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Last updated
12/19/16 by ELR
A glimpse into the structure of the Jewish community of Uscie Biskupie in the second half of the Nineteenth Century
By Ervin Spinner
Uscie Biskupie is a small farming village located at the point where the large
and scenic Dniester River is joined by the much smaller Nieczlawa River, which
runs down from the north, by way of Borszczów. The village lies on a hillside
that slopes down to the Dniester, at a place where the river makes a large oxbow
loop. The “main” road is higher than the town, and looking down towards the
village it is hard to see that there is anything much there, because the canopy
of trees is so thick. More impressive is the view past the village of the wide
and curving Dniester, the high cliffs on the other side, and the neatly laid out
The JRI Poland database provides us scanned images of the actual register of
vital records. This gives some insight into the demographics and population
growth of shtetls like Uscie Biskupie. It is obvious from the data that from
about the first quarter of the 1800’s to the last twenty years of that century
there was an almost exponential increase in the Jewish population. The handful
of established families in the 1830 timeframe grew to large clans towards the
end of the century in spite of the extremely large cases of early childhood
mortality. It is also clear that the number of new families moving in was
steadily increasing. Death data begin in about 1831. To me this is a good
indication of the number of established families. In the twenty years from 1831
to 1851 there were some 35 deaths recorded, anywhere between zero to 4 annually.
Of these 35, seven were Geller’s. Furthermore, of these 35, 13 were adults, male
and female, likely heads of families at least 35 years old and older. 4 were
Scharfsteins, 2 Geller, 1 Rosenblatt. Indeed, for the rest of the Century these
three families constituted the largest clans and probably intermarried
extensively among themselves.
I have recently purchased the list of property owners of Uscie for 1827. I have
also acquired a copy of the cadastral map for the 1860 timeframe. We know that
the lower numbered houses are older and in the center of town, the market
square, but as houses are added in later years in the center they have much
higher numbers. We note the heads of three families that became prominent over
the century and which naturally intermarried. In 1827 there are hardly any
Jewish property owners. Josel Geller owns house #15 of 59 square meters, Abraham
Rosenblatt (1769-1832) owns house #9, 43 sq. meters. Both of these gentlemen are
in the database. The third head of a family is Moyses Scharfstein, house #3, 84
sq. meters. He is not in the vital records database but that large house
remained in the Scharfstein family for the rest of the Century. It included a
schenk, tavern as well as a grocery store. Moyses was obviously born sometime in
the 1760’s and had a few children.
Uscie is one of several border towns in the Austrian empire on the Dniester
River on the border with the Russian empire. Poverty in Galicia was uniformly
high, but we know that the Jewish population as a whole grew by a factor of 8 in
the 19th Century. It is probable that socio-economic conditions were relatively
better here in eastern Galicia to account for the particular growth of Uscie.
The average global death rate for the Century was 40 deaths for a population of
1000. Hence, a death rate of less than 2 averaged over the 20 year period
mentioned above would suggest as a first approximation, an Uscie population of
at most 50 Jews, maybe 10 families, in the 1840’s. According to JewishGen the
Jewish population in 1880 was 860 and I will focus on the situation around that
To get an idea of what people did for a living it is useful to look at birth
records because the Austrian form required listing the baby, the name and
occupation of the father as well as the name of the mother, her parents and
their occupation. Thus with one birth we can capture the occupation of two
families one generation apart. While this information is not always provided, in
the majority of cases we see fairly complete information.
I looked at a five year period around 1880 and while this does not cover every
family, it probably covers more than half and is statistically valid for the
remainder. My source is the raw data on JRI Poland. Another source of general
information is the map room of Gesher Galicia.
The maps of Galicia in the map room from the late 1700’s to 1848 tell a fairly
consistent story. A little shtetl like Uscie Biskupie in a largely agrarian
economy before it was touched by the industrial revolution lives off the small
farmers around the shtetl where they come to sell their produce, to buy their
basic necessities and, of course, to drink. Uscie is essentially surrounded by
the Dniester River on three sides with no access to the farms and villages and
with limited access to the area farms mainly to the north. What is worse is the
fact that its entire east side is not only a river but the border of the Russian
empire; hence limited geographic and political access. We therefore note on
those maps a very narrow road running down from the much larger towns to the
north and ending at Uscie. Uscie is in the sub district of Mielnica and is a
very short distance from the town of Mielnica to the east. Not surprising, Uscie
is small in the first half of the 1800’s. However, the recently published
statistical map of 1878, a treasure of information, tells a different story. The
geographic and political barriers are still there, but we now note better
highways from the north into Uscie, a small two kilometer road to the west from
Uscie crossing the river and running south into Bucovina, Czernowitz and beyond.
