
Lists of names of those from Turov killed in the Holocaust

Most of the murders occcured at the beginning of the German occupation in 1941.

The list was compiled using photocopies of Belarusian Archival records which are available at USHMM (RG-22.002M, Reel 24).  Exact dates are unknown and the lists are titled - Murdered in Turov 1941-194?.  The actual date of their original compilation is undocumented but presumably were done soon after Turov was liberated in 1944. 

RG-22.002M: Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate German-Fascist Crimes Committed on Soviet Territory from the USSR

Four versions of the names appearing in the list are presented.

  - Original Belarusian

  - Belarusian transliterated into English

  - Belarusian transliterated into Russian

  - Russian transliterated into English

Turov List: page 1

Turov List: page 2

Turov List: page 3

Turov List: page 4

Turov List: page 5

Turov List: page 6

Turov List: page 7

© Donald Szumowski 2017