Election Results


To the Jewish Population

Let it be known

The Rakishoker Jewish Council (Vad Hakehilla) makes it known by this (notice) that the following councilmen have been elected for the new Jewish Council.

  1. Zaug?, Israel
  2. Abaramovitz, Israel
  3. Orelovitz, Avraham
  4. Milner, Zalmen
  5. Zalkind, Ber
  6. Ruch, Pesach
  7. Retman?, Yechiel
  8. Ginsberg, Aaron
  9. Sneig, Itzchak
  10. Migdal, ?
  11. Davidovitz, ?
  12. Adelson, Hillel
  13. Serelovitz, Yoseph
  14. Milner, Leib
  15. Katz, Nachum

Complaints against these will be accepted by the Council for a period of 5 days.

The Rakishoker Jewish Council 1923

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