![]() Nesvizh Study Group |
After the August, 1999, 19th Annual Jewish Genealogy Society Conference, Steve Stein, a member of the Nesvizh Study Group, paid his second "working" visit to the cemetery and videotaped the all stones in the burial plots of the "Neswiser Young Men's Society" found there. He then translated, in what has become known as "Tombstone T.V.", the images on the tape to the following listing. We owe Steve a debt of gratitude for this extraordinary effort. The original listing that Steve gave us contained only the surnames found on the stones. This listing is the most complete list of names found at Mt. Carmel Cemetery in Glendale, Queens, New York.
There are 3 sections: Block 24, Block 3, and Block 73A. Phone the cemetery office at (718) 366-5900 for more information.
Conventions used in the list:
The Last Name and First Name columns are self-explanatory. If a first name is followed by an ampersand (&), it indicates that the name was on a dual headstone. In a couple of cases, there is no matching name (vacant grave). Unreadable stones indicate so. DOB is date of birth and DOD is date of death. Where no month and day were given, I put the date in text format rather than date format. Almost all stones had a DOD, and had either a DOB or an Age (at death).The "Beloved" column indicates the references on the stone to the person, usually in English. The values are:
F - Father
M - Mother
H - Husband
W - Wife
GF - Grandfather
GM - Grandmother
GGF - Great Grandfather
GGM - Great Grandmother
B - Brother
U - Uncle
A - Aunt
S - Son
D - Daughter
Fr - Friend
Dr - Doctor
Other facts are written in full. Some are not explicitly on the stone, but inferred (e.g. stillborn child).
The Hebrew names are the best transliteration I could come up with. A handful of vowels are guessed, but most are pretty right. "HaK" indicates "HaKohen", "HaL" HaLevi, and "HaR" HaRav. When I put question marks, there was something there that I could not read from the video. In some cases, I just missed it on the video and could get it back if I revisited. In others, the stone was just unreadable. An entry of "---" indicates that I am almost positive that the information did not appear on the stone. Where there is a blank (usually in the "Beloved" column), it indicates that I don't know if the information was present or not, but I did not catch it.
Last Name First Name Hebrew Beloved DOB DOD Age (unreadable
name) (unreadable
name) ??? child ??? ??? (unreadable
name) (unreadable
name) ??? child ??? ??? (unreadable
name) (unreadable
name) ??? child ??? ??? (unreadable
name) (unreadable
name) ??? child ??? ??? (unreadable
name) (unreadable
name) ??? child ??? ??? (unreadable
name) (unreadable
name) ??? child ??? ??? (unreadable
name) (unreadable
name) ??? ??? ??? ??? (unreadable
name) (unreadable
name) ??? child (unreadable
name) Rochel ??? child Aaronson Dora& Devorah
b. Shmuel Yosef W,
M, GM 07/16/1969 74 Aaronson Samuel& Shabtai
b. Yonah Yehuda H,
F, GF 10/10/1960 75 Abramson Benjamin Binyamin
b. Zeev H,
F, GF 9/16/1888 03/30/1963 Abramson Etta Etel
Malka b. Michel Hersh W,
M, GM 9/4/1889 11/27/1966 Abramson Lillian& Liebe
b. Yehoshua W,
M, GM 10/19/1907 12/01/1995 Abramson Louis Leib
b. Zeev Wolf B 03/25/1940 53 Abramson Meyer& Meyer
b. Velvel H,
F, GF 05/17/1902 08/13/1974 Abramson Rebecca& Rivka
b. Yakov 12/1/1882 04/17/1973 Abramson Simon& Zimel
Yisrael b. Avraham Yitzchak HaL 9/4/1882 05/09/1973 Abramson Sylvia --- W,
M, GM 5/12/1898 05/28/1950 Afroimsky Harry Tzvi
Hersh b. Nohte F,
GF, GGF 10/25/1969 79 Afroimsky Yetta Yetta
b. Avraham W, M 10/11/1952 58 Alper Mary --- M,
