Checiks of Turov
Chechik Abram (Anatoly), Leibovich (1932 - ), studied in Turov, was evacuated at the station Gmelinka Semirakorskogo district of Stalingrad and the station Koltubanka Buzuluk district of the Orenburg region of Russia (1941-1946), graduated with honors from high school in Leningrad and entered into Higher engineering school of the Naval Forces of the USSR (1950), sent to the construction battalion of the North Sea Fleet of the "insincerity to the Party" (1953) since it does not have a questionnaire that Shleyme Chechik (father's brother) left in Canada (Toronto 1912), graduated with honors from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute. Kalinin (1954-1957), Evening Department of Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty of Leningrad State University (1968), built Mamakanskuyu hydroelectric power plant (HPP) Bodaibo district in the Irkutsk region (1957-1960), chief engineer of the construction and installation management (SMU) of the port city of Lensk at Vilyui HES and zamglavnogo engineer for the construction of the Lower Kama hydroelectric (1960-1964), project team leader NII Hydroproject in Leningrad and senior engineer of a mathematical laboratory "Water Engineering" to them. Vedeneeva in Leningrad (1965-1970); zamglavnogo engineer SMU "Glavleningradstroya" (1970-1972), chief designer of "Lenproekt" (1972-1974), engineer zamglavnogo Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station, the head of the main structures the power plant, was refused leave to Israel has a permanent place of residence (1979), away from work, longshoreman bakeries, electrician management of sports facilities in Leningrad, secretly taught Hebrew, immigrated to Israel (April 1988), is an engineer and technical supervision of construction, lives in Jerusalem.
Chechik Abram Shlemovich (1908-1984), A hereditary blacksmith, taught by a blacksmith in the village Chernichi Huberman, farm them. Kalinina d. Storozhovtsy Turowski district (until 1936), MTS Turova, drafted into the Red Army (1941), sang well and played the violin and Mandalina, not knowing musical notation, participated in the construction of a monument to Jews killed in Lelchitsy, died and was buried in Kalinkavichy.
Aron Checik
Chechik Aron (1870-1941) Born in the village of Veresnitsa 8 km from Turov and engaged in fishing activities had "ledovnyu (large cellar with a glacier), he caught himself and bought fish from the peasants of the Pripyat River, the nearby pond that dried , vyalili and sold, he helped his brother and sister Meer Bale, married Doba (courtyard, Dveyra, 1875-1934), had 8 children: deadhead (Rose, 1890-1976), who emigrated to the U.S. (1910), Israel (1892 -1979), Osher (1900-1921) - died in the pogrom-Bulak Bulahovicha, Samuel (1906-1993) - lived in Leningrad, Shleyme (1904-1941) - killed by the Nazis with his family, Bailey (1901-1992) , Raya (1908-1990) - lived in Gomel, went to the U.S. (1980), died in Providence, Rhode Island, Dora (1910 -?) - lived in Rechitsa, worked as an accountant, Aron was killed by the Nazis in 1941 (according to other sources, he was hiding from the neighbors until the autumn of 1943), but was discovered and shot.
Checik Benzion Meyerovich (1882-1942),
Checik Boris (1926-1941),
Checik Vova (1932-1941),
Chechik Wolfe Abramovich (1838-1918), Nicholas soldiers (cantonist), served in the Army 25 years, then worked as a blacksmith.
Chechik Wolfe Shlemovich (Solomonovich) (1919- ), he graduated from high school in the town of Turov (1936), Civil Engineering Department of the Belarusian State Polytechnic Institute (1941), was evacuated to Kazan, the master, foreman, foreman on the modal "Special construction management" № 102, build defense companies, aircraft factories № 16 and № 22 (1941-1945), engineer-designer of the state architectural workshops in Moscow, the head of a group of engineers in the State Institute of Urban Design (1945-1948), engineer and captain of the North Sea FleetSoviet Union (1950-1956), Chief Engineer Project Management Mosproekt 1 (1956-1989), author of inventions and patents in the field of heating and ventilation; awarded medals "For Labour Distinction", "For valiant work in commemoration of the 100 th anniversary of Lenin's "signs striker 9 and the 10 th Five-Year Plans, emigrated to the U.S. (1989), lives in New York City.
