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Jewish Families of Shklov, Zarecha and Rizhkevich

This section is still under development, and this is just a preliminary outline.   This section will provide a listing of known Jewish Families from Shklov, with links either to their family websites or other biographical information about them.   Visitors to this page who have information about these and other families from Shklov, Zarecha and Rizhkevich are invited to send in their information, which we will gladly post here.   It is envisioned that this section of the website will evolve and grow over time as additional information is contributed, and we look forward to expansion of the information available here.   .  

As a start, we have some information and links to websites for the following families:

Flyer (Fleer, Flier, Flayer)

Kalymkov (Kalmikoff)





If you have additional information about Shklov to share
or other comments or questions, please contact Daria Fane

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and wish to further our mission of preserving our history for future generations, your JewishGen-erosity is greatly appreciated.

Copyright 2013 Daria Fane