1877 Seta Box Tax List
This document comes from the Kaunas Archives. Its photocopy and translation cost was paid for by members of the Seta Shtetl Research Group. The fine job of translation from the Cyrillic was done by Yuri Scherbina of Los Angeles.
- GELF Movsha son of Vulf, 1 member of the family
- MEDINTS Abram son of Kadysh, 3 male and 3 female members of the family
- KRAVETS Vulf son of Shlioma, 2 male members and 1 female member of the family
- LEYBOVICH Iosel, 2 male members and 3 female members of the family
- AYZYKOVICH Leyb Vulf son of Nokhim
- AYZYKOVICH - GADIE Abram Berko son of Peysakh
- VILK Abram Girsh son of Iosel
- ITSEKZON Abram Iudel son of Todres
- TUBER Abram Meer son of Iokhel
- BUKANTS Abel son of Meer
- FAYNBERG Abel David son of Girsh
- BARKLAN Orel son of David
- GIDUT Abram son of Chaim
- VILON Abram son of Movsha
- GURVICH Abram son of Israel
- YUDELEVICH Abram son of Nosil
- LEVIN Ayzyk son of Mortkhel
- GURVICH Ariel son of Mortkhel
- LOPIANSKY Aron son of Yankel
- VALDER Aron son of Itsek
- VOLK Aron son of Itsek
- GADIE Aron son of Vulf
- KAMBER Abram son of Itsek
- PAGELOVICH Abram Itsyk son of Meer
- SHAKHMAN Abram Itsyk son of Mendel
- CHAIT Abram Gershon son of Shimel
- DON Abram son of Elyash Getzel
- BOYER Abel Girsha son of Shimel
- KLOTS Abram son of Fishel
- KAN Abram son of Yankel
- MEDINTS Abram son of Shimel
- KURLIANCHIK Azriel son of Orel
- GOLDSHTEYN Abram Fayvysh son of Gershon
- VILK Abram son of Elyash
- SHUSTER Abram son of Movsha Girsh
- VILON Abram son of Movsha (listed twice see # 10)
- LEVIN Ariy Movsha son of Shlioma
- VERBLIUNSKY Ayzyk Iosel son of Iudel
- ZAK Abram son of Israel
- SHIMELOVICH Abel David son of Yankel
- FAYNBERG Abram Itsyk son of Israel
- KATZ Abel Mendel son of Mendel
- GADIE Abram son of Peysakh
- GADIE - ROZENBERG Berko son of Shender
- GURVICH Berko son of Abram
- PRAYSKEL Borukh son of Movsha
- FAYNBERG Berko son of David
- KURLIANCHIK Borukh son of Itsek
- FISH Berel Itsek son of Borukh
- KAPUL Berel son of Nokhim
- PRAYS Berel son of Nokhim
- VAYN Benjamin Yankel son of Meer Chaim
- TUBER Berel son of Israel
- VILK Berel son of Abram
- GRAS Bentzel son of Ovsey
- MARKUNSKY Berel Abram son of David
- GOLDBLAT Benjamin son of Elyash
- GOLDBLAT Ber son of Nokhim
- BUKANTS Berko son of Sholom
- KLOTS Benjamin son of David
- MARKUNSKY Berko son of Ayzyk
- TUL Borukh Iudel son of Vulf
- TUBER Berel son of Yankel
- LEVIN Berko son of Mortkhel
- GLIK Bentzel son of Movsha
- KURLIANDCHIK Vulf son of Itsek
- GELF Vulf son of Abram
- KLOTS Vulf Efroim son of Mendel
- MELTSER Vulf son of Leyb
- BETEN Vulf son of Mortkhel
- GLIK Vulf son of Shimel
- BOYER Vulf son of Iosel
- ITSKOVICH Gershon Leyzer son of Itsek
- FISH Girsha son of Berko
- TSALELOVICH Gabriel Abram son of Kivel Mortkhel
- ITSKOVICH Girsha son of Iosel
- SHOLOMOVICH Girsha Leyzer son of Notel
- GOLDSHTIK Girsha son of Elyash
- GARUN Girsha Iosel son of Itsyk
- MAYLER Girsha son of Fayvysh
- KURLIANDCHIK Gershon son of Orel
- KURLIANDCHIK Girsha son of Leyba
- KURLINDCHIK Getzel Rubin son of Abram
- BEDER Girsh Benjamin son of Shimel
- SHAM Girsha Yankel son of Iudel Gershon
- PLANKER Iosel son of Gershon
- MELTSER Girsh son of Yankel
- GRIN Girsha Ovsey son of Aron
- GROYSHMAN Gershon son of Abram
- KAN Gdaly son of Leyba
- GUTMAN Girsha son of Leyba
- LIURIY Girsha son of Shaya
- GROYSHMAN Girsha Yankel son of Mortko
- ITSKOVICH Girsh son of Zelik
- SHNAYD Gershon Zavel son of Rubin
- GOLDSHMID Gershon son of Nokhim
- LIURIY Girsha son of Shaya
- KURLIANDCHIK Girsha Yankel son of Mishel
- GURLIAND Girsha son of Mortkhel
- KROKHMALNIK Girsh son of Yankel Movsha
- SHMID Genakh Leyba son of Iosel
- SHNAYDER Girsha son of Elyash
- GRAS Gershon son of Yankel
- KANTOR Gershon son of Movsha
- KURLIANDCHIK David Misel son of Vulf
- BIN David son of Leyba
- KURLIANDCHIK David Leyba son of Yankel
- FISH David son of Berk
- BLAKHER David Abram son of Rafal
- SHUSTER David son of Mikhel
- MILNER David Ber son of Meer
- SHUSTER David son of Itsek
- KLOTS David son of Mendel
- BOYER Elyash son of Mendel
- STROM Elyash son of Osher
- NAMENUNTS Elyash son of Movsha
- PRAYSKEL Efroim son of Borukh
- LEVIN Elyash son of Borukh
- GIDUT Elyash son of Abram
- DON Elyash Bentzel son of Abram
- LEVIN Elyash Yankel son of Borukh Israel
- ZELIKOVICH Elyash son of Yankel Leyb
- GOLDBLAT Elyash son of Chaim (Leyba)
- SHER Elyash son of Pinkhas
- PAGIRSKY Erukhim son of Elyash
- KORABELNIK Ekel son of Berk
- VILK Elyash son of Mortkhel
- VILK Elyash son of Abram
- PAGELOVICH Elyash son of Zelik
- VITKIN Ekel son of Ovsey
- MELAMED Efroim son of Israel
- LAN Ekel son of Leyba
- KAN Elyash son of Mikhel
- LEVIN Elyash Girsha son of Vulf
- NAMENUNTS Elyash son of David
- ITSKOVICH Zelman son of Gershon
- REZ Zundel son of Leyba
- STROM Zelik son of David
- SHAKHMAN Zusman Abram son of Mendel
- KARP - GARUN Zelik Tsalel son of Yankel
- PRAYSKEL Zusman Shmuylo son of Naftel
- STROM Zelik son of Iosel
- MORT Zelik son of Iosel (possibly MORDEL)
- KORABELNIK Zundel son of Iosel
- KIRPICHNIK Zelik son of Yankel
- KURLIANDCHIK Itsek son of Mishel
- KURLIANDCHIK Itsyk son of Shimel
- BUKANTS Itsyk Abel son of Meer
- CHAIMOVICH Itsyk Zusman son of Iosel
- ZIV Itsyk son of Iosel
- GLEZER Itsyk Leyba son of Israel
- KERMALOVSKY Itsyk Shimel son of Chaim
- KURLIANDCHIK Itsyk son of Gershon
- GLEZER Israel son of Leyba
- MEDINTS Itsyk son of Elyash
- BETEN Itsyk son of Pinkhas
- ZALTZMAN Itsyk Mikhel son of Iosel
- VOLK Itsyk son of Leyba
- LEVIN Itsyk son of Vulf
- BEDER Israel son of Girsh
- PAGELOVICH Itsyk son of Movsha
- SHAMESH Israel Nakhman son of Mortkhel
- SHAPIRO Israel son of Movsha
- POSLAV Itsyk son of Movsha
- SHMIDT Itsyk Yankel son of Ovsey
- REZ Itsyk son of Leyba Movsha
- SHAKHMAN Itsyk son of Iosel
- PRAYSKEL Itsyk son of Aria
- SHNAYD Itsyk son of Gershon
- STROM Itsyk son of Zelik
- GRINBARG Itel son of Leyba
- ZALTZMAN Itsyk son of Iosel
- KULVIANSKY Israel son of Orel
- KANTOR Israel Iosel son of Movsha
- CHAIT Israel Rubin son of Orel
- GLIK Itsyk Iosel son of Elyash
- KAGAN Iosel son of Mortkhel
- KURLIANDCHIK Iosel son of Shimel
- VILK Iosel Elyash son of Abram
- SHLOS Iosel Elyash son of Borukh
- CHAIMOVICH Iosel Itsyk son of Girsh
- VILK Iosel son of Elyash
- LAPIN Iosel son of Mortkhel
- KOPELOVICH Iosel son of Israel
