Reading The Cemetery Index

For accurate interpretation of the data in the cemetery index, the reader should be acquainted with the following symbols and data-presentation formats.

A. Structure

This indexed list of burials in the Jewish cemetery of Radautz is provided with two indices. The actual content is identical in both.

  • Lot wise: Burials are set in pages, one page for each burial lot in the cemetery. Relevant lot numbers are in the range of 1 ¸ 12 and 19 ¸26. Within each lot, burials are recorded according to the rows order, and according to the plots order in the specific row (empty places and non-decipherable burials were skipped). See cemetery general map for reference. An extra page named “Unidentified” is dedicated for those records for which lot number cannot be identified. This might be due to several reasons, such as:

·        Death is recorded in cemetery index only – with no lot reference.

·        Headstone was pictured, but no match to map and / or index was found.

·        ABC wise: Burials are set in pages, one page for each of the ABC letters according to the initial surname letter. Records are then sorted in alphabetic order of surnames, then by given names, then by father’s given name. An extra page is dedicated for those records not including surname at all. As lot and row numbers are indicated per record, one may switch from this view to the lot-wise view – in order to find neighboring plots content.

Special care must be taken when searching for a specific surname. As various spellings are used (e.g. ADELSTEIN / EDELSTEIN / EIDELSTEIN), one should look for each surname using all possibilities.

B. Symbols and their meanings:

(?) Indicates unclear information. When attached to presented data, it indicates that this data is questionable, or that part of the data is missing / unreadable.

(-) Triple use:

  1. Indicates lack of data as a whole (e.g. birth date is not indicated).

2.      Separates two given names of a person (e.g. Ya’akov-Yosef) or two last names (e.g. DANKNER-SCHAFFER).

3.      Separates the Day-Month-Year parts of Gregorian dates (e.g. 19-Jul-1923).

(/) Indicates alternatives of the same data (e.g. BEZNER / BESNER)

C. Per-Column Specifics

Latin Lettering:

Surname: Always appears in capital letters. The name is given as read from the headstone / map / index. In case of significant differences between the various sources, all versions are given – separated by the (/) symbol.

In some cases the surname appeared on headstone only, using Hebrew letters - so the transliteration may be inaccurate.

Given Name(s): In most cases – the Hebrew name as engraved on the headstone, or as written on cemetery maps / index. In case other name(s) are indicated instead or in addition – all alternatives are presented (e.g. Shmuel-Arie Samuel-Leib, or Czarne Zily, or Moshe-Ya'akov Moses).

Father's Name: In most cases – father’s given name is presented, following the rules set above for given names. If maiden name is provided, then father’s name is presented in “Surname, Given name” format (e.g. BERENTHAL, David).

Mother's Name: Mother’s given name, following the rules set above for given names.

Spouse's Name: Spouse’s given name, following the rules set above for given names.

Place of Birth: As indicated on headstone (e.g. Altfratautz). In some cases Hebrew letters were used, so the transliteration may be inaccurate.

Date of Birth (Gregorian): The Gregorian date of birth, as indicated on headstone.

Place of Death: As indicated on headstone. In some cases Hebrew letters were used, so the transliteration may be inaccurate. In many cases of memory tablets related to persons who perished in the holocaust, the place of death is provided on the tablet as “Transnistria”.

Date of Death (Gregorian): The Gregorian date of death. In most cases the date appears on headstone according to the Gregorian or the Jewish calendar (converted to the Gregorian one on the last case). In other cases the date is taken from cemetery index or map.

Date of Death (Hebrew): Date of death according to the Jewish calendar. The date appears on headstone according to the Jewish or the Gregorian calendar.  The map and the index use the Gregorian calendar only. In case the only the Gregorian date is recorded – this entry holds the Jewish date, as converted from the Gregorian one).

Age at Death: Age as recorded on headstone.

Hebrew Name: Person’s name in the Jewish traditional format of Hebrew given name(s) of this person, and his / her father’s given name(s). e.g. Yechiel-Michal ben Ya’akov-Yosef, 

In most cases – the Hebrew name as engraved on the headstone, or as written on cemetery maps. In cases where only the non-Hebrew name was recorded – it is set at this entry as is (e.g. Moritz).

Comments / Notes: Used to enter additional information. This might be in some cases additional data appearing on the headstone (e.g. “Died young”, or “A descendant of the authors of "Shnei Luchot Habrit" and "Turei Zahav" etc.). In other cases this field is used to indicate recording notes (e.g. “The headstone Hebrew date of death is mistaken”).

Hebrew Lettering:

Surname (Hebrew): Surname in Hebrew letters, as indicated on headstone. Latin transliteration was used in case Hebrew surname is not indicated on the headstone.

Maiden Name (Hebrew): Maiden name in Hebrew letters, as indicated on headstone. Latin transliteration was used in case Hebrew surname is not indicated on the headstone.

Given Name (Hebrew): Given name in Hebrew letters, as indicated on headstone. Latin transliteration was used in case Hebrew name is indicated neither on the headstone nor on the map.

Father's Name (Hebrew): Father’s given name in Hebrew letters, as indicated on headstone. Latin transliteration was used in case father’s given Hebrew name is indicated neither on the headstone nor on the map.

Mother's Name (Hebrew): Mother’s name in Hebrew letters, as indicated on headstone. Transliteration was used in case mother’s Hebrew name is not indicated on the headstone.

Spouse Name (Hebrew): Spouse name in Hebrew letters, as indicated on headstone. Transliteration was used in case spouse’s Hebrew name is not indicated on the headstone.

Hebrew Date of Birth: Date of birth according to the Jewish calendar, using Hebrew letters. In almost all cases this date is converted from a Gregorian date indicated on headstone.

Hebrew Date of Death: Date of death according to the Jewish calendar, using Hebrew letters, as indicated on headstone. Converted from the Gregorian date if no Hebrew date is available.

General information:

Lot:  Indicates the lot in which the person is buried.

Row: Indicates the row number of the lot in which the person is buried. Set to U (unknown) in case lot number is not known.

Sources: The data provided regarding each person was merged from several sources. This column provides a coded list of specific sources, as follows:

·        H: Headstone, meaning the headstone was photographed and the data provided was deciphered from the picture.

·        M: Map, meaning the burial appears on cemetery map.

·        I: Index, meaning the burial appears on cemetery index.

·        T: Tablet, meaning the name appears on a memory tablet set on another person’s headstone. This headstone on which the memory tablet is posted may be identified as the one listed right above the tablet entry, in the lot-wise view.

Photo Filename:

The name(s) of the picture file(s) of the headstone (if available). One may contact Yossi Yagur to request a specific picture of interest, to be mailed free of charge.
