The Pines Family
Compiled by Lisa Newman
Canada April 2004
Mordecai Iser Pines [1836-1927] and his wife Rivka, nee Zeldovich
Mordecai Iser Pines [1836-1927] and his wife Rivka, nee Zeldovich, who lived in the Ruzhany castle. Their children were Esther, Meir Dovid, Yona, Tanya, Hirsh, Else and Golda. Mordecai ran the Pines textile mills, along with other Pines relatives.
Hersh and Elje Pines, sons of Mordecai and Riva Pines and brothers of Golda Pines
Hinde the Warschauerin, Ita Yellin's grandmother
The Warschauerin is the nickname of her grandmother referred to in Ita Yellin's memoir. ["My grandmother, uncles and aunts were called not by their own names but rather by the name of their towns. My grandmother was called "the Warsaw-ite"]
Rachel Davidson
A document signed by Yichiel Michel Pines, found in the Central Zionist Archives
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