- MEYEROVICH Iovnash Girsh son of Abram
- MORDEL Iosel son of Ferk (should be Berk)
- KANTOR Iosel son of Iovnash
- KANTOR Iovnash son of Meer
- PRAYSKEL Iovnash son of Nosel
- TREGER Iosel son of Lipman
- YUDELEVICH Iosel son of Nosel
- BLAKHER Iosel son of Mordukh
- TREGER Iosel Girsh son of Lipman
- LAN Iosel son of Abel
- BEDER Iosel son of Girsh
- ZIV Iovel son of Iudel
- SHMID Iosel son of Tankhel
- TUVIASH Iosel Meer son of Movsha
- POSLAV Iovnash Girsh son of Chaim
- ROZENBERG Iokhel son of Hatskel
- SHOLOK Iosel son of Leyba
- MELAMED Iosel Rubin son of Chaim
- BEKER Iovnash son of Abel
- FURMAN Iosel son of Shaya
- SHMIDT Iosel son of Nosel
- ZALTZMAN Iosel Leyzer son of Itsek
- SHMIDT Iosel son of Israel
- KORABELNIK Iosel son of Meer
- KORABELNIK Iosel son of Hatskel
- TUBER Iokhel son of Israel
- MAYLER Iosel son of Gershon
- TSIRULNIK Iosel son of Girsh
- KLOTS Iosel son of Israel
- GOLD Iosel son of Elyash
- ZALKIND Kolef son of Benjamin
- GLANS Kopel son of Shepshel
- STROM Kasriel son of Movsha
- LIURIY Kalman son of Shlioma
- BOYER Kolef son of Berk
- STROM Kasriel son of Movsha
- MONASHEVICH Leyzer son of Itsyk
- RAP / RIP Leyba son of Itsek
- MORDEL Leyba Berko son of Notel Yankel
- MONASH Leyba son of Itsek
- MORDEL Leyzer Leyba son of Meer Shmerko
- BIN Leyba son of Shebsel
- VAYNSHTEYN Liberman Chaim son of Shimel
- SHMIDT Leyba son of Chaim
- LEVIN Leyzer Itsek son of Vulf
- ZIV Leyba Osher son of Iosel Leyzer
- LEVIN Leyba son of Leyzer
- KURLIANDCHIK Leyzer Yankel son of Shmerk
- GORODETS Leyzer son of Vulf
- LAPIN Leyba son of Mortkhel
- GROYSH Lipman son of Bentsel
- ABELSKY Leyba son of Shmerk
- LOP Leyba Girsha son of Beynash
- KAN Leyba son of Leyzer
- GRAS Leyba Vulf son of Mortkhel
- ZAMDFIRER Leyba son of Abram
- STROM Leyba son of Girsha
- SHUSTER Leyba Vulf son of Nisel
- SHUSTER Leyba son of Mortkhel Efroim
- PIK Leyba son of Borukh
- LOPIANSKY Leyba son of Orel
- STROM Mortkhel son of Movsha
- GOLDBERG Movsha Tsodyk son of Gesel
- KAPLAN Mortkhel son of Shmuel Shmerk
- PRAYSKEL Mortkhel son of Naftel
- GURVICH Mortkhel son of Zelman Berko
- MAYZLIN Mortkhel son of Abram
- TUBER Meer son of Iosel Iudel
- GRIN Mortkhel son of Berk
- SHIRVIDZKY Mortkhel Chaim son of Iokhel
- LIURIY Movsha son of Israel
- KURLIANDCHIK Mortkhel Shmerel son of Itsek
- GOLDSHTEYN Meer Itsyk son of Gesel
- BUKANTS Meer son of Itsyk
- REZ Mikhel son of Elyash
- STROM Movsha David son of Mortkhel
- TSON Mortkhel Chaim son of Elyash
- STOLIAR Meer son of Girsh
- FAYN Meer Chaim son of Abram Girsh
- HATSKELEVICH Movsha Mortkhel son of Fishel
- BARAN Mikhel Elyash son of Gershon
- KLOTS Movsha Chaim son of Itsek
- LEVIN Movsha Ariy son of Shlioma Leyb
- MELTSER Movsha son of Itsek
- GOLDSHMID Mikhel Iosel son of Meer
- MARKUNSKY Movsha Berko son of Itsek
- STROM Movsha Pinkhas son of Girsha
- KURLIANDCHIK Meer Leyba son of Itsek
- SHOLOMOVICH Movsha son of Tzemakh Notel
- MEDINTS Movsha son of Elyash
- ABELSKY Movsha David son of Shmerko
- TAUBER Meer son of Iudel
- RAGOLSKY Movsha Israel son of Shmuilo
- KURLIANDCHIK Meer son of Itsek
- FUNK Mortkhel son of Vulf
- BUKANTS Marvil Leyba son of Sholom
- LEVIN Movsha son of Shlioma
- BETEN Mortkhel son of Iovnash Itsyk
- KAPLAN Mendel son of Mortkhel
- KULVIANSKY Mendel son of Girsh
- PRAYSKEL Movsha son of Nosel
- PAGELOVICH Meer son of Sholom Zelik
- TREGER Movsha Shimel son of Lipman
- LAN Meer son of Kivel
- WOLF Movsha Aron son of Hatskel
- PAGELOVICH Movsha son of Meer
- ZIV Movsha son of Shaya
- KAPLAN Mortkhel son of Shmerk
- SHAMESH Mortkhel son of Movsha
- ZIV Meer Vulf son of Nisel
- KORABELNIK Movsha Leyba son of Iosel
- STROM Movsha David son of Kafel
- LAN Mortkhel Kopel son of Chaim
- TUBER Mortkhel son of Abram Meer
- KLOTS Mendel son of Fishel
- KAN Movsha son of Yankel
- BREYDE Mortkhel Vulf son of Iosel
- KANTOR Movsha Vulf son of Iovnash
- KAPLAN Mortkhel son of Israel
- SHAMESH Movsha Itsyk son of Iosel
- KATZ Mendel son of Benjamin
- PIK Movsha son of Borukh
- VILK Mikhel son of Peysakh
- KAN Movsha Iosel son of Leyzer
- ZILBERMAN Movsha Aron son of Itsyk
- MILNER Movsha son of Borukh
- RABIN Movsha Itsyk son of Shlioma
- FISH Mortkhel son of Tzemakh
- LIURIY Movsha David son of Itsek
- BLAKHER Movsha son of Mikhel
- LEVIN Movsha Itsyk son of Yankel
- GADIE - FISH Mortkhel son of Abram Berk
- GADIE - FISH Mendel son of Berk
- GADIE Nosel son of Vulf
- PERELMAN Naftel Berko son of Borukh
- MORDEL Notel Yankel son of Berk
- BIN Noakh son of Shabsel
- TUBER Nokhim Berko son of Abram Meer
- ZELIKOVICH Nokhim Tsodyk son of Itsek
- MONGIN Notel son of Movsha
- YAUV /ZUV Nosel son of Girsh (probably ZIV)
- GOLDSHMID Nakhemie son of Meer
- BUKANTS Noakh son of Nisel
- SHOLOMOVICH Notel son of Berk
- ROTENBERG Nokhim son of Movsha
- KURLIANDCHIK Nosel son of Shmerk
- REYTBLAT Nokhim Yankel son of Vulf
- VILK Mendel son of Iosel
- KURLIANDCHIK Notel Girsh son of Shmerk
- DOMB Nokhim son of Liberman
- GOLDSHMID Naftel son of Meer
- MEDINTS Noakh son of Shimel
- CHAIT Nisel son of Yankel
- MONGIN Notel son of Movsha (listed twice see # 322)
- BUZH Ovsey Borukh son of Mortkhel
- SHMIDT Ovsey son of Mortkhel
- PLUNGIANSKY Ovsey David son of Nisel
- KAN Ovsey son of Lazer
- VILK Ovsey son of Iosel
- KLOTS Orel Leyba son of Israel
- SHMIDT Ovsey son of Elyash
- GORDON Osher Yuda son of Shoul
- MELTSER Orel son of Yankel
- KARP Ovsey Zelik son of Abel
- SHAPTISHSKY Orel son of Girsh
- GORODETS Orel son of Fayvysh
- MINTS Orel son of Leyzer
- BARAN Osher Leyba son of Shevel
- PRAYSKEL Orel son of Zusman
- KAPLAN Peysakh son of Girsh
- UZVOLOK Peysakh Efroim son of Abram Tubiash
- SHMIDT Peysakh Iosel son of Ovsey
- SHAKHMAN Peysakh son of Iosel
- KURLIANDCHIK Peysakh son of Iudel
- MARKUNSKY Peysakh Israel son of Movsha Berk
- BEDER Rakhmiel son of Girsh
- BLAKHER Rubin Elyash son of Itsyk
- GRADMAN Rubin son of Movsha
- TUBIASH Rubin son of Movsha
- SHOLOMOVICH Rubin son of Notel Berk
- PAGIRSKY Rubin son of Bentzel
- SHMIDT Tankhel son of Iudel
- TUBER Tubiash Yankel son of Iokhel
- KAPUL Tubiash son of Berk
- VILK Tubiash son of Ghilel
- MAYLER Fayvush son of Girsh
- ZILBER Fayvush son of Abram
- TUBER Fayvush son of Girsh
- KLOTS Fishel son of Mendel
- GROYSH Fishel son of Leyba
- BETEN Hatskel Shlioma son of Abram Itsek
- HATZKELEVICH Hatskel son of Iosel
- MELAMED Chaim Israel son of Abram
- BETEN Chaim son of Mortkhel