This bridge joining two provinces of the Austrian empire (the next bridge is
several kilometers up river to the west at Zaleszczyki) turns Uscie now into an
important station on a trade route. The bridge was probably built in the 1860’s
when the rapid increase in the Jewish population was on its way. There is a
village called Samuszyn on the other shore of the Dniester on the Bucovina side
some three kilometers from Uscie and a few Uscie families set up shop there
predominantly a branch of the Geller clan.
The 1878 map is a gold mine of information. Uscie now has a sugar factory,
distilleries, a steam mill, oil presses and a tobacco factory. Additionally,
there is a telegraph office which attests to Uscie’ s role as a trade center.
Generally, only the larger towns had this service.
The JRIP data shows a fairly complete range of occupations and services among
the Jewish population. The town has at least one of the following: property
owners, “propination pachter” or lease holders acquired from the manor giving
them the right to produce liquor; tailors, shoemakers, furriers, carpenters,
furniture producers, bakers, glaziers, butchers, smiths, copper smiths, laborers,
tool sharpeners and even a “spikilant”, presumably a speculator. I will now
attempt to quantify the main occupations. By far the largest occupation is
trade. There are at least 37 general merchants including retail dealers, as well
as leather merchants, horse dealers, fruit and flour dealers, salt merchants.
There is one trade clerk. Altogether, in the sample that I looked at, there are
more than 45 people engaged in some form of trade. Again we note that the
Geller, Scharfstein and Rosenblatt families dominate the merchant class.
Additionally, there are nine grocers, fourteen carters transporting merchandise
as well as people.
We know that the one occupation where the Jews were an absolute majority over
some three centuries is “szenker” or tavern keeper. In my sample, Uscie has no
less than eleven szenkers. Some of the taverns were in or near the town square
but we also know that throughout Eastern Europe some of the taverns were at
roadside or near the surrounding villages. A tavern was frequently more than
just a place to drink alcoholic beverages. It was a place where people went
after life events like church weddings, funerals, births. The Jewish tavern
owner would occasionally act as banker for destitute farmers; give advice and
act as psychologist and social worker combined. Some taverns carried general
merchandise beyond liquor. (The recently published book: Yankel’s Tavern is
actually a well-researched scholarly work and is highly recommended).
We know that at that time, university trained doctors were practicing in the
cities. The 1878 map shows that small to medium towns had no doctors but Uscie
has a doctor. His name is Dr Elias Japke; he married the daughter of a property
owner in Czernowitz. His family is not from Uscie and we don’t know how many
years he lived there, but he had a daughter in 1880. Obviously, this growing
community appealed to him.
We know that every community had a “royfeh”, a person who practiced folk
medicine learned by being apprenticed to another such medic. I don’t know who
filled this role in Uscie because usually such people have regular jobs as well,
or are house wives. However, Uscie had an interesting fellow called Yankel
Boruchowitz. He and his family came from Besserabia, the Russian empire on the
other side of the Dniester River. He is clearly the coroner of record and has
signed every death record for many years. Was he also a medic? We don’t know but
in a birth record he is identified as a “schuldiener”, presumably gabbai or
serving officer of a synagogue.
As regards other Jewish things, we note the following. A few people could
perform a circumcision but the primary “moil” was Abraham Ira Schecher whose
daytime job was being a “shoichet”, a ritual slaughterer. Clearly, so were his
ancestors as suggested by his family name. At births, the primary witnesses or
functionaries for registering the birth are Mordko Isak Schapia, a grocer and
Litman Eisenberg, a merchant. The sandek was generally a grandfather of the
The Austrian government demanded that Jews must also have a civil marriage.
