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07/02/16 by ELR
The Central Database of Shoah Victim’s Names
Pages of Testimony (POT): People whose place of residence (or birth) in was Barysz
Ashkenazi, Avraham Mordekhai
Ashkenazi, Raitza
Austraeger, Binah Bina
Austraeger, Chana Khana
Austraeger, Hudell Hudel
Austraeger, Mose Moshe
Austraeger, Wolf Zeev
Binder, Czarna Charna
Binder, Khava
Binder, Mosze Moshe
Binder, Zisie Zisha
Buchvald, Gitel Gizela
Buchvald, Hinda Helen
Buchvald, Zlata
Ebert, Aron Aharon
Ebert, Bronia Bronia
Ebert, Jakob Yaakov
Ebert, Moshe Mozes
Ebert, Szalom Shalom
Ebert, Szlima Shlima
Ebert, Szlomo Shlomo
Erlich, Yenta
Farber, Hinda
Fritz, Aharon Aharon
Glacer, Gitl Gitel
Grude, Szmul Shmuel
Klinghofer, Jakob Yaakov
Klinghofer, Jakob Yaakov
Lader, Lea
Lader, Szlomo Shlomo
Leder, Chana Khana
Lipa, Cipora Tzipora
Lipa, Moshe
Lipa, Nachman Nakhman
Lipa, Rakhel
Lipa, Ruti Rut
Lipa, Yisrael David
Lipska, Ida Ida
Margalit, Khaim
Margalit, Klara Khaia
Meerfeld, Bina
Meerfeld, Brana Brana
Meerfeld, Bronia -
Meerfeld, Chaja Khaia
Meerfeld, Feiga
Meerfeld, Isaak Yitzkhak
Meerfeld, Josef Yosef
Meerfeld, Moshe Mozes
Meerfeld, Naftali
Meerfeld, Ronia
Meerfeld, Shimon
Meerfeld, Yehoshua
Ostreger, Binjamin Beniamin
Ostreger, Eliezer
Ostreger, Israel Yisrael
Ostreger, Ita
Ostreger, Leon
Ostreger, Manja Mania
Ostreger, Roza
Perelmuter, Zalman
Perlmuter, Fancia Fantza
Perlmuter, Zalman Shlomo
Perlmutter, Fancia Fagah
Rivka Bayla
Rubell, Chana Khana
Rubell,Yitzchak Yitzkhak
Serer,Haia Khaia
Silberschein,Chava Eve
Silberschein,Chawa Khava
Warman, Aharon
Warman, Israel Yisrael
Warman, Rivka
Warman, Sara
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