Appendix 1 (Hebrew "Het" like "Hanuka" is transliterated as kh)
Serey Jews who emigrated to America in 1869-70
- E.Bergman
- A.Bitskovsky
- L.Brudzinsky
- L.Dushvitsky
- A.Katz
- A.Krepky
- R.Levin
- A.Losdoisky
- S.Savsberg
- S.Shalme
- G.Trotsky
Appendix 2
List of donors for the Settlement of Eretz-Yisrael in 1902 as published in "HaMelitz"
- Berent Shevakh
- Bialostotzky Yehudah-Leib
- Broide Yisrael
- Bunishky Khayim
- Khazan Tsvi
- Dolkovsky Eliezer
- Eilevitz Aryeh-Leib
- Eilevitz Nakhum-Meir
- Eishovitz Moshe-Yehudah
- Epshtein Yonah
- Finkel Eliezer-Ze'ev
- Frank Eliezer
- Frank Moshe
- Garbarsky Eliezer
- Garbarsky Yosef
- Garbovsky Tsvi
- Goldberg Ya'akov
- Golub Menakhem-Mendel
- Gutman Zundl
- Gutshtein Aryeh-Leib
- Heiman Iser
- Horvitz Dov-Ber
- Kash Aryeh-Leib
- Kalmansky Reuven
- Keili Tsvi
- Kempnitzky Avraham
- Kabaker Hilel
- Kabaker Mordekhai
- Kabaker Yekhezkel
- Kabaker Yosef
- Kopelman Aryeh-Leib
- Lipsky Shmuel-Pesakh
- Man Moshe
- Margalioth Yehudah-Leib
- Meretzky Eliezer
- Meretzky Alter
- Miler Ozer
- Mishkotz Leib
- Mitnik Shmuel
- Mordokhovitz Avraham-Yitskhak
- Nun Mordekhai ben Avraham
- Nun Mordekhai ben Yehoshua
- Nun Avraham
- Pinkhovsky Aryeh-Leib
- Plotzitzky Aryeh-Leib
- Prusak Eliezer
- Rabinovitz Moshe
- Rabinovitz Shimon
- Ragolsky Meir-Mordekhai
- Ratchkovsky Yitskhak
- Rogovsky Khayim
- Rotenberg Yitskhak
- Rotzon Shlomo
- Rozenberg Aryeh-Leib
- Rozenberg Dov-Ber
- Rozental Shmuel-Eliezer
- Sandler Alter
- Shalkovsky Avraham-Yitskhak
- Shalkovsky Shlomo
- Shalkovsky Shmuel-Moshe
- Shmidt Mordekhai
- Shmidt Yehoshua
- Shmidt Yitskhak
- Sider Yisrael
- Slavatitzky Aba
- Slavatitzky Elkhanan
- Slavatitzky Yisakhar
- Solnitzky Moshe
- Strazh Zelig
- Surison Tsvi-Aryeh
- Tsirinsky Aryeh-Leib
- Tsviling Dov-Ber
- Veiser Shmuel
- Volpiansky Rafael
- Vazbutsky Shlomo-Zalman
- Zef Avraham
- Zuskin TTsvi
Appendix 3
List of donors for the Settlement of Eretz-Yisrael in 1909 (47 names) as published in "HaMelitz"
- Aronson Benjamin Meir
- Bialostotsky Yehudah Leib
- Brodov Aryeh Dov
- Fagir Noach
- Finkel Eliezer Ze'ev
- Frenkel Yosef David
- Garbarsky Yosef
- Garbarsky Tsvi
- Garbarsky Yerukham
- Heiman Iser
- Hurvitz Ya'akov
- Ivri Shlomo
- Iran Alter
- Kalmansky Azriel Yitskhak
- Kash (?)Aryeh
- Kleinzon Hilel
- Kopelman Aryeh
- Krinsky Moshe
- Kursniansky Avraham
- Dr. Linsky Ya'akov
- Lipsky Shmuel Pinkhas
- Miler Menuchah
- Nun Mordechai
- Pinkovsky Aryeh Leib
