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Kolonja Izaaka
The Salomon Salit Study

Kolonja Izaaka is unique among the many Jewish agricultural colonies of its time in that it was the subject of contemporary academic documentation.

Salomon Salit was a young Jewish student of agrarian economics at the University of Warsaw. Salit set about to study the economics of the Jewish colonies, and chose Kolonja Izaaka as his case study. Although he was primarily interested in agriculture, training and economic matters, Salit also detailed the passing of each Jewish-owned land parcel from generation to generation, naming many of the family members (alas, only the men), and he wrote a sketch of life on Kolonja Izaaka as he observed it.

It is unknown whether Salit had personal or family ties in Kolonja Izaaka, and we don't know what fate he met during the Shoah. However, his contribution is inestimable. By studying the place and publishing his dissertation, he inadvertently created what is, in effect, the Yizkor Book of Kolonja Izaaka.

Click here to read Salit's description of the family-by-family ownership and inheritance of farm parcels.

Click here to read Salit's description of daily life in Kolonja Izaaka.
Salit Book - Cover

Salit's book, Kolonja Izaaka: Wies Powiatu Sokolskiego, was fully digitized by the Podlaska Digital Library. Click to download it now. The document is approximately 25 MB in size.

Copyright © 2008 Irwin Keller