A blood libel took place here. In 1817, the Czar Alexander I issued an edict stating that Jews shouldn’t be accused because of prejudice. In April 1823 there was another blood libel here. Then over 40 Jews were arrested in August 1826 a decree for the closing of all Synagogues was issued. The Jews were released after an investigation, however many people still suspected that fanatic Jews may require blood for their ceremonies. (EJ)
The map below is a map of the town of Velizh as it was in 1910 (it was then in Vitebsk district, now in Smolensk district), hand drawn from memory by some Velizhers in New York in 1938. The map was scanned full size (approximately 64 by 38 cm) at a resolution of 300 dpi, and saved as a pdf file which is 10.4 MB in size.
This map was donated by DZK.