- KANGISHER Chaim Movsha son of Iudel
- PUN Chaim Shimel son of Yankel
- GIDUT Chaim son of Abram
- VOLF Chaim son of Tubiash
- PIK Chaim Movsha son of Ayzyk
- SHNAYD Chaim son of Girsh
- SHMIDT Chaim son of Abel
- VILK Chaim son of Itsek
- ZAK Hatskel son of Iokhel
- MORDEL Chaim son of Fayvysh
- GRINBARG Chaim son of Leyba
- KROKHMALNIK Chaim Itsyk son of Iosel
- TROYB Chaim Leyba son of Girsh
- PIK Chaim Leyba son of Girsh
- STROM Chaim son of Meshel (Movsha)
- TSALELEVICH Tsalel Elyash son of Gabriel Mortkhel
- SHOLOMOVICH Tzemakh Notel son of Berko
- MORDEL Tsalel son of Iovel
- BANSHCHIK Tsodyk son of Chaim
- SHNAYD Tsodyk son of Shebshel
- MELTSER Shmuylo Elyash son of Gershon
- GADIE - ROZENBERG Shender son of Getzel
- LIURIY Shaya son of Kalman
- BUKANTS Shlioma son of Nisel
- BARAN Shimel Nisel son of Monash
- LEVITAN Shmuylo son of Abram
- KLOTS Sholom Mendel son of Iosel
- LIB Shlioma Leyba son of Gershon
- KURLIANDCHIK Shmerel son of Itsek
- BUKANTS Shmuyla son of Mortkhel
- CHAIT Shimon Leyzer son of Movsha
- BEDER Shimel son of Girsh Benjamin
- KURLIANDCHIK Shmuylo son of David
- KAN Shimel Yankel son of Leyba
- SHMIDT Shmuylo Chaim son of Abram
- UZVOLOK Shmuylo son of Fayvysh Berk
- GURVICH Shlioma Zelman son of Berk
- KROKHMALNIK Shmuyla son of Yankel
- VILK Sholem son of Menkhel
- BOYER Shaya Yankel son of Itsyk Mendel
- ZIV Shmerel Leyba son of Osher
- TUL Shmuilo son of Vulf
- ISRAELEVICH Shmuilo Zundel son of Itsek
- LEVITAN Shmuilo son of Chaim
- KAPLAN Sholom Ovsey son of Mortkhel
- ZINAN Shaya son of Borukh
- KURLIANDCHIK Shmuilo Itsyk son of Abram
- LAN Shimel son of Abel
- OVSEYEVICH Shmuilo Abram son of Zelik
- BIN Shebshel son of Nokhim
- BOYER Shmuilo son of Mendel
- PAGIRSKY Shimon son of Erukhim
- WOLF Shmuilo son of Tevel
- RABIN Shmuilo son of Meer Mikhel (should be RABINOVICH)
- POLEP Shlioma Ghilel son of Iudel
- SHMIDT Shmuilo son of Israel
- ITSKOVICH Shimel Elyash son of Girshel
- AYNBINDER Shaya son of Abel
- TREGER Shimel son of Meer
- KIRPICHNIK Shanel son of Itsek
- MEDINTS Shimel son of Abram
- BOYER Shimel son of Abram
- VILK Sholem Shakhno son of Mikhel
- BANSHCHIK Shmuilo son of Chaim
- KURLIANDCHIK Shmerel son of Shmerk
- KAPLAN Shmuilo son of Leyba
- CHAIT Shmuilo son of Nisel
- BRAVERMAN Shmuilo son of Fishel
- GLIK Shimel son of Iosel
- MELTSER Shebel son of Leyzer
- ZIV Iudel son of Movsha
- ZAK Iudel son of Abram Zelman
- TUL Iudel son of Vulf
- BLAKHER Iudel Mortkhel son of Genakh
- BETEN Iudel son of Zusman
- GOLDBLAT Iudel Zelik son of Berk
- UZVOLOK Iudel son of Abram Tuviash
- BOYER Iudel son of Iosel
- PUN Yankel son of Pinkhas
- KURLIANDCHIK Yankel son of Peysakh
- BARAN Yankel son of Shevel
- GROYSHMAN Yankel Girsh son of Mortkhel
- GURVICH Yankel Kopel son of Azriel Gesel
- VITKIN Yankel son of Shaya
- ZELIKOVICH Yankel Leyba son of Itsek
- KARP Yankel son of Iudel
- PAGELOVICH Yankel son of Movsha
- TSIGELNIK Yankel son of Berk
- SHMIDT Yankel son of Pinkhas
- LEYBOVICH Yankel son of Movsha
- TURCHIN Yankel son of Hatskel
- SHNAYD Yankel Leyba son of Nokhim
- LEVIN Yankel son of Mortkhel
- KLOTS Yankel David son of Mendel
- TIGER Yankel son of Nokhim
- LEVIN Yankel son of Abram
- TAYTS Yakob Leyzer son of Shaya
- BARKLAN Yankel son of Movsha
- KROKHMALNIK Yankel son of Movsha
- PRAYSKEL Yankel Berka son of Leyba Iudel
- LEVITAN Benjamin son of Shmuilo
- KURLINDCHIK Zelman Meylakh son of Iovel
- SHMIDT Israel son of Iokhel
- ZIV Meer son of Movsha
- STOLIAR Movsha son of Iudel
- REZ Elyash Monas son of Miskhel
- YANKELOVICH Israel Iudel son of Leyba
- SHOR Itsyk Yankel son of Pinkhas
- LEVIN Movsha Itsyk son of Yankel
- SHMIDT Mendel son of Berk
- PAGELOVICH Itsyk son of Movsha
- PAGELOVICH Movsha son of Meer
- LEVIN Leyba son of Leyzer
- SHMIDT Iosel son of Israel
- SHMIDT Shmuylo son of Israel
- MELTSER Shabel son of Leyzer
- MELTSER Shmuylo Kalman son of Leyzer
- SHAKHMAN Zisel Leyba son of Mendel
- TAYTS Leyba son of Girsh
- LEVIN Girsh son of Abram
- SHMIDT Peysakh son of Ovsey
- BETEN Mortkhel Vulf son of Itsyk
- GORDON Leyzer Itsyk son of Vulf
- KURLIANDCHIK Movsha son of Berk
- GURLIAND Abram son of Beynash
- KAGAN Movsha son of Gershon Iudel
- LIKHTENSHTEYN Naftel son of Israel
- PAGELOVICH Meer son of Zelik
- RAGOLSKY Naftel son of Shmuilo
- KURLIANDCHIK Shmerel son of Iosel, houseowner
- his son Nosel Girsh
- ROZENBERG Shmuilo son of Shender
- YALBERG Movsha Tsodek son of Gesel Iosel
- KURLINDCHIK Iosel son of Shimel
- LAN Abel Chaim son of Kivel
- ZAMDFIRER Abram son of Leyba, well-to-do
- ZAMDFIRER Leyba son of Abram, poor
- LAN Iosel son of Abel Chaim, poor
- his brother Shimel
- his brother Mortkhel
- GURVICH Azriel Iosel son of Mortkhel
- his son Abram
- GADIE - ROZENBERG Shender son of Getzel
- his son Berko
- LAN Ekel son of Abel Kivel
- LAN Mortkhel Kopel son of Chaim, houseowner
- KULVIANSKY Mendel son of Gershon
- his son Shlioma Hatskel
- FUNK Vulf son of Berk, well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Mortkhel Girsh
- KAPLAN Mortkhel son of Shmuel Shmerk, houseowner
- his son Shlioma Shaya
- his son Shaya Leyba
- his son Mendel
- SHIHMAN Orel Leyb son of Shmerk Zavel
- PRAYSKEL Mortkhel son of Naftel, houseowner
- his son Chaim
- KLOTS Iosel Shlioma son of Leyba, well-to-do
- VERBLIUNSKY Movsha son of Iosel
- his brother Iudel
- Iudel's son Iosel Ayzyk
- VERBLIUNSKY Iudel son of Movsha
- LIURIY Shaya son of Kalman
- his son Girsh
- GURVICH Berko son of Abram
- his son Movsha Leyzer
- his son Mortkhel Zelman
- GURVICH Shlioma Zelman son of Berk
- SHOLOK Iosel Berko son of Leyba
- BUKANSKY Iosel son of Berko Abram
- his son Tsodyk
- BUKANSKY Notel son of Berk Abram
- BUKANTS Shlioma son of Nisel
- his son Leyba
- his son Leyzer
- MAYZLIN Mortkhel son of Abram
- his son Israel, well-to-do, houseowner
- ITSKOVICH Gershon Leyzer son of Zelman, poor
- his son Israel
- his son Shimel Elyash
- ITSKOVICH Gershon son of Iosel
- KAGAN Movsha Iosel son of Leyzer, poor
- KLAZ Iovel Leyba son of Girsh Berko, well-to-do
- his son Tsalel Shmuilo, well-to-do
- VILK Mortkhel son of Manel Elyash, well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Elyash Movsha
- his son Elyash, well-to-do
- his son Abram, well-to-do
- his son Iudel, well-to-do
- TUBER Meer son of Zelman Iudel
- GRIN Mortkhel son of Berk
- AYZYKOVICH Abel Vulf son of Nakhman, poor
- BARAN Itsyk son of Yankel
