Shanghai, China


Some years ago Shalom Bronstein indexed a publication called Lakarov V'larahok which appeared from 1945 to 1947.




First number is the number of the issue, second number is the page, followed by name of person, year of birth, place of birth, occupation, when they arrived in Shanghai, location of last residence before arriving in Shanghai.  [L] – listing in Latin letters; [H] – listing or article in Hebrew.



Shanghai, China –

     24:1 [H] article (December 13, 1945)

34:3 [L] {53} orphans with year & place of birth (February

28, 1946)

36:1 [H] short notice (March 14, 1946)

37:4-7 [A-D] [L] (March 21, 1946)

38:2, 4-5, 7 [D-G] [L] (March 28, 1946)

39:2, 4-5, & 7 [G-K] [L] including a telegram message/short

article from the chief rabbi of      Shanghai refugees [H]

(April 4, 1946)

40:4-5 [K-L] [L] {total to this issue 4509} (April 11, 1946)

53:4-5 [L- M] [L] (August 6, 1946)

55:6 [M-P] [L] + article in Hebrew (August 29, 1946)

57:3 [N-P] [L]; the alphabetical listings state year and city

of birth, profession, city of origin, spouse, year   and city of birth, children and year of birth (October

3, 1946)

61:3 [H] seeking relatives in Eretz Yisrael (December 11,



Listings of all people in Shanghai who came from Schneidemuehl


37:5 – March 21, 1946

Ansbach Fritz 1890 Schneidemuehl Gastronom 38 Berlin;

Wife – Dolly 1897. 

Heinz b. 1916 Berlin, wife Dora 1913; Werner b. 1904


  :6  Danziger Max 1900 Schneidemuhl Agent 39 Berlin; Wife

Meta 1901 Berlin

38:4 - March 28, 1946

Fraenkel Walter 1892 Schneidemuehl Merchant 39

Schneidemuhl; wife: Kaete 1904

39:4 – April 4, 1946

Heymann Martin 1895 Schneidemuehl merchant 40 Breslau via Siberia; wife Klara 1900; son: Horst 1926

     Heymann Max 1884 Schneidemuehl merchant 39 Breslau;             wife     Hedwig 1889

Heymann Theodor 1885 Schneidemuehl Merchant 39 Hanover; wife

     Rachel 1878 son; Heinz 1914 chemist

57:3 – October 3, 1946

Nobel Guenther 1913 Filehne Locksmith 39 Berlin; wife

     Eugenie nee Schmerling 1912


The Jewish Agency was the sponsor of Lakarov V'larahok but it is not until issue 38 on March 28, 1946, that the name of an editor, M. Gurari, appears.  In an address by Shlomo Eisenberg, the Secretary General of the Jewish Agency, published in the newspaper [51:2], he states that more than 200,000 names were published in Lakarov V'larahok in the first forty-nine issues.