A Lithograph of 19th Century Skala

by Napoleon Orda

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Napoleon Orda (1807-1883) was an ethnic Pole who was born on his family's manor near Pinsk, now Belarus. Orda was a composer and musician who studied in Paris under Frederic Chopin. He also was a writer and artist and took lessons with the French artist Pierre Gerard, whose specialty was architectural landscapes.

Between 1872 and 1874, Orda traveled throughout Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus making about a thousand detailed sketches and watercolors of local towns and historic landmarks. His works provide information about the history of the architecture and culture of the places he visited, much of which was destroyed during the second World War. A bronze monument to Orda was erected in Ivanovo, Belarus in 1997.


"Napoleon Orda," Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon_Orda

Monument to Napoleon Orda by Igor Golubev: http://www.belarus.net/art/Golubev/napoleon.htm


"Napoleon Orda: Talent Devoted to Native Land" at http://brestobl.com/orda/002.htm

Design and text designed by Helene Kenvin
We are grateful to Anatolie Dydik for bringing this graphic to our attention
This page created by Max Heffler
Updated Oct 16, 2017. © Copyright 2005 Skala Research Group. All Rights Reserved.