- Prusak Eliezer
- Prusak Yisrael Aharon
- Prusak Khayim Yehudah
- Ragolsky Meir Mordechai
- Ragovsky Khayim
- Ratsan Shlomo
- Ratchkovsky Ya'akov
- Ratchkovsky Yitskhak
- Rozentsveig Yehudah
- Rozenberg David
- Selsky Aharon
- Senevitz Eliezer David
- Shalkovsky Shmuel Moshe
- Shalkovsky Dov
- Shalkovsky Tsvi
- Shmidt Yitskhak
- Simson Tsvi Aryeh
- Tsviling Dov
- Vazbutsky Zalman
- Vazbutsky David
- Zef Avraham
- Zif Eliezer
- Ziskin Tsvi
Appendix 4
List of Payers of yearly Membership Fees for "Agudath-Yisrael"
- Rabbi Yisrael Goldin
- Avraham Zef
- Aryeh-Leib Pinkovsky
- Aryeh-Leib Avner
- Eliezer Meretsky
- Aharon Bernet
- Eliezer Ritz
- Aba Yablonsky
- Gershon Heiman
- Dov Tsviling
- Dov Slavatitsky
- Dov-Aharon Brodov
- Dov Shklarovsky
- Henie Ratz
- Ze'ev Shklarovsky
- Khayim-Yosef Dunishky
- Khayim Shulzinger
- Khava Vazbutsky
- Yekhezkel Kabaker
- Yekhezkel Aminadav
- Mordekhai Brodovsky
- Mordechai Kagan
- Menachem-Mendel "Shatz" and "Shub" (Chazan and Shochet)
- Yehudah-Leib Kriger
- Yisrael Sider
- Moshe Shvartsbord
- Moshe Bogdansky
- Etel Ragolsky
- Pinkhas-Zelig Strazh
- Shmuel Fordshtein
- Shabtai Srolovitz
- Shlomo Slavatitsky
- Shimon and Tanchum Abelsky
Appendix 5
Partial List of Personalities born in Serei Eliezer-Yitskhak Shapira (1835-1915) writer and Hebrew translator, published stories and articles in the Hebrew press.
Paul T. Goodwin (Pesakh Gudansky) (1885-?) from 1907 in the USA,published stories and poems in the Yiddish press:" Freie Arbeiter Shtime" and "Forverts".
Yehoshua Ziman (1898-?) economist, from 1924 in Eretz-Yisrael, published many books in Hebrew on the economy and the settlement of the land.
Henakh (Genrik) Ziman (1910-1987), a son of farm owners, teacher at the Yiddish "Shalom Aleikhem" High School in Kovno and in 1940/41 its headmaster, member of the underground communist party from 1932, escaped to the USSR at the beginning of WW2 and was parachuted into the woods of Belarus, organized the Lithuanian Partisan Brigade in the Rudniky woods in 1943 becoming its commander. He was appointed as the editor of the communist newspaper "Tiesa" (Truth) after the liberation of Lithuania and was a strong opponent of Zionism throughout his life.
The Brothers Tankhum, Tsvi and Eliezer Rozentsveig, educators and Zionist activists.
Rachel Rozentsveig-Levin (daughter of Eliezer), founder and director of the archives of the "Association of Lithuanian Jews in Israel".
