Buchsgang (Czortków) Business School Certificate

Submitted by Alick Link

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G.Buchsgang Business School in Czortkow
School year 1937/38
Graduation certificate
Zygmunt Link
born on August 9 1922 in Probuzna,
Tarnopol province, of Mosaic persuasion,
admitted as a first grade student on September 3 1935
on the basis of the school-leaving certificate and the entrance exam,
completed the three year studies
and passed the final examination on June 11 1938
with honours.
In Czortkow, on June 11 1938.

School principal
signature - ? Koppel
TeachersBoard members
Rozia Margulies
Zbigniew Marcinow
Zygmunt Link
got the following final grades:
Religion ­ Excellent
Polish Language ­ Good
German Language ­ Excellent
History - Excellent
Business Mathematics ­ Excellent
Business Science - Excellent
Accountancy ­ Excellent
Business Correspondence ­ Good
Economic Geography ­ Excellent
Commodity Research ­ Excellent
Stenography ­ Excellent
Calligraphy - Excellent
Typewriting - Good
Hygiene - Good
Physical Training - Excellent
Conduct - Good

School principal
signature - ? Koppel

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