"Some of us had photos that were left with our families
that stayed behind. Other of us left in a hurry and have no photos.
Still others never had the resources to have photos in the first place.
But, even if we do not have photos of our distant relatives, we all have
our memories. We all have stories." — Rennie Salz 
There were many, many Jewish families in Husi. We have created
separate family pages for only a handful of those families. If you have
enough information, stories, and/or photos, we can add a page for your
family as well! If not, then let us share some of your stories here, on
this page. Please get in touch and share your Husi family's stories.
Please help us grow this site! Send your stories, etc., to for inclusion on the Husi KehilaLinks site.
In December of 1969, Esther DAVID Cohen was interviewed by Toni Cohen
Faibish and her sister Hope Cohen Feldman. The interview was transcribed
by Sara Scher. Here is a small excerpt from the interview:
"My grandparents, they came from Russia. They ran away
from Russia to
be free. That time was the Czar. He used to steal the children. He
made them soldiers. They were 4-5-6 years old. He would steal them. My
grandparents were living in Russia. They had three girls and two sons.
Sons: Itzic,
Cacir. Daughters: Baba Sacil, Mima Peril, and Fagil (Fanny). They ran
away to the Prut and they cross the border. They came to a town and I
was born there: Berazan. We lived there a while. They were looking for a
Click here (PDF) to read a transcription of the entire interview.
According to Toni MARKOWITZ Herscovitz, Jews living in Husi before 1920 lived nice lives in and had happy
memories. Early on, many Jews in Husi had housekeepers and cooks.
"My name is Adina UNGUREANU. (Yes, I have a Romanian name, because my
dad took my mom's name when they married.) My grandfather, Isidor
WEISMAN, worked in the only bank in Husi for several years in the
1950's, until his death in 1956 at age 51. He was some kind of an
administrator and well-known in the city. Of course, his Jewish name and
background did not go unnoticed, but he did the job. My dad went back
to Husi in 1988 and he saw a few buildings that reminded him about the
old city. He even saw the very old cigarette store where he would go as a
kid to buy tobacco for his dad. He saw his former school, too."
Pini Mika wrote the following from Israel:
"My mother was born in Husi as GREENBERG/GRIMBERG family
and ABRAMOVICI. Was from LAZAROVICI/LAZAROVITI family. I found the grave
stone of my great-grandmother (passed in 1960 at age of 94 )and the
stone of her father, both Abramovici. The family left behind in Husi a
huge house and a huge vineyard and place to make wine. All of that was
taken over by the goverment or by others. I have some friends here (in
Israel) who are from Husi: family LUPU and family FROIMOVICI."
Judith (Moss) Angel wrote:
"My paternal grandfather, Jacob Moss (MOSKOVITCH), came from Husi and
settled in Manchester, England in
1890 or 1891. He had a number of siblings, one of which was Chaim
(called Charlie, I think) whom I believe settled in New York. My father,
William (or Willie) Moss, was visiting New York in 1919 or 1920 and
must have visited
Charlie and his family there. I also have family in Israel who
originally came from Husi in 1950."
Heather Lipson of Manchester writes to add:
"Jacob Moss was my great great grandfather. He was married to Rececca. They had a daughter, Miriam Moss, who was my great grandmother. Miriam must have been William Moss's sister."
From C. Jordan:
"My grandparents decided it was too cold in Canada, so they went
south to Minneapolis... That's where I grew up... We think my grandmother
was born in Austria and came to Husi as a baby... Yes, there are
a lot of different recipes for the eggplant salad, but the recipe you have here is exactly the way
we made it. I remember hearing the sound of chopping and chopping on
the slanted, wooden cutting board until the eggplant was mush. Now i just pulse
it in the food processor."
Rabbi Shloime Yankovitsh wrote from London:
"I have roots from Husi: Yosef der Royter ('The Red'), probably BEYLUT. He died after 1880. He
was a Chazen and a Chassid of the Ruzin."
From Robert Sherins:
"My uncle, Jack Solomon, was married to Katerin MILEGSON from Husi. Her
parents were Itzak and Devora Milegson. I learned that Itzak was in
the carpentry business, making furniture and cabinets."
From Steve Herberman:
"My great great grandfather Avram HERBERMAN, son of Herscu and Ghitla, was a merchant in Husi where he died in 1880. Before Husi, he lived in Dranceni, Romania."
Avram HERBERMAN's death record can be seen at the bottom of the Documents page.
