
The mass grave at Stasino, just outside the city of Stolin.
photographer: Olga Kostuk, June 2011
In Stolin and in the places where Stoliners settled, memorials were established to remember fallen family members and neighbors.
The first monuments were erected by the Soviet Union and characterized the victims solely as Soviet citizens. The establishment of these memorials should be recognized for honor that they bestowed upon the fallen, however they overlooked the reason why our families were sought out by their executioners.
Later memorials established in Stolin, New York, Montreal and Holon as well as the inscriptions at Yad Vashem and Eshtaol Martyrs’ Forest recognize the fact that the victims of Nazi war crimes that were executed and buried en masse at Stasino were Jews, targeted for no other reason than their ethnic background. These memorials declare that the Jews of Stolin will not be forgotten.