Vitebsk Cemetery Records from 1900 to 2000
The Vitebsk cemetery records were translated and transcribed by Adam Katzeff with help from Erik Hirschfeld. There are 5631 records in the database. The English editing of the introductory first six pages can be seen below and were done by Esther Rechtschafner with help from thank Michael Weizman (leader of the Ofek program for Russian students on Kibbutz Ein-Zurim), who translated from this from the Russian to Hebrew.
Below are links to the cemetery records. Below that is the introductory material translated by Esther Rechtschafner.
Vitebsk Cemetery data 1900-2000 A-F
Vitebsk Cemetery data 1900-2000 G-K
Vitebsk Cemetery data 1900-2000 L-P
Vitebsk Cemetery data 1900-2000 R-S
Vitebsk Cemetery data 1900-2000 T-Z
1) Vitebsk Cemetery data 1900-2000.

2) The Sapunov Organization of Vitebsk
The “Beit Olam” Organization for information about Jewish Cemeteries in Vitebsk and the area.
A Guidebook for Jewish Cemeteries in Vitebesk and the area.
The Old Jewish Cemetery of Vitebsk
Cemeteries in the Vitebsk Area
3) Information about the Estaro-Ulanovich Jewish Cemetery in Vitebsk[ ]
By Podlinski
Published by the Central Publishing Company of Vitebsk
Scherbakova Street, # 4, Zip code- 210015, Vitebsk, Belarus
This Guidebook makes the finding of graves in this Cemetery a very easy matter. It contains 2 lists of the 6,500 graves that are in the Cemetery.
- Part 1- according to section and row
- Part 2- according to name.
There is no other such Guidebook for Jewish Cemeteries, in what was the USSR.
Names of contributors:
- Leonid Levin- director of the Jewish congregations and organizations in Belarus.
- Victor Farber- Boscun Organization.
- Boris Alter- Vitebsk
4) The Jewish Cemetery in Vitebsk
This cemetery was opened in December 1909. The old part is on the right hand side of the center. There are older graves in the cemetery that were transferred from other cemeteries in the area. Most of the tombstones from before the 1917 revolution were vandalized. The cheaper tombstones were stolen and used for building foundations. The granite and marble were used for inside the buildings. From 1918 until 1999 there was no guard in the cemetery. The fence and gate were reconstructed between1993 and 1997. Afterwards this was redone. The left side of the Cemetery contains graves from before the revolution, and was also used between the wars. Most of the tombstones here were in bad condition and were redone. From the 1960’s, the third part was in use.
At the end of the 1960’s, it became forbidden to use this cemetery. There was no reason for this. The Cemetery was used secretly and without burial any system.
As of today there are 6,300 graves in the Cemetery:
- section 1 has 2,300 graves in it,
- section 2 has 2,500 graves in it,
- section 3 has 1,500 graves in it.
There are actually many more graves, but they are without tombstones.
Non-Jews were buried here, because of intermarriage into Jewish families. It is known that 138 people buried here were about 90 years old -55 of them were male, 8 were about 100 years old; and 2 were 106 and 107 years old.
The Guidebook of 1998-2000 contains much information about this Cemetery. The help with the organization of this material is appreciated. There are plans to publish 2 more books:
- One containing pictures
- One containing the history of this Cemetery and other cemeteries in this area.
If you have any information, please contact The Vitebsk Foundation (named in honor of Sofonov, who studied and knew the value of the Vitebsk area). The address of the Credvedi Museum of Vitebsk is Gogol Street, house # 17, apt # 24.
5) Map of the Vitebsk Cemetery
6) Introduction of The Cemetery Guidebook.
Please check the list of names.
The Jewish Cemetery in Vitebsk
Instructions on how to use this Guidebook
If the name you are looking for is not listed, then there is no tombstone for this person, or the name is not engraved (written) on the tombstone or is not readable.
Most of the names were in Yiddish or Hebrew, some were in Russian. Please allow for the transliteration.
The aims of our organization are:
- To care for the Jewish Cemeteries in Vitebsk and the area. The organization was founded in 1998. It helps the Belarus government care for the Jewish Cemeteries in this area.
- To circulate information about these Jewish Cemeteries.
- To gather more information about these Cemeteries.
- To help in the burial of Jews who wish to be buried here, and therefore partake in the doing of this Mitzvah.
The members of the organization are citizens of Vitebsk and the area. They work as volunteers. They collect charity from organizations and private persons for the organization. The organization administrators are:
- Podlivski Arcadi Michaelovitch (telephone 0212-36-92-84)
- Rivkin Michaeliz Tepnovitch (telephone 0212-36-41-50)
- The new entrance gate to the Cemetery was completed.
- The Cemetery office was opened.
- The organization helped with the acquiring of an additional guard.
- There was a meeting with the Joint (JDC).
The address of the organization is:
Lenin Street, house # 3, apartment # 52,
Vitebsk, BELARUS
[ ] Yisrael Tkach of Machon Lev, Jerusalem, Israel helped with the translation of this section to Hebrew and English.