Plunge, Lithuania


Michael Levitt

13 February 2017

Here is a picture of the new street sign in Rehovot. Professor Michael Levitt Street.

We are extremely proud that in the great city of Rehovot, home of theinternationally acclaimed Weizmann Institute, known throughout the world,

the name of Michael Levitt appears.

For the record Michael is the son of the late Nathan Levitt, born in Plungyan, emigrated to South Africa as a child in 1921, and Gertrude Levitt, living in London and a winner of a Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2013..

The sad thing about this announcement is that Michael's wife Rina, passed away suddenly about one month ago in Rehovot.

Michael and Rina have supported our Plungyan projects generously, and wereimportant members of the 2001 Levitt Family Tour to Lithuania on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the murder of the Plunyan Jewish community of 1800 Jews.

Warm Regards

Abel and Glenda