
1846 Seta Candle Tax List

This document comes from the Kaunas Archives and it was personally
obtained by Ada Green during a visit to the archives in September 1999

Last Name Given Name Father's Name Spouse Taxes
GRAS Bentzel Mendel Chaya 8 kopecs (well-to-do)
FUNK Berko Yosel Miriam 8 kopecs (well-to-do)
GURVICH Berko Abram Risa Gana 8 kopecs (well-to-do)
ZAK Izrael Shimel Sheina Rovsha 8 kopecs (well-to-do)
MAYZLIN Abram Girsh Gitla 8 kopecs (well-to-do)
PRAYSKEL Borukh Movsha Rokhla Gitla 8 kopecs (well-to-do)
GOLDSHTIK Meer Gesel Etla 8 kopecs (well-to-do)
KURLANCHIK Itchik Misel Rivka 8 kopecs (well-to-do)
LURIA Movsha Izrael Rivka 8 kopecs (well-to-do)
GADIE Notel Vulf Sheina Rovsha 8 kopecs (well-to-do)
RICK Leyba Itzyk Merka 8 kopecs (well-to-do)
GADIE Movsha David Dovka 8 kopecs (well-to-do)
KULBELSKY Mendel Girsh Itka 8 kopecs (well-to-do)
KURLANCHIK Yankel Girsh Matla 8 kopecs (well-to-do)
  Abram Shmuel Leah 8 kopecs (well-to-do)
SHMID Shloma Yudel Shora 4-1/2 kopecs (middle class)
SHMID Chaim Yudel Shora 4-1/2 kopecs (middle class)
KURLANCHIK Smerel Yosel Fradla 4-1/2 kopecs (middle class)
GREIS Mortkhel Girsh Rivka 4-1/2 kopecs (middle class)
ZIFF Abel Zelman Rokhla 4-1/2 kopecs (middle class)
GRANTZ Izrael Gershon Aidla 4-1/2 kopecs (middle class)
MORDEL Yankel Berke Sheina 4-1/2 kopecs (middle class)
KAMBER Abel Yudel Itcko Shora 4-1/2 kopecs (middle class)
REZ Mikhal Elyash Taube 4-1/2 kopecs (middle class)
PRAYSKEL Mortkhel Ephraim Chiena 4-1/2 kopecs (middle class)
  Rubin Yankel Kuna 4-1/2 kopecs (middle class)
SHMID Yosel Yudel Leah 4-1/2 kopecs (middle class)
LEVIN Izak Mordkhel Sora 4-1/2 kopecs (middle class)
KAGAN Nokhim Shimel Abram Sheina Rokhla 4-1/2 kopecs (middle class)
DIAMENT Yosel Izrael Leyb Frada 4-1/2 kopecs (middle class)
  Itzyk Shimel Girsh Yankel Shora 2 kopecs (poor)
KURLANDCHIK Yosel Girsh Leah 2 kopecs (poor)
GROGELLEVICH Elyash Abram Yankel Shora 2 kopecs (poor)
BUKANTS Yosel Sholom Abel Etka 2 kopecs (poor)
ZAK Zelman Izrael Gena 2 kopecs (poor)
KURLANDCHIK Yosel Shimel Chana 2 kopecs (poor)
GADIE Kevil Gavriel Mortkhel Rhoda 2 kopecs (poor)
GADIE Vulf Girsh Itke 2 kopecs (poor)
KAGAN Nokhim Shimel Abram Sheina Rokhla 2 kopecs (poor)
FEINBER Girsh Kopel Gershon Shimel Shora 2 kopecs (poor)
KAGAN Mortkhel Benyamin Chaska 2 kopecs (poor)
BUKANTS Meer Itzyk Yakhla 2 kopecs (poor)
LEVIN Shloma Leyb Gershon Malka 2 kopecs (poor)
GARUN Girsha Itzyk Rokhla 2 kopecs (poor)
BETEN Itzyk Izrael Rivka 2 kopecs (poor)
CHAIT Tzodyk Shebsel Chaya no tax
VILK Abram Elyash Girsh Elka no tax
SHATZ Osher Elyash Raska no tax
SHLELEVICH Movsha Mortkhel Berko Gitla no tax
STROM Shaya Shmuel Chaska no tax
KAMBER Yankel Itzko Reisa no tax
TSON Movsha Girsh Leah no tax
KLOTZ Zundel Girsh Brayna no tax
BASS Lipman Yosel Yunka no tax
YUDEL Zelman Itzka Hana no tax
KAPLAN Rubin Yovel Malka no tax
BARZ Notel Shimel Chaya no tax
GLICK Leyba Abram Tsivia no tax
CHAIT Noakh Shebsil Rikla no tax
SHAITZ Yosel Itzko Leah no tax

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