Appendix 6
The reporters from Serey in the Hebrew periodicals "HaMelitz", "HaTsefirah" and "HaMagid".:
- David Robinzon
- Khayim-Yehudah Gazansky
- Aharon-David Meltser
- Eliezer-Yitskhak Shapira
- Y.Weisbrem
- Meir Hurvitz
- Alexander Maimon
- Y.Kalmansky
- Mordekhai-Ozer Simansky
- Khayim-Yehudah HaCohen
- Y.Broido
Appendix 7
Compiled by Ya'akov Lifshitz List of Serey Jewish house owners who perished in the Holocaust according to the street in which they lived. The numbers of the list are identical to the numbers of the houses. (see Map)
Vytauto Street -Di Lange Gass
- 1. Ya'akov Rats
- 1a. Zelig Rits
- 2. Yankel Aron Rubensky
- 2a. Shmuel Farbshtein
- 2b. Iron storehouse
- 3. Leib Kravtsel
- 4. Yitskhak Tsvi Slavatitsky
- his wife Rivkah nee Shulzinger
- Basha Slavatitsky
- 5. Moshe Levkuts
- 6. Moshe Niemchinsky
- 7. Aharon Eliyahu Zolotovitz
- 8. Yosef Shklarovsky
- 9. Gershon Zolotovitz
- 10. Police
- 11. Meir Kravtsel
- 12. Moshe Leib Radzhunsky (stone building)
- Yehoshua Zavatsky
- 13. --- Gutman
- 14. Shmuel Rabinovitz
- Moshe Rabinovitz
- 15. Leib Katsan
- 16. Yisrael Rudnitsky
- 17. Yosl Osotstsky (baker)
17a. ---- Khmilevsky (teacher)
18. Yitskhak Rats
- 19. Shakhne Numeretsky
- 20. Mordekhai Kagan
- 21. Henia Borovsky (spinster)
- Beile Khaia Shneider
- Yitskhak Kvatkovsky
- 22. Zundl Vazbutsky
- Berl Aronovsky (watchmaker)
- 23. A family from Kopcheve (former Shulzinger house)
- Avraham Pitluk (watchmaker)
- 24. Rabbi Shchupak
- Leizer Aronovsky
- 25. ---- Gerzon
- 26. Dvoshe Levin
- Nakhum Bogdansky (baker)
27. Leib Shmulkovsky (hatter)
- 28. Frumah Vazbutsky
- Yosef Pinkovsky
29. Gitele Shmulkovsky
30. Catholic church
31. Yerukham Garbarsky
32. Eizer Pinkovsky (two storey brick building)
33. Efraim Streletsky
- 34. Yeshayahu Lipsky
- 34a. Khayim Leizer Mordovitsky
35. Berta Finkel (two storey house)
35a. Light drinks and beer factory of Finkel and Slavatitsky
36. David Kovalsky (stone house)
37. Berl Shklarovsky
- 38. Alter Iran
- 38a. Yehudah Leib Kriger
- 39. Libe Kupershmid (stone house)
- Shmuel Yenkl Ziskin
- Khayim Leib Balbirishky
40. Kune Prusak
41. Eli Aminodov (stone house)
42. Yisrael Aharon Tsviling
43. Yosef Aminodov (two storey brick house)
44. Agricultural machines factory, flour mill and power station (owner Tsviling)
45. Khayim Mende Keili
- 46. Ya'akov Rachkovsky
- Moshe Rachkovsky
47. Rivkah Prusak
- 48. Khanah Fridkovsky ( brick house)
- 48a. David Liakht
49. Shmuel Moshe Shalkovsky
50. Perets Shimkhovsky
51. Asher Borovsky (cord maker)
52. Nakhum Pekarsky
53. ----- Katsan
54. School, Bank, Youth Clubs (two storey house)
55. ----- Gutshtein
56. Zekharyahu Dombelsky (stone house)
57. Itse the blacksmith
58. Yehudah Rozentsveig
59. Asher Lutsner (brick house)
- 60. Yisrael Yeglinovitz
- ---- Potkovitsky (metal worker)