GM 02/08/1967 66 Alper Samuel Shlomo
b. Eliyah F,
GF 03/10/1969 79 Alpert Louis Elyakim
b. Yisrael H, F 9/15/1883 05/22/1950 Alpert Sarah Sarah
b. Yakov W,
M, GM, GGM 7/13/1893 08/25/1983 Anderson Daniel
D. Yisrael
Tuvia b. Moshe Eliezer H,
F, B 07/02/1920 05/30/1968 Anderson Mae Minda
b. Yisrael Tuvia M,
GM 03/11/1955 60 Anderson Morris
Louis Moshe
Eliezer b. Yosef H, F 08/24/1942 49 Aronof Isador Yisrael
b. Yosef Dr,H,F,GF 10/10/1897 02/16/1982 Aronson Hyman Chaim
b. Mordechai H, F 08/15/1935 53 Aronson Mary Miriam
b. Nachum Avigdor M,
GM, GGM 1892 1982 Aronson Mary Meri
Riva b. Dov Berel M 1878 1940 Aronson Max Mordechai
b. Gavriel H, F 1891 1950 Aronson Sarah Sarah
b. David Yosef W, M 03/06/1924 31 Bashinkewitz Abraham Avraham
b. Yakov Moshe H, F 05/07/1933 54 Bassin Jacob Yakov
Moshe b. Eliyahu B 09/09/1914 23 Beck Isaac Aizak
b. Nachum H,
F, GF 09/07/1955 68 Becker Hyman Chaim
b. Lifa H 10/26/1932 35 Beitz Bertha Bluma
b. Yakov W,
M, GM 9/15/1891 10/04/1975 Beitz Joseph Yosef
b. Chaim Meir H,
F, GF 05/20/1961 69 Belmont Donna Dina
b. Avraham W,
M, GM 01/16/1962 58 Belmont William David
Velvel b. Yitzchak H, F 6/17/1893 12/18/1979 Beres Mary Mirel
b. Aharon Davis W,
M, GM, GGM 08/01/1956 79 Beres Nathan Noach
b. Avraham Issur HaK H,
F, GF 03/26/1966 87 Berger Dora Riva
b. Moshe W,
M, GM 1894 1977 Berger Gussie Gittel
b. Moshe W, M 08/24/1951 59 Berger Harriet Hena
b. Yitzchak D,Si,
Friend 12/21/1930 10/29/1989 Berger Harry Tzvi
b. Sholom H, F 08/07/1935 49 Berger Joseph Avraham
Yosef b. Yitzchak Lev H,
F, GF 3/7/1882 01/24/1967 Berger Milton Moshe
b. Avraham Yosef H,
F, B 08/02/1916 08/24/1986 Berger Morris --- 5/3/1884 03/31/1974 Beris Ida Idele
b. Shevach W,
M, GM 04/10/1957 75 Beris Morris Moshe
Tzvi b. Avraham Issur H, F 04/22/1944 70 Berkowitz Rose Rachel
Yechne b. Eliyah M,
GM 06/11/1963 74 Berkowitz Sidney ??? child ??? ??? Berman Alex Eliyah
b. Hershel H, F 08/13/1947 56 Berman Bessie Beila
Malka b.Velvel W, M 07/25/1939 56 Berman David David
Meir b. Yehuda Yakov 12/01/1923 08/09/1931 Berman Elias Eli
b. Dov Ber F 04/25/1913 36 Berman Jacob Yehuda
Yakov b. Tzvi Hersh H,
F, GF 02/14/1902 01/17/1960 Berman Sarah Sarah
b. Hershel M,
GM, GGM 12/20/1888 12/25/1977 Bernstein Bertha& Sarah
Beile b. Yoel Leib W, A 6/1/1889 03/20/1976 Bernstein Eva Rivka
b. Shlomo Zalman A 08/08/1953 75! Bernstein Jacob Jacob
b. Shaul David U 11/02/1954 82 Bernstein James Gadol
b. Zeev H,
F, GF 10/27/1961 71 Bernstein Pauline Perl
b. Nachum W, M 01/21/1941 47 Bernstein Samuel& Shlomo
b. Mordechai H 3/17/1889 05/01/1961 Bezner Ruth& Sarah
Raisel b. Moshe W,
M, GM 02/06/1917 10/01/1973 Bezner Sidney& Yehoshua
b. Gedalia H, F 09/27/1913 05/24/1967 Blachinsky Annie Chana
Bluma b. Meir Simcha HaK W, M 03/14/1945 60 Blachinsky Beckie Beile
Chana b. David HaK M,
GM 12/28/1967 82 Blachinsky Edward ?? 09/08/1907 10/07/1909 Blachinsky Hyman& Nechemiah
b. Yoel HaK H, F 01/14/1945 59 Blachinsky Ida& Esther
b. Meir M,
GM 09/25/1970 83 Blachinsky Julius Yidel
b. Yoel HaK F 09/29/1953 72 Blachinsky Julius Yehuda
b.Moshe H, F 10/25/1939 54 Blachinsky Lena Leiba
Leah b. Shmuel M 07/03/1949 85 Blachinsky Rebecca& Rivka
b. Velvel W,
M, GM 05/30/1961 66 Blachinsky
nee Fogel Sophie Zisel
b. Avraham W, D 10/19/1951 29 Black Moe ??? 12/??/?? 05/25/1909 Black Oscar Asher
Berl b. Zelig F,
GF, GGF 1/6/1871 12/14/1960 Black Rose Raizel
b. Shmuel Moshe W, M 12/08/1950 84 Blochinsky Jacob Yakov
b. Moshe HaK H,
F, GF 08/23/1970 87 Blochinsky Meyer Meyer
b. Yehuda ??? HaK 08/07/1916 6
mos Blochinsky Sophie Shifra
b. Leib Yitzchak HaL W 02/07/1941 51 Block Barbara
Pauline --- 04/16/1941 5.5m Block H.