Chechik Israel Aronovich (1892-1979), A fisherman, spent three years in German prisoner of war (1915-1918), Melamed in Turov, was responsible for collecting the resin timber industry Turov, headed by a village council d.Veresnitsa Turovsky parish in 1926 ( ZGA in Mozyr, f.. 60, op. 1, d. 695, l.131), managing a warehouse in Turov agricultural co-operatives (1923-1929), Turovsky district office of the cooperative union tours (1929-1932), "Zagotzerno" tours ( 1932-1938), City Hospital Rechitsy (1938-1941), went to the Crimea for six months under the pretext of treating her son Meir, and thus escaped arrest (1938), with the beginning of the war he was evacuated with his family at the station. Koltubanovka Chkalov area, managing a warehouse in the hospital (1941-1945), head of the household Rechitsa FMU Sozh and then Gomel Forestry Administration (1945-1954), had 4 children: Leib (1922-1942) - died in the defense of Leningrad, Dora (1924 ), biology teacher, lived in Gatchina, Leningrad region, emigrated to the U.S. (1989), Meir (1926), doctor-dental technician in Rechitsa, immigrated to Israel (1991), Gold (1929), a physician-epidemiologist in Minsk, immigrated to Israel (1992).
Chechik (Glozman) Fania Moiseyevna (1900-1941) Lived in the first rounds. Work, 8, mother of 7 children, were unable to evacuate from Turov, having the four young children: Isaac (born in 1931), Vova (1933), Tasia (1937), Lisa (1939), was shot Nazis on their way to Lelchitsy in August 1941, the burial place is unknown.
Chechik Gregory I. (1923- ), studied at the Belorussian Polytechnic Institute in Minsk, had escaped from Minsk to Kopeysk (RSFSR, the Urals), voluntarily joined the army, party WWII, the gentleman two orders of Red Star and three awards "The Great Patriotic War," Colonel, shift engineer at the Minsk power plant, the company's director "Belarusenergonaladka in Minsk, had emigrated to Germany (2001).
Chechik Tsalevich Joseph (1901-1979), a blacksmith on the farm, the machine-tractor station, a brick factory (before 1938), a hardware store salesman (1938-1941), July 5, 1941, along with children Semenov (1928- ) and Rosa (1926- ), sailed out of tours on a boat in Narovlia, where he was drafted into the Red Army, the children were evacuated from the Bragin the Orenburg region, Simeon came to the orphanage, and Rose took home, during the Soviet-German War Sapper 132-th individual road construction battalion preparing ferry across the river, repairing tanks, fought at Moscow, on the Central Front, was awarded the medal "For Defense of Moscow", "For the liberation of Warsaw", "For the capture of Berlin, came to the East Prussia was at war with Japan, returned to Turov (November 1945), the seller of agricultural consumer magazine (1946-1948), the collector in Kalinkavichy (1948-1950), the collective farm village blacksmith Richev lived in Mozyr retirement of custody salvage (1974 -1979), buried in Mozyr.
Chechik Faina Moiseyevna (1900-1941), Housewife, mother of 7 children: Gregory (b. 1923), Rose (1926), Simon (1929), Isaac (1931), Vova (1933), Tasia (1937), Lisa (1939), the last four children died with her in July 1941 Lelchitsy (?).
Chechik Joschka, participant minyan in Turov, after the war.
Chechik Leib (Lev) Izrailevich (Srulevich, Srolevich) (1923-1942), Lived in Turov and forth Veresnitsa (until 1935), graduated 10 classes of school № 1 Rechitsy had a release for the disease (book), but insisted on the operations and voluntarily joined the army and fought on the island of "Fishing" in the Barents Sea, the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts, is missing in the defense of Leningrad, according to other sources, he died of his wounds in hospital (Memorial Book of the Union of Jewish invalids and veterans of World War II Nazis / / Moscow, 1997, v. 4. 298).
Chechik Meir, the brother of Aaron Chechik, was engaged in fishing, gardening and horticulture had a large garden and orchard, married Grunya had 7 children: Rashe, Shloime, Mehmke, Hersch-Leib, Golda, Isroel and Moishe; Rashe died early, herhusband and two young boys left for America, and helped parents remittances and parcels in the years of famine (1933-1934), married in Shleyme Turovne at Fox-Lee and they were born Gregory, Abram, Osher, Boris, Michael, Beyonce and Sarah ; Abram and Osher were killed during the war, Boris in the postwar years he lived in Kharkov, Mike worked as a veterinary surgeon in the Fergana and remained there after the evacuation, Beyonce lived in Fergana, but then moved to the children in Tashkent, one of her daughters is now living in Tel Aviv Aviv, Gregory lived in Kiev (who died in the late 1980's), he was the son of fame, Sarah after the war lived in Ukraine.