- BARAN Shimel Nisel son of Manel
- GLIKBERG Iosel Vulf son of Movsha
- his son Girsh
- SKARULSKY Orel Kusel son of Zelman
- ZIV Abel son of Zelman Movsha, well-to-do
- his son Shaya Zelman
- ZIV Iudel son of Manel
- his son Gershon
- KURLIANDCHIK Abram son of Shmuilo
- his son Shmuilo Itsyk
- GOLDSHMID Liberman son of Meer, well-to-do
- his son Borukh Fayvysh
- his son Iovnash
- GOLDSHMID Meer Leyba son of Elyash
- his son Girsh
- his son Abram
- his son Naftel
- SIRVITSKY Movsha Chaim son of Iokhel
- GROYSHMAN Girsha Yankel son of Abram
- KAGAN Gdaliy son of Leyba
- SHMID Ovsey son of Mortkhel
- his son Mortkhel
- his son Shlioma
- ZIV Abel son of Movsha, well-to-do
- ZIV Borukh Shaya son of Abel
- ZAK Shimel son of Girsh Israel, well-to-do
- his son son Yankel
- his son Abram
- Iokhel
- PIK Yankel son of Chaim
- his son Girsh
- his son Berko
- PIK Itsek son of Chaim, well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Yankel
- PIK Chaim Leyba son of Girsh
- PIK Abram Leyba son of Itsek
- his brother Girsha David
- PIK Chaim Movsha son of Itsyk
- ABELSKY Idel Leyb son of Sheper
- his son Movsha Shmerel
- MORDEL Manes son of Girsh Itsek
- BUKANSKY Noakh son of Nisel
- SKARULSKY Movsha Aron son of Zelman
- KURLIANDCHIK Natan Girsh son of Shmerel
- SHAKHMAN Mendel son of Girsh, well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Zisel Leyb
- his son Zusman Abram
- PIK Borukh son of Chaim
- PIK Shebsel son of Borukh
- his brother Movsha
- his brother Leyba
- LIURIY Movsha son of Israel
- his son Iudel, well-to-do
- his son Zelman, poor
- KURLIANDCHIK Itsyk son of Nisel
- his son Vulf
- KURLINCHIK Nisel son of Vulf, poor
- his son Yankel, poor
- VALDER Ariy Girsh son of Itsyk
- GADIE Nosel son of Vulf
- his son Shmuilo Getzel
- FISH - GADIE Shaya Idel son of Berk
- his brother Peysakh
- FISH - GADIE Mortkhel Abram son of Berk
- his brother Mendel
- GADIE Girsh son of Nosel, poor
- FRIDLENDER Iosel son of Girsh
- ZAK Shimel son of Meer
- his son Shmuilo Yankel
- his son Girsha
- KURLINDCHIK Yankel son of Girsh
- KURLINDCHIK Berko son of Meer
- DON Elyash Bentzel son of Abram
- DON Vulf Abram son of Elyash
- GROYSHMAN Iosel son of Girsh
- his son Peysakh
- his son Leyba
- LEVITAN Shmuilo son of Abram
- his son Bentzel Ovsey
- LEVITAN Shmuilo son of Chaim
- his son Shender
- Shender's son Hatskel
- LEVITAN Benjamin son of Shmuilo
- BARAN Shevel son of Girsh
- SHMIDT Iudel son of Ovsey
- BARAN Yankel son of Shevel, poor
- his brother Osher Leyba
- BARAN Elyash son of Gershon
- GRINFELD Kalman son of Iudel
- his brother Ekel
- KLOTS Vulf Efroim son of Mendel
- his son Iudel
- his son Chaim
- KLOTS Iosel son of Mendel
- his son Shlioma Mendel
- KLOTS Abram son of Mendel
- his son Yankel Mendel
- his son Chaim
- KLOTS Yankel David son of Mendel
- ABELSKY Movsha David son of Shmerko
- his son Abram
- KLOTS Israel Chaim son of Efroim Orel
- his brother Abel Mendel
- KLOTS Movsha Chaim son of Itsek
- KLOTS Iosel Iudel son of Efroim
- KLOTS Orel Leyba son of Israel Chaim
- his brother Chaim
- his brother Iosel
- GORODETS Vulf son of Ghertsyk, well-to-do
- RIP / RAP Leyba son of Itsek
- GLIK Movsha son of Leyba
- GLIK Vulf son of Movsha
- his son Movsha Ghilel
- PERELMAN Naftel Berko son of Borukh
- DEVALTOVSKY Bentsel son of Movsha
- LEVIN Shlioma Leyba son of Gershon
- his son Movsha Ariy
- his son Movsha
- KURLIANDCHIK Itsyk son of Shimel
- his son Mortkhel Shmerel, houseowner
- FAYNBERG Peysakh Zelik son of Girsh Kopel, poor
- his son Abram
- LOP Bentsel son of Beynash Yankel
- his brother Leyba Girsha
- LOP Orel son of Iosel
- his son Iosel
- his son Mendel Yankel
- LOP Shmuilo son of Iosel
- his brother Itsyk
- GOLDSHTIK Meer son of Itsek Gesel
- his son Chaim Vulf
- his son Mikhel Iosel
- STROM Zelik son of Rubin Markel
- his son Abram
- his son Getzel
- his son Itsyk, butcher
- PUN Yankel son of Pinkhas
- his son Chaim Shimel
- VERBLIUNSKY Itsek son of Movsha
- his brother Iosel
- VERBLIUNSKY Movsha Lipman son of Iosel
- SHER Pinkhas son of Mendel Rafal
- his son Leyba
- his son Itsek Yankel
- his son Rubin
- his son Elyash
- REYTBLAT Iudel son of Movsha Itsek
- REYTBLAT Shimel Ber son of Iudel
- GELF Vulf son of Abram, poor
- BERNSHTEYN Israel son of Nosel, well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Ariy Girsha
- BUKANTS Meer son of Itsek
- his son Abel
- BUKANTS Shmuilo son of Mortkhel
- SHETS Iovnash Leyba son of Osher, well-to-do
- his son Movsha, well-to-do
- GIRSHOVICH Shakhman Share son of Iovel(?), well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Peysakh, well-to-do
- GADIE Iosel Zelik son of Peysakh, well-to-do
- GADIE Abel Berko son of Peysakh Itsko, poor
- his son Getzel Shmuilo, well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Peysakh, well-to-do
- PRAYSKEL Borukh son of Movsha, poor
- his son Efroim
- IOFFE Leyba son of Aron Girsh, poor
- his son Vulf Chaim, poor
- his son Girsha, well-to-do
- GROYSHMAN Yankel Girsh son of Mortkhel
- VILON Abram son of Movsha, well-to-do
- ZAKAN Shaya Vulf son of Borukh, well-to-do
- his son Abram, well-to-do
- his son Arye Leyb, well-to-do
- VILK Iosel Elyash son of Abram, poor
- his son Mendel, well-to-do
- his son Tubiash
- his son Avadie
- VILK Elyash son of Abram
- VILK Lipman son of Abram, poor
- GADIE Nokhim son of Movsha, well-to-do, houseowner
- his brother Iosel
- FREYNKEL Israel Leyba son of Mortkhel, well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Idel, well-to-do
- GRAS Mendel Bentzel son of Ovsey, well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Ovsey, well-to-do
- PLUNGIANSKY Naftel son of Nisel, well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Meer Leyb
- ZAK Abram Zelman son of Israel
- his son Iudel
- KAMBER Abel son of Itsek
- MORDEL Notel Yankel son of Berko
- his son Leyba Berko
- MORDEL Iovel son of Berko
- his son Tsalel
- SHER David Shimel son of Girsh, well-to-do
- LEVIN Ayzyk Berko son of Mortkhel, poor
- his son Abram, well-to-do, houseowner
- REZ Mikhel son of Elyash
- his son Elyash Monash
- GURVICH Vulf son of Berko, well-to-do
- LEVIN Abram Ber son of Shlioma, well-to-do
- his son Shlioma Rafal
- GARUN Girsh son of Itsek, well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Shmerel, well-to-do
- his son Itsyk, well-to-do
- KARP GARUN Iosel Tsalel son of Yankel
- STROM Movsha David son of Mortkhel, poor
- his son Kasriel