Martin Chaim
b. Yehuda H, B 07/28/1910 03/13/1974 Block Harriet Yenta
Leah b. Yakov Kefel D,
Si 10/16/1933 22 Block Hyman Chaim
Benush b. Tuvia H, F 10/26/1941 59 Block Isaac Yitzchak
Chaim b. Leib GF 10/19/1950 68 Block Sophie Sacha
b. Yehuda Yakov M,
GM, GGM 09/05/1963 83 Bloom Esther Esther
b. Laizer M,
GM 7/25/1893 02/06/1976 Bloom Isaac Yitzchak
b. Tzvi Hersh F 11/04/1918 37 Bloom Mary --- S 07/02/1913 3
1/2 Bloom Max Mordechai
b. Moshe Chaim 05/10/1954 61 Bloom Samuel Shmuel
b. Moshe H,
F, GF 08/01/1959 58 Bocher Abraham Avraham
b. Zalman H 02/28/1954 79 Bocher Isaac Yitzchak
b. Zalman HaK H,
F, GF 9/20/1878 10/09/1952 Bocher Mary Mari
Asha b. Gershon 8/18/1880 01/21/1960 Bocher Yetta Yucha
b. Avraham W 03/08/1963 87 Borsuk Belle Beile
b. Azriel M 09/16/1966 69 Borsuk Ray Rochel
b. Shmuel W, M 04/06/1936 46 Bosowsky Lily ??? 03/12/1912 07/02/1920 Boyarsky Nellie Nechama
b. Yitzchak W, M 4/30/1892 01/22/1923 Brandwein Jacob Yakov
b. Reuven F 01/24/1913 54 Breitman Barnett Boruch
b. Eliezer H, F 03/30/1934 57 Breitman Morris& Moshe
Reuven b. Eliezer H, F 11/08/1944 64 Breitman Yetta& Itka
b. Eyzak Eliezer M 04/26/1950 70 Brenner Anna& Chaishe
Perl b. Peretz Leib HaK W,
M, GM 01/11/1987 86 Brenner Jacob& Yakov
b. Moshe Aharon H,
F, GF 06/15/1959 67 Brenner Sarah
Novick Sarah
b. Yakov W,
M, GM 04/01/1964 75 Brill Chaim Chaim
b. Yonah 10/23/1984 03/14/1985 Brooks Burton --- S 12/30/1932 2
1/2 Brown Anna& Chana
b. Yisrael W,
M, GM 06/05/1965 73 Brown Ben Dov
Ber b. Yechiel Michel B, U 12/25/1963 Brown Bessie& Basya
Raizel b. Nisan W 04/11/1977 85 Brown Ida
L. 05/07/1922 5 Brown Israel& Yisrael
b. Michel H,
F, GF 06/10/1971 84 Brown Julius& Yehuda
b. Yechezkel Michel H 10/07/1956 70 Brown Ruth Rashka
b. Yisrael D,
Si 11/05/1940 18 Brown Sophie Shifra
b. Yitzchak W, M 03/29/1953 64 Burg Benjamin& Zeev
b. Lipa F,
GF 03/03/1966 78 Burg Lena& Leah
b. Shlomo M,
GM 12/26/1966 77 Bussin Bella Beile
b. Yakov W, M 03/30/1928 38 Casapu Alan Ilan
b. Moshe S, B 12/08/1976 12/11/1979 Chabot Jacob Yakov
Moshe b. Chaim H,F,GF 1/3/1896 10/10/1977 Charlop Annie Chaya
b. Nachum M,
GM 4/25/1891 12/24/1975 Charlop Debora Devorah
b. Mordechai 02/01/1914 63 Charlop Rubin Reuven
Sigi? b. Meir H,
F, B 06/02/1926 38 Chashin Bessie Pesha
b. ??? ??? ??? Chodosh Anna Chana
b. Gavriel M,
GM 09/07/1975 80 Chodosh Dora Devorah
b. Shmuel W, M 12/29/1942 57 Chodosh Isidore Yitzchak
b. Boruch H, F 03/10/1945 50 Chodosh Nathan Nachum
b. Shlomo S 11/27/1919 6 Chodosh Sam Shalom
b. Yehoshua Kalman F,
GF 09/08/1967 80 Chrystol Julia Yehudis
b. David Lev M 09/29/1927 --- Cohen Abraham
