Judenrat of Sanok

World War II Correspondence

 Courtesy of Dr. Abraham Werner / Translated by William Leibner

(Dr. Werner is the son of the author of the letters below & received permission from the Polish Jewish Historical Archives to publish these documents.)




The top document is written by the Judenrat of Sanok to Dr.Hilfstein in Krakow

 (the latter was connected with the office of the J.S.S. that helped Jewish communities

 throughout occupied Poland)  The letter is dated February 7th 1941.

This letter informs Dr. Hilfstein that there is a lack of Yiddish and Hebrew
educational materials for the organized school system. The letter furthermore
inquires as to who might be able to help the Sanok ghetto school  acquire
Yiddish and Hebrew teaching materials for the first and second grade.

We will appreciate receiving an address where we can send our educational
request and get the necessary assistance for Jewish educational matter.

Impatiently awaiting your reply, yours. (Signed) Werner.

(The letter is a remarkable document of how some Judenrats worked and worried for

 their population. In spite of the hunger and misery, they did not forget education.)

The second letter (image above) is the reply dated February 19th 1941 from Krakow. The letter informs

 the Judenrat of Sanok that they received the letter dated February 7th 1941 and have taken

 the appropriate measures in this matter. The letter urges the Sanok office to contact Mr. Neuman

 in Krakow near Kordecki St. between 8AM. And 2PM. Furthermore, we urge you to deal directly

with the named party.

(We do not know whether Sanok ever received the materials, but to worry about education

during  these days is indeed a remarkable deed and deserves high praise.)








Head of the Judenrat

District of Sanok                                                         Sanok, 30th June 1940


                                                                                                                                                Joint Distribution Committee

                                                                                                                                                District office


                                                                                     Dietlowska St. 85


We are not begging for the sake of asking for help, we are desperate due to our increased expenses that played havoc with our budget. We are providing free lunches to the indigenous Jews of the ghetto and also assist them financially on occasion but lately we also forced to provide 40 Jewish workers with meals or they will face starvation. These workers are forced laborers that the Germans requisitioned to perform heavy duty work in Bziance near Rymanow, Galicia. The work is extremely difficult and without supplementary food they will starve to death.


We are appealing to your office to increase our allocation so that we can continue to function and provide the vital service. We live with hope that you will not abandon us. You of course understand our situation and we hope that our allotment will be increased.


Attached is a signed financial statement for the month of May 1940.


Fraternal greetings

                                                                        Stamped and signed by Werner









The Sanok Judenrat office sent the above letter of appeal dated July 29th 1940 to the

                                                            Joint Distribution Committee in Krakow ( The USA  was still not at war and therefore

                                                            the Joint Distribution Committee continued to work).

 I submitted all the accounts for the month of June and in addition beg  you to help us

 due to the severe situation that developed in our township.


We have a public kitchen that provides free meals for the elderly .  We also have many

 refugees from Krakow that we must help.

Furthermore, we must provide about 100 meals for people who the Germans grabbed for

forced labor and do not feed  properly.


All these expenses are carried out by a city which consists of 75% new refugees. ญญ

Our treasury is empty.


We urge you to help us as soon as feasible. We hope that our appeal will not be ignored.


(Signed) Werner



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