Memorial plaque to the martyred Jews of Kopyczyńce at Mount Zion, Jerusalem

Submitted by Zev Stern

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Memorial plaque to the martyred Jews of Kopyczyńce in the Holocaust at Martef ha-Shoah at Har Zion in Jerusalem.

The Martef ha-Shoah (Cellar of the Holocaust), is on Mount Zion, and in close proximity to the traditional Tomb of King David.  Ashes from the crematoria are entombed there.

Translation of Hebrew inscription by Zev Stern:  To the eternal memory of the martyrs of Kopychnitz [Yiddish rendering of the Polish-Ukrainian name] and the region, killed by the vile Nazis, may their names be obliterated [a traditional imprecation], and buried alive in a mass grave on the road to Malkhin in 1943;  To the holy and pure souls of our townspeople who were cruelly swept away, sanctifying God's Name, in the years of the Holocaust in various concentration camps, their holy memory will never depart from us, may their souls be bound up in the bond of Eternal Life

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