A. 03/18/1913 34 Cohen Becky Kaila
Rivka b. Eliyahu W,
M, GM 11/18/1952 70 Cohen Esther
Horowitz Esther
b. Meir M,
GM, Si 3/12/1896 05/03/1961 Cohen Ettie& Itka
b. Yitzchak 10/03/1973 81 Cohen Fannie Fruma
b. Chaim Shalom W,
M, GM 08/05/1960 59 Cohen Jacob Gidel
b. Chaim Yitzchak HaK H,
F, GF 07/26/1962 79 Cohen Joseph ??? GF 12/24/1959 76 Cohen Joseph Yosef
b. David H,
F, GF 07/03/1967 Cohen Lazar Shmuel
Eliezer b. Ari HaK 09/08/1956 73 Cohen Lillie Leah
b. Avraham W,
M, GM 06/26/1980 Cohen Meyer
B. Meir
b. Dov HaK H,
F, GF 10/5/1895 09/03/1979 Cohen Minnie Mirel
b. Yechiel W 06/12/1950 64 Cohen Mollie Ita
Malka b. Tzvi W 10/07/1939 57 Cohen Nathan ??? child 05/16/1915 ??? Cohen Philip& Feivel
b. Menachem F,
GF, GGF 04/03/1972 83 Cohen Rosie Rochel
b. Shmuel HaK S 10/12/1918 38 Cohen Samuel --- 05/06/1908 06/06/1985 Cohen Sarah Sarah
Shifra b. Boruch Leib M 12/08/1921 43 Cohen Tessie Toiva
b. Yitzchak HaL W, M 4/15/1890 07/01/1938 Cooper Becky Bozi
b. Nechemiah 02/14/1955 73 Coopersmith Joseph Yosef
b. Zelig H,
F, GF 05/22/1973 76 Croont Rose Rochel
Leah b. Yitzchak W, M 09/21/1933 40 Cupersmith Minnie Mindel
b. Itamar 1890 1955 Cutler Dora Doshe
Chaya b. Avraham Yosef HaL D,
Si 07/04/1917 11/14/1945 Daniels David David
b. Yehuda H,
F, GF 10/24/1908 08/23/1964 Daniels Frieda --- W,
M, GM, GGM 2/14/1894 09/03/1977 Daniels Hannah Chasha
b. Eliyahu W, M 03/06/1932 34 Daniels Ida& Chaya
b. Ephraim W,
M, GM 04/17/1983 92 Daniels Isidore& Yitzchak
b. Tuvia H,
F, GF 11/05/1952 69 Daniels Joseph Yosef
b. Tuvia H,
F, GF 1892 1951 Daniels Julius Yehuda
b. Shmuel H, F 11/10/1947 67 Daniels Louis Leib
b. Tuvia H 02/08/1931 33 Daniels Mary Mari
Asha b. Tuvia M,
GM 02/20/1955 69 Daniels Max Shmuel
b. Tuvia H, F 01/11/1946 56 Daniels Pauline ??? 21/31/1906 08/24/1982 Daniels Sam Yehoshua
b. Tuvia H, F 10/31/1939 52 Daniels Sarah Sarah
b. Yosef --- --- --- Daniels Tuviah Tuvia
b. David F 06/13/1926 67 Danilewitz Anna Asna
b. Berel M 05/24/1938 78 Danzig Bertha& Behira
b. Zusa W,
M, GM 06/06/1968 73 Danzig Samuel& Shmuel
Zalman b. Yakov H,
F, GF 01/16/1956 70 Davis Anna Chana
b. Avraham Ephraim M,
GM 12/24/1950 61 Davis Calman& Kalman
b. Yishay F,
GF 07/08/1965 76 Davis David David
b. Chaim H, F ??? ??? Davis Harry Hillel
b. Chaim H,
F, GF 05/16/1949 65 Davis Ray& Rochel
b. Menashe W,
M, GM 03/14/1977 83 Dembin Joseph Yosef
Tzvi b. Menush H, F 08/27/1935 52 Dembin Pauline Perel
b. Shmuel HaL M 07/17/1949 65 Diamond Lena Rochel
Leah b. Mordechai 06/21/1939 72 Diamond Louis Leibe
b. Yosef David H, F 09/07/1955 86 Diamond Sarah
X. Sarah
