Die Welt
“DieWelt" ("The World")
is currently a major German newspaper, but it was
not founded
until 1946. The Die Welt that is translated here was,
to Wikipedia, a weekly publication founded in1897 by Theodor
Herzl in Vienna
as the organ of the Zionist movement. To read the
articles in
the original
German, go to
and click on Suche.
Die Welt
11 March 1898
Our new club is making
visible progress. The number of members is growing, opposition
has been given up, and all meetings offer the unusual sight of a
thoroughly Zionist Jewish community. On the 13th and 14th of
February, Mr. L. Taubes from Kolomea spoke and achieved a brilliant
success. He was supported by Mssrs. B. Kittner and S.
Marienberg, whom the club must especially thank. Club evenings,
lectures, meetings, at the same time shekel collections, are the
tangible successes of the agitation. But also other results
have occurred in this short period: an interest for general questions
not just Jewish questions, hardly explicable under the oppressive
conditions, and that would be a permanent advantage, should it
continue. We hope so -- everything enables us to do so.
Die Welt
8 September
Podhajce, 7
August 1899. In support of the workers
from Boryslawer, the youth of Podhajce organized a discussion evening
on Wednesday, the 2nd of this month. Mr. Moritz Lieblich welcomed the
numerous guests in attendance. In his address, he depicted the
said state of the Jews and characterized Zionism as the only solution
to the Jewish question. We also performed the pageant “Israel’s
Mission” by Adolf Motek; actors were Mssrs. M. Lieblich, J.
Ojerskis, S. Schapira, and J. Seidler. The performance of the
play made a very good impression on the audience. Mssrs. G.
Scheer and H. Marienberg made speeches. Mr. J. Ojserskis gave
the conclusion. Mr. M. M. Ojserkis contributed much to the staging of
this play, for which the committee heartily thanks him. The remaining
course of the entire celebration was a brilliant one.
Die Welt
29 December 1899
of the Action
correspondence is to be directed to the secretariat
of the Congress office, IX. Türkenstrasse 9.
The club “Zion” on December
17. Speaker: Jurist Marientburg, H. Kittner, M. Lieblic
29 December 1899
(second article)
[literally "Club
News", figuratively
"Updates from the Local Chapters"]
On October 28, the general assembly of the club "Zion" took
place. The following gentlemen were elected to the committee:
B. Kittner, Dr. Schwager, M. Lieblich, S. Marienberg, S. Aschkensy,
M. Jejcies, B. Brandwein, S. Seide, D. Lilenfeld, L. Feldberg, M.
Rosenzweig, S. Salpeter, D. Brandwein senior.
note: By "committee" ("Ausschuss" in German), the
author probably means executive committee or governing board.]
Die Welt
19 July 1901
Before it is too late, agitate for Palestinian etrogim for the
forthcoming Succoth festival.
Podhajce. Not
known to us.
clarification: This section is obviously for updates from
the various local branches. The editors of this section are not
saying that the club "Zion" is literally unknown to them.
They are writing that the latest developments in the club are not
known to them.]
Die Welt
14 March 1902
Podhajce. 4th orderly
general assembly of the Zion society in Podhajce. The men elected to
the committee were: Benjamin Kittner, as president; Dr. Abraham
Glasberg and Bernhard Margulies as vice presidents; Tobias Rattner as
secretary of vernaculars (Editorial clarification: At that time and
even laer, people in one region of Germany often could not understand
another from a different region unless they both spoke “Hochdeutsch”
or formal German); Josef Blutreich as secretary of the Hebrew
language; Hersch Gruenberg as treasurer; Moritz Lieblich as
librarian; Markus Jecies and Leon Gross candidate for the Bar, as
general committee members ;Meier Wolf Nadler and Efraim Buchwald as
supervisors.The Zion society in Podhajce has been in existence for 4
years and has approximately 70 members.
April 1902
to a suggestion of the local Zionism society, an evening dance took
place on the occasion of the Purim celebration on Sunday, March 30th
in the hall of the Jewish Reading Hall. It was attended by people of
the best social circles. Under great applause, the 1st VP, (Mr.) Dr.
jur. Abrahan Glasberg, gave the first celebration speech, afterwards
Mr. Leon Allerhand, commissioner and cultural spokesperson, spoke -
using Hebrew quotations - about the development and the principles of
Zionism. At the end, Mr. S. Marienberg gave a speech in the Polish
language, which was also applauded.
Tobias Rattner
Die Welt
29 August 1902
Mailbox of the
* *
W., Podhajce,
"L'Echo Sioniste" [The Zionist
Echo], Paris, 38 rue Lebrun; "Jewish World," London E.C.,
Chiswell Street (1st door from Finsbury Square).