Panevezys Lithuania


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ShtetLinks: Ponevezh, Lithuania

Jewish Population before the Holocaust: 6,845


130 km (82 miles) North-North-West of Vilna (Vilnius)
100 km (62 miles) north-east from Kovno (Kaunas)

Background Information
Click for Article on Ponevezh by Joseph Rosin
English edited by Fania Hilelson-Jivotovsky

Preserving our Litvak Heritage
Encyclopedia of Jewish Communities. Lithuania
Jewish Panevezys

Searchable Databases
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United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
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Check to see if there is a Yizkor book
Check the Cemetery Database

Other web sites:

This is a wonderful site with many photos of people and places. 
Wiesenthal Center

From: stuart sholl
Hi Joseph,
I'm Stu Sholl of Harrisburg, PA, USA. My father's family emigrated here from Panevezys, Lithuania in the 19th century. My mother's family emigrated from Obeliai.
I live in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania USA. Harrisburg was the destination of many Jews from Kovna Guberniya from 1881 to c. 1906. There are many Jewish families in our community whose origins are in Panavazys, Obeliai, Rokiskis and elsewhere. As I get through local archives I will send whatever data I find to the appropriate SIG.
My paternal grandfather's name was Jacob Shalit (Yaakov Lev ben Yosef Bentzion). Two of his brothers also emigrated to Harrisburg, Harry (Zvi) and Phillip (Fishel).
My paternal grandmother was Sarah Ethel Frank who emigrated from Panavezys in the 1880's with her parents, Max (Mordechai ben Avraham Abba) Frank, and Mary (Mara bas Shmeril) maiden name unknown.
I'm interested in your Panevezys research group and look forward to participating in it's research.
Stu Sholl

From: ivy simoff
To: RosinJoseph
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 1999
Dear Joseph,
Your description of Paneveyz is wonderful and deeply appreciated.  I am searching for information regarding the Jochel (Yochel) family of Paneveyz.  Chaim Jochel had the post office and delivered mail in the 1880s.  He emigrated to the US in 1906 after searching in Johannesburg, SA. His wife Raiza was a Roseman from Keidani. They had ten children whose decendants are living in and around Alabama. I believe he had family in Lithuania.  Any suggestions for finding information about their parents or grandparents?
Ivy Simoff
From: Michael Krauss
To: RosinJoseph
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 1999
Thank you so much for your very enlightening information on "Poinyevez" (as my family members always called it). I've been researching my family's ties to Ponavezh and you have provided me with information that I have sought for many years.
My grandfather, Meir Krauss, was born in Ponavezh in 1891, as best as I can determine. He had a number of siblings, all of whom came to the US in about 1904 or '05. The family name, however is Kravitz--Not Krauss. He, with an uncle changed his name from Kravitz upon arrival at Ellis Island, I have been told. His siblings names were Molly, Sarah, Etka, Sholem, Nushen, and Dora. None but Meir changed the name. Meir was a tailor by trade and his brothers were haberdashers. There is only one cousin left from my grandfather's siblings' children and she will be thrilled to see the wonderful information and photos that you have gathered.
Thank you again,
Michael Krauss
From: Silverstein Bishow, Marlene
To: 'RosinJoseph'
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2000
Subject: Panevezys
Dear Mr. Rosin
Thank you so much for the enjoyable and detailed article about Panevezys, Lithuania. I am an amateur genealogist and I have been researching and recording my heritage since 1969. My sons' paternal grandmother, Pearl Suntop was born in Panevezys in 1914. Her parents were Isaac Suntop and Minnie Kagan Suntop. She had 7 brothers and sisters (Tzera Brina, Label, Chia, Michel, Gittel, Lazar, and Benjamin). Only three of the children survived the Holocaust. Lazar and Benny went to South Africa in about 1931 and Pearl came to the US in 1947, after surviving the camps. Her first husband was Beryl Lerman. Beryl and their daughter, Leah, both died at the hands of the Nazis in 1941. Pearl was spared death, as she was a talented tailor and seamstress.
At the conclusion of the war, Pearl was reunited with her husband's teenage brother, Michael and the two travel in search of family, but like so many others, they wound up in a DP camp in Germany. Pearl married a fellow survivor, Moses Silverstein from Poland and in 1947, the couple with their infant son, Jacob immigrated to the United States under the sponsorship of Pearl's maternal aunt. They settled in Utica, NY, where they lived until about 1985. Pearl now lives in Monroeville, PA.
I have a picture (circa 1931) of the Suntop family, but nothing else to show my sons about where/how their grandmother grew up. I am so thrilled that your article has filled in many of the missing pieces. May I have permission to use excerpts from your article in the family book that I am preparing?
Please include me on your mailing list, if you have one.
Your fan,
Marlene Bishow
Marlene Silverstein Bishow

The original ShtetlLinks site compiled by the late Joseph Rosin z”l and webmaster Joel Alpert.
It was originally created on 25 July 2002 and last updated on 15 June 2009.

Panevežys, Lithuania

Panevėžys [Lith], Ponevezh [Rus], Ponevez [Yid], Poniewież [Pol], Ponewiesch [Ger], Panevēža [Latv], Panevezhis, Panevezio Velzis, Ponavezh, Ponevetz, Ponivez, Ponowitcz, Ponyevez, Pounivez, Punaviz

Yiddish: פּאָנעװעזש. Russian: Поневеж.

5th-largest city in Lithuania, 60 miles NNE of Kaunas (Kovno).

Jewish Population: 6,627 (in 1897), 6,845 (in 1923)


Ponevezh, Ponevezh uyezd, Kovno gubernia, Russian Empire


Panevėžys, Panevėžys apskritis, Lithuania

Jewish Community of Ponevezh

Lithuanian Jews../Memel/Lithuanian_Jews.html
2014 PhotosPhotos.html
Litvish Maps../Birzai/Litvish.html
Joseph Rosin../Memel/Joseph_Rosin.html
About PanevezysWiki.html

Coordinates: 55°44′N 24°21′E

Shtetls Holocaust
List of Shtetls
The Kroll FamilyHome_files/Krolls%20of%20Oudtshoorn.pdf