- his son Mortkhel
- LEVIN Vulf son of Ayzyk, well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Girsh Yankel, well-to-do
- his son Itsyk, well-to-do
- PAGELOVICH Meer son of Zelman
- ZELIKOVICH Meer son of Sholhom (Sholom)
- his brother Movsha Mortkhel
- Movsha Mortkhel's son Itsyk
- Movsha Mortkhel's son Yankel
- PAGELOVICH Israel son of Zelik
- PAGELOVICH Elyash son of Zelik
- PAGELOVICH Mortkhel son of Zelik
- his son Yankel
- his son Meer
- PAGELOVICH Movsha son of Zelik
- PAGELOVICH Abram Itsyk son of Zelik
- PAGELOVICH Mortkhel son of Leyzer
- GOLD Elyash Vulf son of Chaim, well-to-do
- his son Iosel, well-to-do
- LEVIN Mortkhel son of Ayzyk, well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Itsyk Yankel
- SHLOM Iokhel Elyash son of Borukh
- GORDON Girsh son of Chaim, well-to-do
- GLIK Shaya Orel son of Movsha well-to-do
- his son Leyb
- TSALEL Gavril Abram son of Kivel Mortkhel
- his son Tsalel Elyash
- TSON Mortkhel Chaim son of Elyash
- his brother Chaim David
- MONASH Leyba son of Itsyk Movsha
- his son Leyzer Itsyk
- LIURIY Israel Notel son of Zelman, well-to-do
- BUZHANSKY Movsha son of Itsek
- his son Chaim
- GORODETS Fayvysh Notel son of Girsh Vulf
- his son Iokhel Leyba
- MORDEL Leyzer Leyba son of Meer Shmuilo
- GIDEYNA Chaim son of Iosel
- his son Movsha Peysakh
- MINTS Yankel Leyba son of Gershon, well-to-do
- his son Gershon
- PRAYSKEL Zusman Shmuilo son of Naftel
- PRAYSKEL Movsha son of Zusman Shmuilo
- PRAYSKEL Iovnash son of Nosel
- PRAYSKEL Chaim son of Nosel
- his brother Movsha
- PRAYSKEL Zusman son of Naftel, well-to-do
- his son Movsha, well-to-do
- his son Orel, well-to-do
- UZVOLOK Abram Tubiash son of Naftel, well-to-do
- his son Tubiash
- his son Peysakh Efroim
- his son Iudel
- UZVOLOK Movsha son of Nisel, well-to-do
- his son Todres
- KAGAN Movsha Vulf son of Orel
- KULVIANSKY Peysakh son of Mendel
- KULVIANSKY Eheskel(?) son of Mendel
- his brother Iosel
- OVSEYEVICH Shmuilo Abram son of Zelik
- ROZENBERG Hatskel son of Peretz, well-to-do
- his son Iokhel
- ZAK Iokhel David son of Israel
- FISH Berko Itsyk son of Borukh
- his son Girsha
- HATSKELEVICH Iosel son of Mendel, well-to-do, cooper
- his son Tsalel
- HATSKELEVICH Chaim Meylakh son of Tsalk
- HATSKELEVICH Hatskel son of Iosel
- BRAYDE Notel Itsyk son of Khatzhel Chaim
- GARUN Girsh Gesel son of Itsek Mendel
- FISH Tzemakh David son of Borukh
- his son Mortkhel
- NAMENUNTS David Movsha son of Elyash
- NAMENUNTS Movsha son of Elyash
- NAMENUNTS Itsek son of Elyash
- NAMENUNTS Elyash son of David
- NAMENUNTS Elyash son of Genakh
- NAMENUNTS Elyash son of Movsha David
- his son Genakh
- ABELSKY Leyba Nisel son of Mortkhel Shmerko
- his son Abram Movsha, well-to-do
- his son Movsha, well-to-do
- LIBER Vulf Pinkhas son of Leyba, well-to-do
- his son Movsha David
- Vulf's brother Vulf Zelik, well-to-do
- CHAIMOVICH Iosel Itsyk son of Girsh, poor
- ZILBER Ovsey Pinkhas son of Itsyk, well-to-do
- BUKANTS Pinkhas son of Meer
- MONASHEVICH Orel son of Naftel
- RABIN Gersh son of Mortkhel
- his son Leyzer
- his son Kalman Rubin
- his son Itsyk Leyb
- RAGOLSKY Itsyk son of Israel, well-to-do, houseowner
- LEVIN Berko son of Shlioma, well-to-do
- SHAPIRO Nokhim son of Leyba
- ZAK Itsyk son of Ovsey
- his son Girsha
- his son Leyba
- VILK Iosel son of Elyash
- his son Elyash
- his son Abram Girsh
- KAPLAN Peysakh son of Girsh
- BUKANTS Sholem Chaim son of Abel, well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Marym / Marvil
- his son Berko
- GLEZER Israel son of Berko, poor
- his son Itsyk Leyba
- his son Tsalel Eliokhim, well-to-do
- GOLDSHMID Nakhemy son of Meer, well-to-do
- his son Misel Iudel, well-to-do
- his son Fayvysh Genakh, well-to-do
- MAYLER Girsha son of Fayvysh, house-painter
- his son Fayvush Iosel
- his son Iosel
- REZ Zundel son of Leyba
- REZ Shimel Kalman son of Zundel, well-to-do
- LEVIN Elyash son of Borukh
- VAYNSHTEYN Ovsey son of Girsh, well-to-do
- KOLP Berko son of Nokhim Leyba
- His son Tevel
- his son Borukh
- MEDINTS Meylakh Abel son of Israel
- his son Orel Leyba
- GRADMAN Movsha son of Abel, well-to-do
- his son Rubin, well-to-do
- GINZBERG Getzel son of Peysakh, well-to-do
- NOTELOVICH Iudel David son of Israel
- SHOLOMOVICH Leyzer Iudel son of Meer, well-to-do
- SHOLOMOVICH Meshel son of Nakhman
- MORDEL Fayvysh son of Meer, well-to-do, houseowner
- KERPELOVSKY Itsyk Shimel son of Chaim, well-to-do
- KURLINDCHIK Yankel son of Peysakh
- ITSEKZON Abram son of Todres
- LAPIN Mortkhel son of Berko
- MEDINTS Shimel son of Notel Kadysh, well-to-do
- his brother Iosel, well-to-do
- Iosel's son Leyba, well-to-do
- MEDINTS Chaim David son of Notel, well-to-do
- MEDINTS Sholem son of Kadysh, well-to-do
- his son Kadysh, well-to-do
- MEDINTS Shimel son of Kadysh, shoemaker
- PLANKER Girsh son of Itsek
- his son Iovnash Zelman, well-to-do
- his son Gesel
- his son Zelman, well-to-do, blacksmith
- GORDON Iosel son of Mortkhel Nokhim
- KARP Yankel son of Iudel
- GLIK Zundel son of Ayzyk, well-to-do
- his son Elyash Leyba
- GRAS Abram son of Movsha, well-to-do, glazier
- GRAS Abram son of Movsha
- his brother Nokhim
- GRAS Fishel son of Leyba
- SHMID Israel Leyzer son of Iosel, well-to-do, blacksmith
- SHMID Israel Leyzer son of Iosel, well-to-do, blacksmith
- SHMID Mendel son of Berko, well-to-do, blacksmith
- BETEN Girsha Leyba son of Shlioma, well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Hatskel Shlioma
- BETEN Girsh Leyba son of Shlioma, well-to-do
- GIDUT Chaim son of Abram
- his son Bentzel
- his son Abel Abram
- ZANVIL Rubin son of Yankel
- his son Movsha
- his son Vulf
- ZANVIL Chaim son of Rubin
- STROM Elyash son of Osher
- his brother Nisel, well-to-do
- STROM Honel son of Nisel
- STROM Movsha Mortkhel son of Orel, well-to-do
- LEVIN Elyash Yankel son of Borukh Israel
- STROM Abram Itsyk son of Elyash
- KURLINDCHIK Girsha son of Leyba
- his son Ovsey, well-to-do
- CHAIT Shimel Leyzer son of Movsha
- his son Abram Gershon
- GUTMAN Girsh son of Leyba
- his son Fayvysh, well-to-do
- ROZENBERG - GADIE Girsh son of Tzemakh
- BIN Leyba son of Shebshel
- his son Shebshel, well-to-do
- his son Pinkhas, well-to-do, tailor
- BIN Meer son of Shebshel
- his son Shebshel, well-to-do
- KURLIANDCHIK Misel Iudel son of Peysakh, well-to-do
- KURLINDCHIK Getzel Rubin son of Abram
- STOLIAR Meer son of Girsh
- WOLF Hatskel Abel son of Movsha