Stella Statman told us:
"My great grandfather, Shalom Mordechai SHECHTER (a
common Romanian name), had at least two sons: Avraham and Reuven Aaron,
my grandfather. At the time, only sons were not drafted. So to avoid
conscription, the two boys were adopted by two different families
without sons. Avraham took the last name VOGEL while Reuven
Aaron took the name ROSENTFAIC. After the death of Avraham, Avraham's
wife, Hendel, took her 7 children
and went to Manchester, England to join her sister and brother-in-law,
Pessia and Yaakov Zelikovici, who had settled in Manchester a few years
earlier. When my grandfather's second wife passed away, he too came to
Manchester with all his family, presumably to join his sister-in-law,
her family, and the other 'landsleiten.' I can only assume that, when
the immigration officer asked for the name of the family and they
answered 'Rosentfaic,' he wrote down what he
heard: ROSENZWEIG. I knew the story of the different family names of the
brothers, but always believed my father's actual adopted name was
Rosenzweig. It was only when I got his birth certificate that I saw how
it had changed."
Information on the SEGALL and GOODMAN families based on information from Dr. Herbert Goodman:
"Rebecca (Bessie) Segall and Phillip Segall were siblings. Their father was Yitchak Lev Segall. He was born in Romania and had a clothing store in Husi. He died in Zdunska Wola, Poland on 11 February 1905. Rebecca Segall was born in Romania in 1877 and immigrated to the USA from Husi in 1895 to marry Benjamin Goodman (GUTMANN), also from Husi. They started out in New York, but moved to Savannah, GA around 1899. They had seven children. Bessie died in Savannah 26 Oct 1953.
Benjamin Goodman was born 4 Feb 1868 and died 8 May 1939. He and his brother, Abraham, came to the United States from Husi in 1890 shortly after their father died. They eventually opened a grocery in Savannah around 1899. The Goodman brothers were joined in Savannah by their widowed mother, Fannie, and their three sisters: Rebecca, Clara, and Dora.
Morris Segall (related to Bessie in some way) came from Husi in 1899 and married Clara Goodman. Morris (Maurice on official documents) and Clara had joined Bessie and the Goodmans in Savannah before 1910. The three families were all listed as grocers and lived in three adjacent houses on Bolton Street in 1910. Shortly after, the 1918 Savannah city directory lists grocer Maurice Segall, plus two additional Segall grocers: Jacob and wife Gussie, and Max and wife Dora Goodman. (Max Abraham Segall is likely Morris Segall's brohter, Abe.)
Bessie Segall's brother, Phillip, moved to Miami, FL and married Sadie LEIBOWITZ, also of Husi. They had two children. Phillip died in Miami on 9 Sept 1968."
The following additional SEGALL (and WOLFSON) stories have been pieced together with the help of Gary Mayer and Dale Mitchell:
"There was probably more than one Segall family in Husi, but let's look at one that appears related to the one above. Chaim Segall had six siblings: Fannie, Raisl, Dalina, Abe, Yankel, and Morris. Chaim married Feygel Graur. They had at least seven children: Pauline (born 1894), Bernard (born 1902), Isadore, Simon, Alec, Lazar, and an unknown daughter. Pauline Segall arrived in the United States in August, 1913. Her passenger list entry says she was on her way to join her uncle in... Savannah, Georgia (see Segalls/Goodmans above). But Pauline never made it to Georgia. Her uncle, presumably Maurice/Morris Segall from above, did not make it to New York to meet the ship, but arranged for Pauline to be met by other Jews from Husi who were already living in New York. Pauline stayed in New York and married Sigmund Wolfson (1889-1967) a few months later. They had four children: Tillie, Albert, Bernice, and Frieda.
Sigmund Wolfson was the son of Avigdor "Victor" Wolfson and Bessie Kahn (born 1854). Victor was born in Iasi, but moved to Husi. Victor and Bessie had seven children in Husi: Leo, Adelle, Sigmund, Philip, Meyer, Benjamin, and Isaac. Victor was a book binder, as were his sons Sigmund, Benjamin, Philip, and Meyer. (Pauline's brother, Bernard Segall, also came to New York from Husi and became a book binder.) Isaac "Irving" Wolfson (b. 1898), the youngest brother, arrived in New York around 1904. He became a printer rather than joining his brothers in the bookbinding business.
The Wolfson family, including Victor and Bessie, all came over from Husi at various times, with four of the eldest brothers listed as living together in the New York mini-census of 1905. By the 1910 census, the whole family was living together again with Victor listed as head of family. Bessie died around 1910, and Victor remarried a widow from Husi named Rachel in the 1920s. At one time or another, every sibling lived on East 14th Street in Brooklyn, usually 2 or 3 families at a time. Dale Mitchell says, 'When I was a child, Uncle Philip and Aunt Mollie lived next door to my grandfather Irving and my grandmother Shirley Mackler, while Uncle Sigmund and Aunt Pauline lived in the apartment upstairs. Philip and Mollie’s daughter Clara lived downstairs from her parents with her husband, Harry Silver, and their children, Stanley and Blanche.'"
Again, please write and share your Husi family's stories. If you have
enough information, stories, and/or photos, we can add a page for your
family as well. If not, then let us share some of your stories here, on
this page. Send your stories, etc., to for inclusion on the Husi KehilaLinks site.