Chechik Moishe Vulfovich, son of a blacksmith Wolfe Chechik, left the tours in the U.S. in 1920.
Chechik Moishe Shlemovich (1922-1941), Attended high school in Turov, drafted into the Red Army 17 May 1941 one month before final examinations and a certificate, served in the cavalry, in Moldavia (Bessarabia), and died in the early days of the war , place of death is unknown.
Chechik Monus Shlemovich (1904-1943), Was born in the village of Turov Storozhovtsy District, attended the Cheder Turov, graduated from night school for working youth, a self-taught watchmaker in Turov projectionist in Zhytkavichy (since 1936), knew the Yiddish and Hebrew languages and wrote them poems, was arrested on the denunciation of the reading of Nikolai Bukharin (reportedly sentenced to exile in Kazakhstan), but was released, called the Red Army from Zhitkovichi, the commander of a platoon of infantry and was killed at Stalingrad (Memorial Book of the Union of Jewish invalids and veterans of World War II with the Nazis / / Moscow, 1997, v. 4, pp. 298).
Chechik Mordukh Hirsch, merchant grade 5 in the tours in 1868 (NIARB in Minsk, p. 295, op. 1, d. 1951, l.. 57-60, 131-132).
Chechik Lisa Shlemovna (1926-1941), Was killed by the Nazis in Lelchitsy with his mother Sarah Shukhman (Chechik).
Chechik Pinkhus, tradesman in Turov in 1868 (NIARB in Minsk, f.295, op. 1, d. 1951, l.144).
Chechik (Gitelman) Joseph Rosa (1926- ), has graduated from Grade 8 school in Turov, in July 1941 was evacuated to. Pokrovka Orenburg region of the RSFSR, where she worked at the farm and then lived in Moscow (1944-1946), Germany (1946-1948) to post her husband's captain of the Soviet Army, Gitelman Sergei Isaakovich, returned to the Tour (1948), graduated 10 classes of school working Youth (1952), lived and worked in Slutsk (since 1956), graduated from the Teachers' Institute in the city of Brest (1956) and Minsk State Pedagogical Institute. Gorky (1966), more than 30 years worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature in schools Turov and Slutsk, awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War, certificates and diplomas of the Ministry of Education of the BSSR, immigrated to Israel in October 1992. Resides in Kiryat Shmona.
Chechik (Shukhman) Sarah (1885-1941), A housewife in Turov birth: Ziehl, Monus (1904), Abram (1930), Anya, Luba, Stas, Wolfe (1919), Moishe, Lisa (1926), died by the Nazis in Turov.

Simon and Zissel Chechik
Solomon Gold Family
Solomon’s parents were Simon Chechik and Zissel Chechik. Solomon was born in Moshczenovitcz ( ), near Turov, Belarus.
This family settled in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Chechik Simon Iosefovich (1929- ), studied at secondary school № 1 Turov, was evacuated in July 1941 in the Tambov region (August-October 1941), pp. Pokrovka Chkalov (Orenburg) region, lived in an orphanage in with. Pervolotskogo Donetsk region (until spring 1942), studied at the vocational school № 6 Chkalov (1942-1944), lived in Mariupol (1944-1945), returned to the Tour (December 1945), worked in the consumer's cooperation Turova head of the industrial base ( 1947-1950), served in the Soviet Army (1950-1953), graduated from night school in Turov (1956), the energy department of the Belarusian Polytechnic Institute in Minsk (1961), engineer of electrical networks, the chief dispatcher service of the Brest Regional Energy Management (1961 - 1995), immigrated to Israel (1997), lives in Be'er Sheva.
Chechik Haya-Feygul (1842-1936), A housewife, bore: Moishe, Hannah, Shleyme-Haim (1877-1931), Sarah (1885-1941), Shmuel, Eshku
Chechik Vulfovna Khana, the daughter of Wolf Chechik, left the tours in Crimea (in 1920). Where killed along with her husband Shukhman D. Osheroff and 7 children in 1941
Chechik Hoshka the employee stocking the collective farm to tours in 1929 (GA OOGO, f.. 2728, op. 1, 16, l. 16).
Chechik Shleyme-Haim (1877-1931), A hereditary blacksmith, died in Kiev.
Chechik Etka, the employee stocking the collective farm to tours in 1929 (GA OOGO, f.. 2728, op. 1, 16, l. 16).
Collected by Leonid Smilovitsky