- WOLF Tevel son of Abram, well-to-do
- WOLF Leyba son of Abram
- WOLF Movsha Orel son of Hatskel Abel
- his brother Leyzer Berko
- WOLF Shmuilo son of Tevel
- his brother Chaim
- POSLAV Chaim Nohem son of Girsh Iovnash
- his son Itsyk Bentzel
- his son Iovnash Girsh
- BARAN Girsh Borukh son of Elyash, well-to-do
- his son Abram Berko
- TUBER Abram Meer son of Iokhel
- his son Nokhim Berko
- his son Iokhel, well-to-do
- TUBER Tevel Yankel son of Iokhel
- TUBER Mortkhel son of Abram Meer
- VITKIN Borukh Iosel son of Shaya, well-to-do
- his brother Yankel Ovsey, well-to-do
- BEDER Girsh Benjamin son of Shimel
- his son Shimel
- his son Israel
- his son Iosel
- his son Rakhmiel
- ZELIKOVICH Itsyk son of Ghertsik
- his son Yankel Leyba
- his son Peysakh
- his son Nokhim Tsodyk
- his son Girsh
- ZELIKOVICH Osher son of Yankel Leyba
- his brother Elyash
- TAYTS Girsha Itsyk son of Shlioma, well-to-do
- his son Leyba, well-to-do
- YANKELOVICH Meer Chaim son of Abram
- his son Benjamin Yankel
- SHNAYD Girsha Yankel son of Iudel Gershon
- his son Gershon, tailor
- SHMID Ovsey son of Yankel Itsek
- his son Movsha Tsodyk
- his son Peysakh Ioel
- BAR Iosel son of Notel, well-to-do
- KOPELOVICH Iosel son of Israel
- WOLF(?) Meer son of Movsha, well-to-do, houseowner
- FARBER Rubin Iudel son of Leyba
- KANGISHER Chaim Movsha son of Shimel Iudel
- his son Leyb, well-to-do, houseowner
- GARUN Shebshel Mortkhel son of Berko Elyash
- his son Itsyk
- BARTKUNSKY Efroim Iovnash son of Mortkhel Israel
- his brother Leyba Rubin, well-to-do
- GLIK Bentzel son of Kolef, well-to-do
- SHMID Tankhel son of Iudel
- his son Yankel
- his son Iosel
- KURLIANDCHIK Itsyk son of Gershon
- his son Movsha Gershon, well-to-do
- his son Meer
- MONGIN Notel son of Movsha
- his son Efroim Ezra
- his son Abram Itsyk
- BUKANTS Abel son of Meer
- LAPIN Berko son of Pinkhas
- MAYZEL Movsha Iovnash son of Mortkhel, well-to-do
- his son Itsyk, well-to-do
- ZALTZMAN Itsek Mikhel son of David
- REYTBLAT Itsyk son of Noakh, well-to-do
- his son Iudel
- VAYNSHTEYN Liberman son of Chaim Shimel
- LAPU Noakh Vulf son of Berko Israel, well-to-do
- KURLIAND Shimel son of Iosel
- his son Yankel
- AZRIELEVICH Shmuilo Zundel son of Itsyk
- GURVICH Yankel Kopel son of Azriel, well-to-do, houseowner
- LEVIN Shimel Shaya son of Ayzyk, well-to-do, houseowner
- ZIV Leyba Osher son of Iosel Leyzer, well-to-do
- ZIV Vulf son of Orel
- HATSKELEVICH Movsha Mortkhel son of Fishel
- FAYN Vulf Nisel son of Borukh Girsh
- GADIE Orel Leyba son of Vulf Itsek
- KURLIANDCHIK Iovel Shmerel son of Nisel, well-to-do
- his son Shimel Nisel
- his son Zelman Meylakh
- SHOLOMOVICH Tzemakh Notel son of Berko
- his son Movsha
- SHOLOMOVICH Notel son of Berko
- his son Girsha Leyzer
- his son Rubin
- DAVIDOV - BARAN Elyash Borukh son of Isser, well-to-do
- Gesel Iosel Yankel son of Nosel, well-to-do
- BETEN Itsyk Iovnash son of Pinkhas Mortkhel, well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Mortkhel Vulf
- WULFOVICH Girsha Mortkhel son of Movsha, well-to-do
- his son Shaya, well-to-do
- VERBLIUNSKY Honel Sholem son of Iosel
- BUZH Ovsey Borukh son of Leyzer
- BUZH Nosel son of Girsha
- GIDUT Elyash Iosel son of Peysakh Abram
- GIDUT Mortkhel son of Abram
- WULFOVICH Azriel Gershon son of Orel, well-to-do
- MENDELOVICH Sholem Elyash son of Itsek, well-to-do
- VERBLIUNSKY Israel son of Meer
- BARG - ZIV Yankel son of Movsha
- his son Shaya, well-to-do
- YANKELOVICH Israel Iudel son of Leyba, well-to-do
- his son Elyash Girsh
- his son Rakhmiel
- BARAN Mikhel Elyash son of Gershon, well-to-do
- GOLDSHTEYN Gershon Iudel son of Abram
- his son Abram Fayvysh
- SHIMELOVICH Abel David son of Yankel
- KOPELOVICH Elyash Bentzel son of Movsha
- FAYNBERG Abel David son of Girsh
- his son Berko Abram
- FAYNBERG Abram son of Vulf
- MEYEROVICH Iovnash Girsha son of Abram
- YUDELEVICH Meer Idel son of Nosel, well-to-do
- his brother Abram
- YUDELEVICH Iosel son of Nosel
- YUDELEVICH Bentzel son of Orel
- LOP Orel Shmuilo son of Beynash
- his brother Vulf LOPIANSKY
- GOLDBERG Girsh son of Ovsey Leyzer
- GOLDBERG Israel son of Itsek
- GOLDSHMID Leyzer Zelman son of Liberman, well-to-do
- BIN David son of Leyba
- GRINSHTEYN Berko son of Iudel, well-to-do
- SKARULSKY Getzel son of Kusel
- DOMBOVICH Iosel son of Shmerko, well-to-do
- SHATINSKY Iudel son of Shmerko, well-to-do
- BRUZINKSY Shmuilo son of Shmerko
- LIKHTENSHTEYN Israel son of Efroim
- RAGOLSKY Shmuilo son of Azriel, well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Movsha Azriel
- his son Naftel
- SHMID Shmuylo Chaim son of Abram
- ZILBERMAN Fayvysh son of Liberman
- TUBER Berko son of Azriel
- his son Fayvysh
- BUKANTS Tsodyk son of Sholom, well-to-do, houseowner
- ZIV Borukh Leyba son of Abel, well-to-do
- KURLINDSHIK Iudel son of Peysakh, well-to-do
- his son Peysakh
- LOPIANSKY Shimon son of Orel, well-to-do
- LOPIANSKY Bentzel son of Yankel, well-to-do
- LOPIANSKY Leyba son of Yankel
- his brother Girsha
- LOPIANSKY Chaim Itsyk son of Leyba
- LOPIANSKY Leyba son of Orel, well-to-do
- MELTSER Chaim Gershon son of Leyba, well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Shmuilo Elyash
- GRAS Litman son of Bentzel
- KATZENELBOGEN Mortkhel son of Hatskel
- RABINOVICH Meer Mikhel son of Sholom
- his son Shmuilo
- PIK - GADIE Berko Leyba son of Vulf Berko, well-to-do
- BEKER Abel son of Zelman, well-to-do
- his son Iovnash
- SHAPIRO Osher Itsyk son of Movsha, well-to-do
- FREYNKEL Abram son of Israel Leyb, well-to-do
- RITENBERG Nokhim son of Vulf
- NOVYAZKY Efroim son of Yankel
- KAGAN Girsh son of Shlioma
- FAYN Movsha son of Movsha David
- LIPSHITZ Berko son of Mortkhel
- GRINSHTEYN David son of Leyba, well-to-do
- REZ Yankel Mendel son of Evad
- GRIN Girsh son of Ovsey Orel
- BOYER Itsyk Mendel son of Shmuilo, well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Shaya Yankel, well-to-do
- ZIV Shmerel son of Leyba Osher
- KATZENELBOGEN Movsha son of Hatskel, well-to-do
- BARKLAN Beynash son of Yankel
- BARKLAN Abel son of Yankel, well-to-do
- his brother Orel
- his brother Iokhel, well-to-do
- BARKLAN Abel son of Movsha, well-to-do
- his son Yankel Girsh, well-to-do
- BARKLAN Yankel son of Movsha
- KURLINDCHIK Shmerel son of Itsek
- his son Leyzer Yankel
- KURLINDCHIK Mishel son of Itsek, well-to-do
- BOYAR Nokhim Shlioma son of Meer
