The Yudin/Yudien/Yudovich Families
This information was donated by MaR
The information I have for the Yudin/Yudien/Yudovich family is as follows ( They seemed to have come from areas variously listed in documents as Sharkovshchina, Vitebsk, Vilna, Kaunas, Lithuania--but mostly as Sharkovshchina & Vilna).
PATERNAL Great Grandparents: Yehuda Leib Yudovich and Malka Shapiro.

Yehuda Leib Yudin (Judin,Yudovich)-Year & Location Unknown
Father of: Sam (Shamer) Yudin/Yudien, Israel (Isadore) Yudin/Yudien Abraham (Abram) Yudin, Morris (Moshe Aharon) Yudin, and Jenny Yudin Ansel/Anschelewicz
Malka Shapiro Yudin (Judin,Yudovich)—Year & Location Unknown
Mother of: Sam (Shamer) Yudin/Yudien, Israel (Isadore) Yudin/Yudien Abraham (Abram) Yudin, Morris (Moshe Aharon) Yudin, and Jenny Yudin Ansel/Ahschelewicz |
Grandfather: Sam (Shomer) Yudin/Yudien/Judin born about March,1886 (Sharkovshchina) immmigrated to New York, US in 1906. Married Fannie Cohen (from Ostrolenka, Russia) in NY in about 1910.
Great Uncles: Morris (Moshe Aharon) Yudin/Yudovich born about September,1877 (Vitebsk), immigrated to London, England about 1901; married (Gittel Kishon in 1902), & had a child (Hillel/Harris, born 1904) in London, England then
immigrated to New York (and Pennsylvania) in 1904.
Israel (Isadore/Izzy) Yudin/ Yudien/Juden born about April, 1887 (Vilna, Russia); immigrated to NY in 1905.
Married Yetta__________.
Abraham (Abram) Yudin born about 1892 (Sharkovshchina, Vilna, Russia); immigrated to NY in 1912.
Married Minnie_____________.
Great Aunt:
Jennie (Shainie?) Yudin Aschelewicz/Ansel born about 1889 (Russia); married Philip (Pinchus? Anschelewicz
from Dvinsk, Russia) immigrated to NY about 1913.
I'm also researching my MATERNAL grandmother's family who were from Warsaw and Lodz (then Russia). They were known as "Levine" in the US but were originally "Lourie/Luria/ . My great grandfather was Solomon (Zalmon) Levine/Luria/Lourie and my gr. grandmother was Rebecca Reichman. Solomon's father was Michael Luria from Lodz. Solomon and Rebecca came to New York, US in the early 1890's.