25th Anniversary Souvenir Album
The 25th Anniversary Jubilee Banquet of the Shatter Progressive Benevolent Association was held on February 24, 1934 in Bronx, NY and this Souvenir Album was published for the event. Click on the thumbnail photos below for a larger version. This book was scanned from a photocopy and thus the typeface is not that sharp and clear. I realize that an original copy would be as rare as a 19th or early 20th century prenumerantum (Hebrew subscription list), but if any of you happen to have one, I would really appreciate it if you can scan it and send me the images so that I can replace the second-hand images here. Page 21 reflects the sense of humor of the members of the Shatter Progressive Benevolent Association, but because it is not very legible I am including an excerpt here.
Copyright © 2011 Ada Green
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