Banyliv-Pidhirnyi, Ukraine

Alternate names: Banyliv-Pidhirnyi [Rus], Banila pe Seret [Rom], Banila am Sereth [Ger], Banyliv-Pidhirnyj [Ukr],
Banilla Moldawska [Pol], Banila, Mold Banila, Moldavskiy Banyliv-Pidhirnyi, Moldauish-Banilya

Region: Bukovina

Coordinates: 48° 05' N, 25° 29' E  Storozhynetz/Banyliv-Pidhirnyi Area

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Compiled by Baruch Eylon

Updated: January, 2016

Copyright © 2016 Baruch Eylon

Webpage Design by Baruch Eylon

More about Banyliv-Pidhirnyi

(Translated from the introduction page of the World Organization of Bukovina Jews website - see The Holocaust of the Jews of North Bukovina to the book "The Holocaust of Northern Bukovina Jews")

Banyliv-Pidhirnyi is located in Northern Bukovina and its Jews suffered and were deported to Transnistria like the other Bukovina Jews.
The book (in Hebrew) "The Holocaust of the Jews of North Bukovina", edited by Mr. Dov Shai, (See The Holocaust of the Jews of North Bukovina) includes many testimonies that were written by North Bukovina Jews, survivors of the fascist Nazi inferno, and is an authentic document that testifies to the brutality of the soldiers and the local population.

The testimonies focus on the months July - October and brought as said by the witnesses, translated from Yiddish, German, Romanian, Russian and English.

Many testimonies in the book describe the terrible suffering of the deportees to Transnistria: the death marches through Bessarabia, under the hot sun, without water, in rain and snow, for weeks and months; Abuse and humiliation by gendarmes, looting and rape, throwing the unfortunate into the Dniester River, imprisonment of the survivors in ghettos, death, caused by gunfire, hunger, cold, exhaustion and disease. Less than a third have survived the inferno and and remained with broken hearts and traumatized for life.

Most of the survivors came to Israel, participated in the construction of Israel, raised families in Israel and continued the dynasty of living of our people. We are commanded to remember and never forget.

In Banyliv-Pidhirnyi there are 4 Jewish cemeteries. See in JewishGen:

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