The Rakishoker Jewish Council (Vad
Hakehilla) makes it known by this (notice) that the
following councilmen have been elected for the new Jewish Council.
- Zaug?, Israel
- Abaramovitz, Israel
- Orelovitz, Avraham
- Milner, Zalmen
- Zalkind, Ber
- Ruch, Pesach
- Retman?, Yechiel
- Ginsberg, Aaron
- Sneig, Itzchak
- Migdal, ?
- Davidovitz, ?
- Adelson, Hillel
- Serelovitz, Yoseph
- Milner, Leib
- Katz, Nachum
Complaints against these will be accepted by the Council for a period of 5 days.
The Rakishoker Jewish Council 1923