operation of steamship
"eastern star" (1906-1916). Statements about the income, which is
subject to taxation by the state income tax (1917-1918).
Odessa municipal ravvinat
f. 39, 1846, 1854, 1875-1920, 499 matters
The metric books about the generation, the marriage, divorce and
death of the Jews Odessa and alphabets to them - base source for the
genealogical studies (documents of ravvinata for the years 1835-1874
they perished in the years of 2-1 world war).
The funds for another konfessiy - Kherson spiritual consistory (f.
37), Evangelical- Lutheran and reform arrivals (ff. 630, 894) -
contain information about the passage of Jews from judaic religion
to Christian, about the marriages of israelites with the
representatives of other religions, about the registration of Jews,
who belong not to what faith.
Cultural-educational SOCIETIES
Committee of the Odessa department of the society of the propagation
of education among the Jews
f. 442, 1880-1881, 36 matters
Regulations of the Odessa department of society, correspondence on
organizational questions also about its activity. Protocols of the
general meetings of the members of society; the application of
students about the rendering by them of material aid, the
determination to the pedagogical work; correspondence with the
Petersburg committee, particular Jewish and other educational
institutions for questions of the organization of enlightenment work
among the Jews, delivery of means to the content of educational
institutions, job placement of teachers, method of donations. Lists
of instructors, members of society; the information about the Jewish
schools of g.Odessy, the libraries of department and their reports.
Brief survey of the activity of Odessa department, estimate of
libraries and museum. Information about the members of the society
Funds for the higher educational institutions of g.Odessy, general
education secondary schools, schools and schools and oranov of their
(about 40 funds)
Tyuey ppozvolyayut to investigate such questions as shaping of
intellectual layer in the Jewish medium, level of the education of
Jews, their contribution to the cultural and scientific life of
city. Thus, in the materials Of rishel'evskogo face (f. 44,
1817-1865, 3262 matters) are considerable valuable information about
trained in this Odessa's first higher educational institution Jews.
Created on the base of face in 1865. Novorossisk university (f. 45,
1865-1920, 44688 matters), only in the south of the Ukraine, played
large role in the making of a Jewish intelligentsia Of novorossii.
In kon.KhyKh- of nach.KhKh of substances the Jews composed
significant layer among the students of Odessa. The private affairs
of students - remarkable historical source, which makes possible for
researcher to personify epoch. The matter contains, as a rule,
application about the method into the educational institution and
the release at its end, copy of metric evidence about the
generation, the secondary school graduation certificate, information
about the behavior and progress, photograph of student. In
kon.Kh.IKh - nach.KhKh of substances in by Novorossisk university
were trained many representatives of well-known Jewish families.
In the fund for Odessa highest female it is course (f.eeya,
1906-1920, 11321 matters) numerous information about the jewess-
girl students.
Odessa Jewish School "Of Talmud- Thor"
f. 441, 1891-1906, 13 matters
Correspondence with the Odessa urban setting on organizational and
economic questions. Circulars and the order of the inspector of
people schools for training- organizational and financial-economic
questions. Information about the composition of the trustee council
of school, the rules of the internal regulation (d.y0); application
about the delivery of benefits being required. List of students.
Odessa 6- Class School Of efrussi
f. 125, 1898-1901, 714 matters
Minutes of the meeting of pedagogical council. General and
examination lists about the successes, the behavior, the diligence
and the abilities of students. Circular orders of the trustee of
Odessa training region about the designation of teachers and their
rewarding, about the grant-aided students. Lists of those entering,
students and external students. Class, table and object periodicals.
Curricula (op.y, d.ya').
the Receipt- cashbox books of payment for the instruction and the
income- expense books. Photographic cards of external students (op.y,
d.'y; op.2, d.eya), information and the certification of external
students (op.2, d.28). The private affairs of students (op.e, 607
In the funds for administativnykh control elements 1930- X yr.
(councils, their executive committees and the subordinate structures
of all levels) - the information about the nationalization of
property in well-off citizens, the dekulakization. The materials of
the inspectorates of public education (ff. 150, 134, 1919-1930, 2201
matters) tell about the activity of Jewish sections, schools,
libraries, the creation in Odessa of the unique museum of Jewish
The documents of the independent funds for Jewish public
organizations, educational institutions and political parties
reflect many aspects of the state national policy of
post-revolutionary period with respect to the poorest part of the
Jewish population - creation of Jewish national regions, collective
farms and agricultural comradeships, the organization of the system
of the national educational institutions, cultural societies for the
Jews, the activity of international organizations for rendering aid
to the victims of pogroms in the period of Civil War in the Ukraine
and starving, migration into Birobidzhan, departure of Jews into
Palestine, activity of youth associations.
Funds for the establishments of the period of the temporary
German- Rumanian occupation
887 funds, 1941-1944.
The materials of the organs of authority and control, created with
German- Rumanian authorities in the temporarily occupied territory
of Odessa and Odessa region give idea about the catastrophe of
Jewish people in period 2- of world war. The documents of boards,
pretur, prefectures, working communities, enterprises and
establishments contain information about the creation of the network
of concentration camps and ghetto in the newly formed governorship
Of transnistrii and concentration in them of Jewish population,
about rendering aid concluded Rumanian Jewish communities. There are
numerous lists of those, who were being located in the ghetto. By
the colleagues of archive is created the alphabetical nominal card
index of victims and indicator about the presence of lists on 139
ghetto Of transnistrii (Mogilev, Bershad', Berezovka, Kameneq-
Podolskiy, Obodovka, Domanevka, etc.). Since 1990 archive gave out
sv.yshch of thousand of information to citizens about the
confirmation of their stay in the ghetto within the framework of the
implementation of international programs on the compensation for the
substituted to them damage. The demands of these citizens also can
be examined as the significant historical source, since the detailed
descriptions of tragic events, morale of the prisoners of ghetto,
fates of concrete people are contained in many.