However, this procedure was expensive and it meant nothing to Jews all of whom
had had a chupa and a wedding conforming to Jewish law and practice. As a
consequence we find very few weddings performed at city hall until quite late in
the Century. The price was that the children were formally registered as
“illegitimate”! Again, the two gentlemen mentioned above are functionaries and
witnesses at several civil weddings. Interestingly, I have found no reference to
a rabbi in this time frame. The larger shtetl, Mielnica was a few kilometers to
the east and I suppose that a rabbi was brought over from there when needed.
The maps do not show any synagogues although we know that there were a few,
possibly in private homes. In my sample, Uscie has five teachers of Jewish
subjects, “judenkinderlehrer”. Itzig Leistner, Motie Weisman, Szimszon
Rosenthal, Srul Herlik and Leib Treiner. They probably taught in their own
We know that social stratification was strong in Jewish communities throughout
history and it certainly existed in Uscie. Merchants married girls from merchant
families and tailors married girls from tailor families. We see some of this in
our data base but certainly not exclusively. There were simply many more
merchant families than any other group so many intermarried. The carters, or “ba’alegulehs”,
who, in Jewish folklore, are at the bottom of the social scale seemed to have
done reasonably well in marriage. They probably had good income.
Uscie people married spouses from their own town but also from the surrounding
small towns and villages. Occasionally, we find a spouse from the larger towns
to the north. A case in point is Aron Burych Feldtenstein; he is a tailor who
married Genender Klesmer whose father is Moses Ruben Klesmer, a professional
musician from Skala some 30 kilometer to the north. Judging by her name, she
comes from a line of musicians. It seems that her sister also married an Uscie
boy. What can be more Jewish than a klezmer and a rabbi, but clearly Uscie was
not large enough to support either in this time frame.
However, there is a legend that I am particularly fond of that I received from
one of the descendants and who claimed that it was known among some of the
Scharfsteins in New York City.
“The Russian Czar Nicolai issued a proclamation (1827) conscripting all Jewish
male children from ten years old and up into military services. Simcha Binim and
a friend, both ten years old, decided to flee the Czar’s tyranny across the
Dniester river into Austria. While the friend drowned in the attempt, Simcha
Binem arrived safely and found refuge in the home of the rabbi of the town of
Uscie Biskupie. Binem later married the rabbi’s daughter, a Scharfstein, and
became chief rabbi of several neighboring towns. The couple had two children,
Mordechai and Frima. Frima married Leibele (Yehidi Leib) Treiner, a Torah
teacher. Born to them were a son and three daughters….” Much as I like the
story, I have found no reference to a rabbi called Binim Scharfstein in any data
base including Chochmei Galicia. However, there is a Binyamin Scharfstern who
died in Skala in 1862. Since this family name does not exist, I assume that it
is Scharfstein. The age give is 74 but this is very likely to be wrong too; very
few people lived that long. Is this Uscie’s prominent son who took a position in
the larger town as rabbi/dayan? Possibly. We note the death of Rifka Beila 36
years old in 1848, in house #253. She is preceded by a Scharfstein on the very
short list of death records and the clerk simply did not repeat the family name.
She is probably Binim’s wife. Leib Treiner and his wife Frima lived in the same
house, #253, where all their children were born and raised. Krentsie Scharfstein
(1794-1870) also lived and died in this house; three generations of Scharfstein
ladies, Krentsie, Rifka anf Frima. We also note that all four children of Leib
and Frima name one of their own children, Binem, presumably for their eminent
The Jews had a relationship with the local Polish nobility, as merchants, liquor
license holders, estate administrators and so on. This would require scholarship
research on site and I am not a scholar. We do note, however, in the 1891
business directory that Graf Gustav Blucher owned oil factories in Uscie and in
the 1907 directory Graf Borkowski owned an estate while Graf Bawaroski owned
steam mills and oil factories.
Whatever happened to Uscie Biskupie? A person who visited the town a few years
ago wrote some notes and my introductory paragraph comes from his notes.
Apparently Uscie was severely damaged by bombardments in WW I. To-day, the Jews
are long gone and so is the vitality of the town. I don’t know how many hundreds
of Landsmanshaftn, Jewish benevolent societies existed in New York, but the
“Erste Uscie Biskupier Unt. Verein” was established at the end of the 1800’s and
may have survived to 1990. Their cemetery sections are in Mt Hebron and a
smaller section in Cedar Park cemetery. YIVO in New York may have some records
from this society.
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