This is the story of the old Jewish village Storojinet, located near the Carpathian mountains.

During the World War 2, this village was occupied by the Romanian army, encouraged by the Nazis.

This is also the story of Shneor Zusa Riegler, his wife Devora, and their daughter Sara which were forced to leave their home one day in July 1941, and to walk by feet toward camp Transnistria to meet their death on the way, to get buried without any tombstone or mark.

This is the story of other families like the Riegler's, which have met the same fate.

This is the story of Shamai Riegler and other young guys that were recruited to the Red army and disappear forever.

This is the story of Tsila Riegler and other brave people which managed to face the death and make the decision to live and survive despite of the horror, and came to Israel.

This is the story of Hilda, Lena and Marcus Riegler which managed to get to Israel before the killings.

In August 2001, about 60 years after my grand grand father Shneor Zusa Riegler and his family were forced to leave their home, I have traveled to Storojinet to see what left.


Haim Cohen

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