Compilation of Memories (Memoirs)
Part 25

Decision to Publish Yiskor Book on Zablotow

On Saturday evening, December 8, 1945, about 60 people got together from Zablotov, in the hall of Davar on Rechov Shenkin, to memorialize those 1,200 men, women and children who fell in 1942. I and Mr. M. Hanish were chosen to be chairmen of the gathering and the writer G. Kressel was the secretary. I had the fate to eulogize and recall the holy and important men of our town. For about half an hour, I described the important Tsadikim beginning with the Chief Rabbi, R’David Hager זצל and included other rabbis, R’Abraham and R’Chaim זל , who were among those killed, as well as the important men and women from several generations and their deeds. The Chazzan prayed “El Malei” and I said Kaddish. Three Zablotov survivors managed to come to Eretz Israel. They described as witnesses how people were killed, strangled and buried alive by the murdering Nazis, Poles and Ukrainians. At the meeting, we decided to put up a tombstone to the town and its people. We were also going to print a memorial anthology of all the above people, beginning from the first generation until the fifth generation that disappeared. A committee of five was chosen to accumulate material to be printed. Hanish, Kressel and I were among those chosen.

(Pages 148/149)

(Note* This is the book of עיר ומתים-זבלוטוב המלאה והחרבה (“A City and the Dead; Zablotov Alive and Destroyed”—published 1949) (Book available on line and in Yad V’Shem)

Content last updated Wednesday, March 13, 2013 at 11:10 PM US Eastern Daylight Time

Zabolotiv, Ukraine

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Compiled by Ruth and David Keusch
Updated March 2013
Copyright © 2013 Ruth and David Keusch
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