Literal translation by Maria Zait
Bill of sale
Subscriber/ I,
Solomon Melter, merchant in Raducaneni village, Falciu
county, I declare that I have sold to my son, Moisa
Melter, merchant in Raducaneni, all the construction
made of brick, stone, wood and sheet metal, with all the
annexes, in its whole, which I own on the place
under/subjected to bezman (long term contract
with rights for mortgage for the rented property)
the property of Raducaneni estate. This sale does not
include the land or the spot on which the whole
construction stands, with all its annexes/outbuildings,
made of that specified material, because that land does
not belong to me, being taken with bezman from Mrs. Landowner
by my son.
The entire material
that composes the building, with all the annexes, which
is the object of this sale is located Raducaneni Fair,
Falciu County, neighboring at east with Mr. Moise
Coperberg’s Store, at west with Hospital Street, at the
back with Aizic Stoleriu and in front with the main
street, having the length of 4 Four and a half stanjeni (this is a unit of
measurement for length; 1 stanjen = from 1,93 till 2,23 meters) or
10 meters am 3cm in front and 13 stanjeni or 28 meters
and 99 cm towards the courtyard.
The cost of this
sale is 2500 lei, which money I declare I have received
during composing this deed, and from now on He becomes
owner of this entire material which consists of the
building/construction with the annexes/outbuildings
mentioned before. I will no longer have any rights.
Subscriber/ I,
Moise Melter, merchant in Raducaneni village, I declare
I have bought from my father, Solomon Melter, all the
construction, with its annexes, made of stone, brick,
wood and sheet metal, that the above mentioned owns in
Raducaneni village, on the place above specified, at the
cost of 2500 lei, amount of money which I counted at the
making of this document.
Husi, 1905, July
We know the parts,
Editor and writer, S. Iliescu,
Moses Goldner, merchant of Husi
Attorney, Husi
translation by Maria Zait
Legal wording explained by Nicolae Decsei
I, Anna Catargi,
the owner of Raducaneni Estate and Fair, Falciu County,
declare I have given to Mr. Moise Solomon Melter a place
to rent in the village, under the following conditions:
1. The place measures 4
˝ stanjeni and he will own it
for 99 years, paying a rent of 2,56 bani
per year for each
For each stanjen
placed in front of the street, there will be 15 stanjeni in
the back of the yard.
2. For the pasture, he
will deal with his neighboring properties; about the
usage concerns, he is
given the right
for pasturing from Bivolaria to the meadow edge, and
from above the Fair to Bazga’s furrow.
3. He is given the right to trade all kind of
goods without fee and it was established that no fee is
to be introduced in the future, under no circumstances,
without the parties’ convention.
4. Introducing the
commerce, trade in wine, spirits, beer and all kind of
beverage is and stays exclusive right of the property;
they, however, agree to bring and sell wine, spirits and
beer paying as entering the estate: 32 bani for a
bucket of wine, 2 Fr 40 bani for a bucket of spirits and
17 bani
for a bucket of beer.
5. Mister will pay regularly and without delay
rent for the property to the estate. In case of delay
payment for over 3 years, he will lose the property
rights and the estate will be entitled to reimburse by
selling the buildings without any trial.
6. He also undertakes to comply strictly to the
rules prescribed by the property, regarding cleaning,
maintaining silence, security against fire. In order to
do so, he will not be able to claim foreign protection;
it will depend only on local administration of the
place, although his staying on the property and in all
his relations with the estate and its inhabitants.
7. He will not be able to alienate the rent to
another person without the estate approval.
8. Under these terms, his staying will not exceed
his right regarding his property; also, he will not be
able to withdraw from the duties he took upon himself
without losing all the rights issued in this agreement,
the only ground of his settlement on this property.
The location of this place is on Lascar
Rosetti Street, neighboring at is with…and at west with
Hospital Street.
1905, January, 14