for Miskolc Records
The Jewish Theological Seminary (New York)
Jewish Theological Seminary
(New York, NY)
- Seating plan for the men’s section of the Kazinczky Street Synagogue [Special Call No. SHF1688:6, MS1008]
- Seating plan for the women’s section of the Kazinczky Street Synagogue [Special Call No. SHF1688:5a, MS1007]
- Ha-Protokol He-Hadash [“The New Protocol”] (Miskolc: 1812-1833, 1833-1845) (in Hebrew/Yiddish-Deutsch/Hungarian) [Manuscript MS10271]
- Protokol Min Ha-Mekomot She-Be-Bet Ha-Knesset Ha-Gedolah [“Protocol of the Great Synagogue”] [Hebrew/Yiddish-Deutsch] (Miskolc, 1833) [Manuscript MS10272]
- Pinkas Ha-Kehillah [“Communal Record Book”] (Miskolc: 1833-35) (Hebrew/Yiddish-Deutsch) [Manuscript MS10273]
- Protocolle der Erscheinen Israelitische Gemeinde [“Protocol of the Israelite Community”] (Miskolc 1835-1839) [Manuscript MS10275]
- Születési, Házassági, és Halotti, anyakönyv IV., 1836-1851 (“Birth, Marriage and Death Registry 1833-1851") [Special Call No. SHF1817:1, MS10001]
To go to the website of the JTS Library main catalogue, click here.
Central Archive for the History of the Jewish People
(Hebrew University, Jerusalem)
- A marriage register from Miskolc (1895-1924)
To go to the website of the CAHJP, click here.
Hungarian Jewish Archives
(Dohany utca Synagogue, Budapest)
- Birth, Marriage, Death = 1832-1921
- Minutes of General Assembly = 1806-19?
- Business management documents = 1888-19?
- Miscellaneous documents = 1858-191?
Source: Landeszman, Rabbi Georgy, "Holdings of the Hungarian Jewish Archives" in Avotaynu, Vol. III, No. 2 (Spring 1987), page 13.
NOTE: The National Archives of Hungary (Budapest) and the Borsod County Archive (Miskolc) contain critical records relating to Miskolc. Please contact the Webmaster if you have information about the relevant materials in these archives.
Credits: Text, photograph, and page design copyrighted © 2008 by Helene Kenvin. We are grateful to Henry Wellisch, for bringing the source for information about the Hungarian Jewish Archives to our attention. Page created by Helene Kenvin. All rights reserved.