- LIURIY Israel son of Zelman, well-to-do, houseowner
- GLIK Ayzyk son of Zundel, well-to-do, houseowner
- ROZENBERG David Peretz son of Hatskel, well-to-do
- MELAMED Chaim Israel son of Orel
- his son Rubin
- KURLIANDCHIK David son of Leyba
- his son Shmuilo
- KURLINCHIK David Leyb son of Yankel
- KURLINDCHIK Ariy Leyba son of David, well-to-do
- PRAYS Berko son of Borukh
- SHMID Israel son of Gesel, blacksmith
- his son Iosel
- his son Israel
- his son Shmuilo
- MELTSER Movsha son of Itsek
- his son Abram Itsek, well-to-do
- MELTSER Vigder son of Leyb
- MELTSER Leyzer Itsek son of Kopel, well-to-do
- his son Shebshel, well-to-do
- his son Shmuilo Kalman
- LEVIN Leyzer son of Itsek Vulf
- KAGAN Elyash son of Kopel
- KAGAN Shimel Yankel son of Leyba
- SHMIDT Chaim son of Abel
- his son Abel, well-to-do
- his son Nisel, well-to-do
- SHMIDT Iosel son of Nisel
- his son Genakh Leyba
- BOYAR Kopel Abram son of Iosel, well-to-do
- GUTMAN Iosel son of Girsh, well-to-do
- KAGAN Iosel son of Girsh
- his son Abram, well-to-do
- KANGISHER Ovsey son of Chaim, well-to-do, houseowner
- GOLDSHTEYN Leyba Iovnash son of Zundel, well-to-do
- SHMIDT Leyba son of Chaim, well-to-do
- SHMIDT Shakhno Mortkhel son of Chaim, well-to-do
- TURCHIN Hatskel son of Elyash, well-to-do
- his brother Yankel
- TURCHIN Zelman son of Hatskel
- his brother Yankel Rubin
- ABELOVICH Israel Movsha son of Leyba
- LUKIN Shmuilo son of Girsh, well-to-do, houseowner
- LEVIN Yankel son of Israel, well-to-do, houseowner
- his son Movsha Itsyk, well-to-do
- BLAKHER Genakh son of Gabriel, well-to-do
- his brother Iosel
- BLAKHER Iosel son of Mortkhel
- BLAKHER Itsek Gershon son of Genakh
- BLAKHER Movsha son of Mikhel
- BLAKHER Abram Itsek son of Gabriel, well-to-do
- MARKUNSKY Movsha Itsko son of Berko, well-to-do
- MARKUNSKY Berko son of Abram David
- MARKUNSKY Berko son of Ayzyk
- MARKUNSKY Movsha Berko son of Ayzyk
- his son Israel Peysakh
- STROM Girsh son of Abram, well-to-do
- his son Movsha Peysakh
- KANTOR Iosel son of Iovnash
- KROKHMALNIK Shmuilo son of Yankel
- VERBLIUNSKY David Abram son of Shimel
- KURLIAND Elyash son of Mortkhel
- BETEN Chaim son of Mortkhel
- BETEN Itsyk son of Pinkhas
- FREYMAN Abram son of Gershon
- BARAN Girsha Iosel son of Movsha
- MELTSER Girsh son of Yankel
- BRAUDE Abram Vulf Borukh son of Iosel
- FISH Berko Girsha son of Falk, well-to-do
- his son Iosel, well-to-do
- FISH Berko son of Falk, well-to-do
- FISH David son of Berel, well-to-do
- KAPLAN Meer son of Mortkhel
- BLAKHER Itsek son of Shimel, well-to-do
- his son Rubin Elyash
- his son Yankel
- DOMB Abel son of Ovsey
- DOMB Ovsey son of Gesel
- VILK Mortkhel son of Menkhel
- his son Sholem
- LANTSENOVSKY Girsha son of Naftel, well-to-do
- TUL Iudel son of Vulf
- his brother Shmuilo
- TUL Benjamin son of Vulf
- VOLK Movsha Tsodyk son of Abram, well-to-do
- his brother Berko, well-to-do
- VOLK Abram son of Leyba, well-to-do
- VOLK Itsek son of Leyba
- his son Ariy
- TREGER Liberman son of Lipman, well-to-do
- his brother Iosel Girsha
- his brother Movsha Shimel
- TREGER Shloma son of Meer
- RIZVASH Vulf Iudel son of Shlioma
- TUBIASH Movsha son of Rubin, well-to-do
- LEYBOVICH Movsha son of Iosel
- his son Yankel
- KAGAN Leyba son of Mortkhel
- his son Iosel Mortkhel
- his son Shmuilo
- SHAPIRO Israel son of Movsha, well-to-do
- KEIDANSKY Zavel Zelman son of Efroim, well-to-do
- his son Berko, well-to-do
- KAN Leyba son of Leyzer
- his brother Ovsey
- SHMID Shmuilo son of Berk, well-to-do
- PAGIRSKY Erukhim son of Elyash
- his son Itsyk
- his son Shimel
- BLAKHER Leyba son of Israel Peretz
- SHAMESH Israel Nakhemie son of Mortkhel
- FAYNBERG Abram Itsyk son of Israel
- VILK Abram son of Rubin
- his son Rubin
- VILK Movsha son of Abram
- BOYER Mendel son of Itsyk, well-to-do
- his son Movsha Itsyk
- his son Shmuilo
- Elyash
- BETEN Abram Itsyk son of Zusman, well-to-do
- his brother Iudel, well-to-do
- BETEN Leyba son of Zusman, well-to-do
- his son Kolef
- REYTBLAT Nokhim Yankel son of Vulf
- PLUNGIANSKY Ovsey David son of Nisel
- TSIGELNIK Yankel son of Berko
- KAGAN Iudel son of Leyzer
- LAN Meer son of Kivel
- GOLDBLAT Elyash son of Chaim
- his son Benjamin
- MILNER Meer son of Kopel, well-to-do
- his son David Berko
- BLAKHER Genel son of Girsh, well-to-do, shoemaker
- his son Girsh
- his son Iudel Mortkhel
- KATZ Berko son of Mortkhel
- KAPLAN Movsha son of David
- KROKHMALNIK Iosel son of Mortkhel
- his son Chaim Itsek
- KROKHMALNIK Iudel son of Mortkhel, well-to-do
- MAYLER Leyba son of Azriel, house-painter
- GOLDBLAT Berko son of Nokhim
- his son Iudel Zelik
- PIK Chaim Movsha son of Ayzyk
- SHNAYD Chaim son of Girsh
- GORODETS Yankel son of Itsek
- his son Movsha
- BIN Israel Iosel son of Lipman
- VAYNSHTEYN Elyash son of Mikhel
- LIURIY Meer son of Movsha
- SHVARTS Abram son of Iosel, well-to-do, houseowner
- GOLD Fayvysh Leyzer son of Nakhman
- CHAIT Shimel son of Movsha Yankel
- his son Movsha Yankel
- BOYER Yankel son of Iosel, well-to-do, carpenter
- UZVOLOK Shmuilo Fayvysh son of Berko
- SHNAYD Gershon Zavel son of Rubin
- his son Movsha Yankel, well-to-do
- BARAN Elyash son of Shevel, well-to-do
- KLOTS Mendel son of David
- GLEZER Itsyk Noakh son of Shebshel
- BARAN Gershon son of Leyb
- LEVIN Leyba son of Leyzer
- SHMIDT Mortkhel son of Chaim
- BIN Leyba son of Itsek, well-to-do
- his son Benjamin Bentzel, well-to-do
- DAVIDOVICH Abel son of Yankel
- KLEYSER Eliokim son of Israel, glazier (probably GLEZER)
- SHMID Ovsey son of Elyash
- his son Itsyk Yankel
- SHNAYD Yankel Leyba son of Nokhim
- MILNER Gershon son of Leyba
- LOPERT Tzemakh Yankel son of David, well-to-do
- his son David
- his son Rubin Aron
- ZIV Israel Leyba son of Itsek, well-to-do
- his son Litman
- MONASHEVICH Itsyk son of Leyba
- TSIRYLNIK Iosel son of Girsh
- KURLIANDCHIK Vulf son of Movsha
- STROM Zelik son of Iosel
- SHNAYD Shebsel son of Tsodyk, tailor
- TSON Movsha Elyash son of Shloma
- his son Shlioma
- SHNAYD Yuval Leyba son of Kopel, tailor
- ZALKIND Kolef son of Benjamin
- SHUSTER Gershon son of Zelman, shoemaker
- ROM Vulf Shlioma son of Mortkhel, well-to-do
- KOPELYANSKY Berko son of Leyba
- GLIK Shimel son of Iosel
- his son Vulf
- TIGEL Yankel son of Nokhim (probably should be TIGER)
- LIURIY Movsha David son of Itsek
- LEVIN Elyash Girsh son of Vulf
- ZIV Leyba Osher son of Leyzer
- KAN Elyash son of Mikhel
- KIRPICHNIK Zelik son of Vulf, well-to-do