- 61. Meir Gurvitz
- 61a. ----- Zalkind (electrician)
- 62. Ya'akov Kahanovitz (shokhet and khazan)
- Shmuel Kotz
- Moshe Bordovsky
63. Barukh Shlomo Zemiansky
- 64. Yudl Sandler (two storey brick house)
- Aharon Prusak
- Magistrate Court
65. Khayim Kriger
- 66. Ya'akov Sandler
- 66a. Leib Sandler
67. Nakhum Lapides
- 68. Shmuel Pinkhas Lipsky (two storey stone house)
- Spinnery (owners: Finkel, Slavatitsky, Lipsky)
69. Zelig Miler
- 70. Hirshl Shalkovsky
- Iser Kravtsel
71. Post office (stone house)
72. Efraim Kachinsky
- 73. Yosef Garbarsky
- Dr.Hershl Garbarsky
The Market Square
- 3. Yudes Zavilevitz
- 3a. Betsalel Aminodov
4. Shmuel Kalko
5. Sarah Pasernitsky
6. Pesakh Khazan
- 7. Zelig Rachkovsky
- Meir Ivashkovsky
- 8. Dr. Leon Finkel
- ---- Ivashkovsky
- Mikhael Hekht
9. Alter Zimlitsky (stone house)
10. Yekhezkel Aminodov
11. Iser Zemiansky
- 12. Volf Nun
- Rashel Hekht (two storey house)
- Shmuel Goldshmid (bookkeeper)
- Tsvi Keili
14. ----- Galenty
15. Aharon Berent
16. Azriel (shoemaker)
17. Shiki Man
- 18. Nisan (shoemaker)
- 19. Pesakh Berent
- 20. Alter Nervid
- 21. ---- Palunsky
- 22. ---- Kolvitsky ??
- 23. Shmuel Lazevnik
- 24. ---- Pasernitsky
- 25. Gedalyahu Mutsiner
- 26. Not known (stone house, pharmacy)
- 27. ----- Liakht
30. Yehudah Leib Bialostotsky (stone house)
32. Moshe Bogdansky
34. Shaul Rozenberg (stone house)
Seiny Street
3. Berish Shalkovsky
4. Yosl Kupershmid
5. ----- Krinsky (black smith)
6. Moshe Kupershmid
7. Leib Fridkovsky
7a. a family from Meteliai
8. Asher Yershansky
9. ----- Margovitsky
10. Ya'akov Goltz
11. Yenkl Eliyah Kriger
12. Ze'ev Keily
13. ----- Lazevnik
14. ----- Katsinsky
Shul Gass (Synagogue Street)
3. Motl Man
4. Shimon Idelson
4a. Hershl Valtsenboim
5. Henia Shankovsky
6. Itse Leib Aronovsky
7. Leib Keler
8. ---- Gensher
9. Reizl Miler
10. Shimon Rats
11. Ya'akov Miler
12. ---- Kvitkovsky
13. Zelig Miler
14. Shmuel Galinovitz
15. Shimon Pesakhnitsky
16. Avraham Rats
17. Hilel Ostrovsky
18. Yekutiel Kriger (glazier)
19. Alter Man
- 20.----- Kvitkovsky
- 21. Shimon Vazbutsky
- 22. Moshe Finkelshtein
- 23. Iser Rats
- 24. Khayim Prodovsky
- 25. Yehudah Miler
- 26. Yehudah Berent
- 27. Alter Rumesh
- 28. Motl Kravtsel
- 29. Reuven Buk (bath attendant)
- 30. Khayim ----- (carpenter)
- 31. Shepsl Isrolovitz (baker)
- 32. Mordekhai Blodovsky
- 33. ----- Bogdansky
- 34. Yitskhak Sider
- 35. ---Zherebkovsky
- 36. Motl Kravtsel
- 37. Nakhum Rubinsky
- 38. ---------------------- (carpenter)
- 39. ----- Shvartsbord
- 40.----- Brodovsky
Shops at the Market Square
- 1. Zemlitsky
- 2. Gurevitz
- 3. Osotsky
- 4. Rayak
- 5. Fire Brigade
- 6. Berent
- 7. Gutshtein
- 8. Rachkovsky
- 9. ---------------
- 10. Paliak
- 11. Bordovsky
- 12. Purnitsky
The Lithuanians Encyclopedia, Boston 1953-1965 (Lithuanian).
