A Walk through Jewish Rozalimas 

Chapters:  1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    names 

Chapter 5

House 15 burned down during the fire of 1930, but was immediately rebuilt afterwards. It belonged to Smuila Orkis.The house was divided in two: In one part of the house lived Smuila Orkis and in the other part of the house lived Judelis, Orkis'; father-in-law to whom the house had belonged before Orkis became the owner. The eye-witnesses didn't mention Orkis' wife. They didn't seem to remember her. Orkis had a so-called golden throat: there was a sort of pipe in his throat. When he talked, he put his finger on the pipe. If he didn't, one could hear a wistle while he spoke.

Orkis traded, amongst other things, in iron which he sold to the farmers in the surroundings of Rozalimas. Orkis was shot with the other Jewish men of Rozalimas in Pakruojis in 1941.


group with Orkis
This picture shows Orkis seated behind the man lying on the ground wearing glasses.

Orkis' father-in-law Judelis died before the big tragedy and was buried at the Jewish cemetary of Rozalimas. Judelis was a professional tailor and well-known for his kindness and concern for the poor people. He understood why people didn't have the money at times to pay for the products they bought from him. He gave them the opportunity to pay their debt later. People were very grateful for this and in the end they always paid him.

Once, Karolina (one of our eye-witnesses) tried to make trousers for herself . She discovered it was a difficult job to do, and went to Judelis for advice. He gave her a special cutting quote for the trousers:First, she had to put this cutting on the fabric, then she had to cut the fabric and finally she had to sew the fabric. It matched perfectly and never before did she make such beautiful trousers. Karolina was very happy and very grateful to him.

Next to the house of Orkis stood the house of the Jewish couple Pruchna.


Pruchna's house

We can't find the house on the map from 1940. The house was built by the Jewish family itself after 1940. Pruchna married one of Smuila's(Sjmoejla's) daughters. The young couple lived in Smuila's house (the father of the bride) until the house was built. The father lived at housenr.29. Just before they could finish building the house (which we can now find at Seduvos gatve 2 ) they were taken away and shot in 1941.

to chapter 6

Copyright © 2005 Dora Boom

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