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Ukrainian Town


(Hamelitz 1864; Oct.8)


Noted men united together until there were collected forty-five households; their corner-stone was the noble Mr.Elyakim Korenblit; and on the 15th of September 1863 they completed the work of the Beit Midrash.


(Hamelitz 1889; August 12)


A list of donations for the victims of a fire in the city of Ostroah, includes the renowned Elyakim Kornblit and`M.Luban - one ruble. The latter was KHAIM-MOSHE Luban, a son-in-law of Rabbi PINKHAS Komesaroff).



On Friday before the Sabbath of the portion Shoftim, the 3rdof Elul, returned his pure soul to G-d, the noble and elderly teacher of the people, the distinguished, the outstanding Rabbi Elyakin son of Zeev Kornblit of blessed and sainted memory, in the seventieth year of his life.

Eliyahu Leibinson.

Shokhet of the above colony.



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Research Contact: Chaim Freedman
This page maintained by Max Heffler
Updated Thursday March 07 2024. Copyright © 1999 [Jewish Agricultural Colonies of the Ukraine]. All rights reserved.



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