From Left to Right: Fruma Genn (1900-2002); Zlate Feige Shteyman/Staiman
Genn (1868-1962); Sora Rashe Genn (1898-1938); Chava Mira Genn Zalkind;
Itzhak Yehuda Genn (1834-1916); Yossel/Joseph Genn/Gann (1902-2003)
The youngsters are the
children of Zlate Feige and Chaim Mendel Genn, who passed away in 1907
in Rokiskis. Chava Mira Genn is the youngsters' aunt, the sister
of their father Chaim Mendel. Itzhak Yehuda Genn is the children's
grandfather, the father of Chaim Mendel.
Chava Mira Genn
Zalkind and her family perished in the Holocaust; Zlate Feige Gann,
Fruma/Fannie Gann Knittle and Sore Rashe/Sarah Rivka Gann Luban
emigrated to the U.S. and spent the remainders of their lives in
Seattle, WA; Yosel/Joseph Gann emigrated to the US and spent the
remainder of his life in Boston, MA.