Lite, New-York 1951, Volume 1 (Yiddish).
Yahaduth Lita, (Hebrew) Tel-Aviv, Volumes 1-4
Yad-Vashem Archives: M-1/Q-1333/142; M-33/994
Koniuchovsky Collection 0-71, Files 131.
Central Zionist Archives: 55/1788; 55/1701; 13/15/131; Z-4/2548.
JIVO, NY, Collection of the Jewish Communities in Lithuania, Files 153, 685-699, 1669.
HaMeilitz (St. Petersburg) (Hebrew): 10.8.1880; 19.10.1880; 2.11.1880; 28.12.1880; 1.11.1881; 7.8.1883; 22.10.1886; 29.6.1887; 1.10.1887;
Cohen Berl,. Shtet, Shtetlach un Dorfishe Yishuvim in Lite biz 1918 (Towns, Small Towns and Rural Settlements in Lithuania till 1918) (Yiddish) New-York 1992.
From the Beginning to the End - The Book of the History of "HaShomer HaTzair" in Lithuania (Hebrew), Tel-Aviv 1986.
Morris S. Schulzinger, The Tale of A Litvak. Philosophical Library, New York 1983
Dos Vort, Kovno (Yiddish): 17.12.1934, 20.8.1935.
Folksblat, Kovno (Yiddish): 10.7.1935
Di Yiddishe Shtime (The Yiddish Voice) Kovno (Yiddish): 25.8.1936, 14.4.1938, 29.6.1938.
Masines Zudynes Lietuvoje (Mass Murder in Lithuania) vol. 1-2, Vilnius 1941-1944 (Lithuanian).
Pinkas haKehiloth. Lita (Encyclopedia of Jewish Settlements in Lithuania) (Hebrew), Editor: Dov Levin, Assistant editor: Yosef Rosin, Yad Vashem. Jerusalem 1996.
The Book of Sorrow, (Hebrew, Yiddish, English, Lithuanian), Vilnius 1997.
Naujienos (Chicago)-11.6.1949
Reconstructionist NY, 8.3.1946, page 10-17
Dzuku Zinios (Lithuanian) NR.57,29.7.1992
Khayim Shimshon Vasertsug - known as the Filipover, lived in Serey approximately between 1840-1850, died in 1865; Yosef Elkhanan HaLevi,1801-1877, in Serey from 1853 till his death; Gershon Rabinson, served from 1876, died in 1908 in Cleveland; Avraham Tsvi Pinkhas Eliashberg,1863-1943 in Jerusalem, in Serey 1901-1908, emigrated to Eretz Yisrael in 1929; Yekhezkel Volpert, in Serey 1880-1900, died in 1910.
The "Gaon", Rabbi Eliyahu from Vilna, lived in Serey for one year, during Prussian rule in the house of Yisrael Berloiner (Berliner?) a rich man and a sholar. Here he completed his book "Adereth Eliyahu" and was friendly with the local "Tsadik" Khayim "Filipover". May be that the reason the Vilna Gaon spent time in Serey was that his second son Rabbi Yehudah Leib lived there. Yehudah Leib was
the son-in-law of a rabbi of Serey, Rabbi Avraham ben Yekhezkel (of Lazdey). Several sons of Yehudah Leib lived in Serhei with their families: Rabbi Yosef Yekhezkel Wilner (1788-1849) and Rabbi Tuviah Yurbarsky (c.1789-1867). The former is buried in Serey and the latter in Jerusalem. Yehudah Leib is not buried in Serey as he died in 1816 whilst travelling through Neishtot (Then Wladislawow-now Kudirkos Naumiestis).
- Compiled by Joseph Rosin
- Created on April 1, 2000
- Updated by JA May 4, 2000
- Copyright © 2000 Joseph Rosin