- RAYZMAN Vulf son of Nokhim, well-to-do
- RABIN Movsha Itsyk son of Shlioma, well-to-do
- SHNAYD Elyash son of Iosel
- his son Iosel
- KAN Shimon Zelman son of Itsek
- SHAMESH Elyash son of Leyba
- ZAIONCHYK Movsha Berko son of Shmuilo, well-to-do
- MILNER Mortkhel son of Borukh
- GRAS Gershon son of Yankel
- BRAVERMAN Itsyk son of Leyba
- DOMBA Nokhim son of Liberman
- his son Itsyk Liberman
- SHUSTER Zelman son of Iosel, well-to-do
- VILK Menkhel son of Peysakh
- KAN Movsha Iosel son of Leyzer
- ZILBERMAN Movsha Aron son of Itsyk
- BRAVERMAN Shmuilo son of Fishel
- GLIK Nokhim son of Ayzyk, well-to-do
- GLIK Ayzyk son of Yankel
- GLIK Itsek Iosel son of Elyash
- VAYNTRUB Israel son of Girsh, well-to-do
- KIRPICHNIK Leyba son of Yankel, well-to-do, houseowner
- PAGIRSKY Rubin son of Yankel
- GADIE Honel son of Peysakh, houseowner
- CHAIT Nisel son of Yankel
- his son Itsek Ayzyk
- his son Shmuilo, well-to-do
- SHNAYD Girsha son of Abram, well-to-do
- his son Abram Itsyk, well-to-do
- MINTS Orel son of Leyzer
- STOKLER Yankel Leyba son of Fishel, well-to-do, houseowner
- KARP Abel son of Ayzyk, well-to-do
- his son Ovsey, well-to-do
- SHALTINSKY Peysakh son of Orel
- his son Movsha
- SHALTINSKY Orel son of Girsh
- GLIKBERG Girsha son of Iosel, well-to-do
- KATZ Mendel son of Benjamin, well-to-do
- his son Abram Bentzel
- TAUBER Iokhel son of Israel, well-to-do
- STOLIAR Movsha son of Iudel
- his son Iudel
- GLEZER Zusman Leyba son of Movsha, well-to-do
- MELTSER David Vulf son of Girsh, well-to-do
- GLEZER Iosel son of Movsha, glazier
- KATZEV Mikhel son of Movsha, glazier
- his son Elyash
- PREYSEGOLSKY Abram son of Berk, well-to-do
- KURLINDCHIK Shmerel son of Shmerel
- MELAMED Efroim son of Israel
- CHAIT Israel Rubin son of Orel
- KANTOR Israel Iosel son of Movsha
- his brother Girsha
- KURLINDCHIK Azriel son of Orel
- SHAMESH Movsha Itsyk son of Iokhel
- VILK Zusman son of Iosel
- BANSHCHIK Tsodyk son of Chaim
- his brother Shmuilo
- KLOTS David son of Mendel
- his son Benjamin
- LIURIY Iudel Kalman son of Shaya
- TROYB Chaim Leyba son of Girsh
- GROYSHMAN Yankel son of Mortkhel
- SESITSKY(?) Abram son of Yankel
- his brother Iosel, well-to-do
- POSLAV Meer son of Girsh
- his son Girsha
- RIT Abram son of Leyba
- GADIE Iosel son of Peysakh
- his son Peysakh Vulf
- BOYER Berko son of David
- his son Kolef
- KANTOR Mortkhel Vulf son of Iovnash
- KAPLAN Mortkhel son of Israel
- VITKIN Yankel son of Ovsey
- his brother Shlioma
- LIURIY Shaya son of Shmuilo
- his son Mendel
- BREUDA Mortkhel Vulf son of Iovnash
- SHOLOK Movsha David son of Iosel, well-to-do
- his brother Orel, well-to-do
- VILK Sholem Shakhno son of Menkhel
- MEDINTS Shimel son of Abram
- KAGAN Movsha son of Yankel
- his brother Abram
- KLOTS Mendel son of Fishel, well-to-do
- his brother Movsha Itsyk, well-to-do
- his brother Abel, well-to-do
- GORODETS Orel son of Fayvysh
- DON Elyash son of Abram, well-to-do
- KULVIANSKY Girsha son of Orel, well-to-do
- his brother Israel
- CHAIT Iudel son of Yankel
- his son Berko Shlioma
- TEPER Abel son of Shimel, well-to-do, houseowner
- KORABELNIK Iosel son of Hatskel
- SHIMELOVICH Abram David son of Menkhel
- BOYER Shimel son of Abram
- his son Abel Girsha
- KIRPICHNIK Shanel son of Itsek
- AYNBINDER Shaya son of Abel
- KORABELNIK Iovel son of Meer
- his brother Girsha
- KORABELNIK Zundel son of Meer
- SHUSTER Yankel son of Abram, well-to-do
- GLAZ Itsek Shimel son of Tsalk, well-to-do, houseowner
- GLAZ Kopel son of Shebsel
- ZALTZMAN Itsyk son of Iosel
- his son Iosef Leyzer
- TOVIANSKY Gershon son of Iosel, well-to-do
- VAYNER Elyash son of Gershon
- GRINBARG Leyba son of Mortkhel Efroim
- his son Idel
- his son Chaim
- GORDON Leyzer Itsek son of Vulf
- SHNAYD Itsek son of Gershon
- POLEP Iudel son of Itsek, well-to-do
- his son Leyzer Hatskel
- his son Shlioma Ghilel
- LUKIN Shmuilo son of Gershon, well-to-do, houseowner
- KURLINDCHIK Shmuilo Zelman son of Iosel
- VESHER Menash son of Efroim
- STROM Movsha David son of Kasriel
- his son Kasriel
- CHAIT Orel son of Yankel
- his son Movsha Leyba
- PAKHTER Iudel son of Girsh, well-to-do
- LAPIN Leyba son of Mortkhel
- POSLAV Iudel son of Girsh, well-to-do
- GONTSAR Girsha son of Movsha, well-to-do
- FURMAN Iosel son of Shaya
- his son Abram Chaim, well-to-do
- SHUSTER Leyba Vulf son of Nisel
- MORDEL Chaim son of Fayvysh
- DEGUTNIK Iudel son of Nisel
- SHETS Gdaly son of Itsek, well-to-do
- his son Abram Vulf
- BUKANTS Leyzer son of Iosel
- PRAYSKEL Itsyk son of Aria
- SHAKHMAN Itsyk son of Iosel
- KORABELNIK Movsha Leyba son of Iosel
- SHUSTER Abel Movsha son of Girsh
- LEVIN Girsha son of Abram
- STROM Leyba son of Girsh
- SHATINSKY Vulf son of Peysakh, well-to-do
- SHNAYD Shlioma son of Iudel, tailor
- KAPLAN Mortkhel son of Shmuilo
- SHAMESH Mortkhel son of Movsha
- BOYER Zelman son of Movsha, carpenter
- ZIV Meer Vulf son of Nosel
- TAYTS Yakob Leyzer son of Shaya
- his son Shimel
- SHNAYD Tsodyk son of Shebsel
- SHNAYD Israel Isser son of Movsha, well-to-do
- KURLIANDCHIK Borukh Leyba son of Itsek
- BLAKHER David Abram son of Rafal, well-to-do
- KORABELNIK Ekel son of Movsha
- GLIK Bentzel son of Movsha
- KROKHMALNIK Yankel son of Movsha
- his son Gershon
- KIRPICHNIK Hloyna son of Tevel
- his son Chaim
- KANTOR Iovnash son of Meer
- TUL Borukh Iudel son of Vulf
- GLIK Bentzel son of Abram
- SHUSTER David son of Mikhel
- PREYSAGOLSKY Yankel Berko son of Leyba
- GURLIAND Girsha son of Mortkhel
- KURLIANDCHIK Gershon son of Orel
- GLEZER Shmerel Isser son of Fishel
- KLOTS Fishel son of Mendel
- KLOTS Girsha son of Mendel
- SHUSTER David son of Itsek
- KORABELNIK Movsha son of Shimkha
- BOYER Girsha son of Iokhel
- SHOLOK Iosel son of Leyba
- MEDINTS Notel son of Shimel
- GRAS Leyba Vulf son of Mortkhel
- MARKUNSKY Leyzer son of Itsek
- TEVLER Iosel son of Mendel
- GORDON Iodel Osher son of Shoul
- ZUPRAN Iudel son of Mortkhel
- his son Kivel
- FAYN Meer son of Chaim
- LEVIN Berko son of Mortkhel
- TUBER Berel son of Yankel
- BOYER Vulf son of Iosel
- MELTSER Orel son of Yankel
- VINIK Honel son of Itsek
- his son Elyash
- ZELIKOVICH Itsek son of Girsh
- his son Girsha
- REZ Hatskel son of Leyba Movsha
- MILER Vulf Yankel son of Elyash
- LAN Abel Chaim son of Kivel
- GROYSHMAN Girsha son of Abram
- KULVIANSKY Ruben son of Aron
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