The Pass Family
This information was donated by EHR.
My Great grandparents were from Rezekzne. They decided to leave. The son
Morris went to South Africa, as did many Latvian Jews at that time. He
worked in a shoe shop. He earned money and sent it to his family. The
parents and the 2 daughters Nomi & Esther immigrated to New York. Nomi married Simon Bleckman and Esther married Harry Herschman. (See Herschman family). This was
at the turn of the last century. He saved a bit more money and went to
England, where he again worked in a shoe shop. Then he earned more money and
went to New York to join his family. There, he opened up his own shoe shop.
He and his immediate family moved to California. The economic situation of
the entire family improved and some of the descendents became millionaires.
They were/are all very cultured and big Zionists.

Grandmother Basya Pass

Left- Nomi Pass with 3 of her 4 sons (Willie, Raphal, Oscar, Nat); middle- Grandparents with Daughters Nomi and Esther, right- Esther's son Oscar Herschman

Left- Esther's sons : Oscar and Meir, right Oscar as a baby

Left-Simon Blechman; right- Nomi and Simon Blechman

Left-Harry Herschman; right- Esther Herschman