Chesha b. Tzvi Hersh Si 08/19/1936 29 Dix Morris Moshe
b. Dov Ber H,
F, GF 10/31/1881 01/15/1956 Dix Sylvia
B. Sasya
b. Moshe D,
Si 02/13/1918 01/16/1937 Drook Tristiana --- 06/28/1932 05/11/1982 Druck Celia Tsirle
b. Alter W, M 08/15/1923 36 Edelstein Israel Azriel
b. Avraham H, F 08/06/1936 63 Edelstein Rebecca Rivka
b. Aharon M 06/23/1956 75 Eisenbud Betty& Braina
Doda b. Moshe W,
M, Si 09/28/1910 07/11/1996 Eisenbud Nathan& Nechemia
b. Shlomo H, F 03/23/1900 04/17/1969 Elisberg Dora --- 1900 1940 Elkin Estelle
I. --- D,
Si 03/16/1914 12/28/1935 Elkin Rebecca& Rivka
b. Pinchas W,
M, GM, GGM 12/15/1883 11/02/1970 Elkin Samuel& Shmuel
b. Mordechai H,
F, GF 10/15/1884 12/03/1957 Ellentoch Fannie& Feige
b. Dov Yakov W,
M, GM 01/26/1959 63 Ellentoch Julius& Yonah
b. Eliyahu H,
F, GF 03/26/1967 76 Epstein Esther Esther
Tsipa b. Yoel W, M 12/13/1914 26 Epstein Louis Lipa
b. Yehuda F, B 07/20/1918 26 Evelove Joseph Yoel
b. Eliyah Getzel H,
F, GF 3/15/1896 03/05/1961 Farber Anna Shaina
Henya b. Tzvi W, M 02/28/1958 82 Farber Dorothy Chaya
Devorah Miriam b. Eliyahu A 09/28/1903 12/11/1997 Farber Elyah Eliyahu
b. Avraham David H, F 03/23/1940 62 Farber Esther Esther
Itka b. Eliyahu D 08/23/1914 14 Farber Eva Gita
Chava b. Feivel M, S 03/14/1943 56 Farber Harry
R. Yerachmiel
Reuven b. Eliyahu B, U 11/02/1911 08/26/1981 Farber Nathan Nachum
Peretz b.Feivush H, F 02/02/1932 39 Farber Sam Yeshaya
b. Reuven F 02/12/1933 55 Feigelman Anna Chaina
Chaya b. Yosef W,
M, GM, GGM 09/25/1979 78 Feinberg Leon Yakov
Leib b. H"R Shmuel David H, F 04/21/1944 67 Feinberg Mary
D Mari
Devorah b. Avraham Yosef Si,
A, GA 03/26/1966 51 Fider Minnie Minna
b. Tzvi Hersh M 12/01/1929 33 Fine Benjamin Binyamin
b. Meir HaL H, F 02/02/1940 54 Fine Fannie Fruma
b. Avraham Nisan W, M 08/09/1931 42 Fine Irving Yitzchak
b. Chaim HaK H 02/15/1913 03/30/1962 Fingerman Rachel Rochel
b. Yechezkel M,
GM 05/22/1948 63 Fingerman Samuel Shmuel
b. David 12/18/1937 53 Fish Gussie Chava
Gittel b. Leib HaL M,
GM, GGM 12/10/1892 05/29/1975 Fish Philip Avraham
Feivel b. Moshe Chaim HaL H,
F, GF 8/15/1888 12/21/1954 Fogelman Louis Lazer
Shmuel b. Getzel F,
GF, GGF 05/20/1969 74 Fogelman Naomi Naomi
Leibe b. Moshe Nisan W,
M, GM 01/31/1961 --- Forman Fannie Freide
b. David M,
GM 12/25/1948 82 Forman Harry Aharon
b. Yitzchak Gershon S 12/04/1918 27 Forman Pauline& --- W,
M, GM, GGM 08/22/1917 09/04/1995 Fox Harry Tzvi
b. Yakov S 03/25/1917 09/12/1921 Friedberg Anna Ita
Guta b. Elyakim M 12/19/1938 89 Friedberg Dr.
George H. Gershon
b. Shimon Feivel B 08/21/1954 51 Friedberg Leah Leah
b. Chaim W, M 07/11/1931 37 Friedberg Samuel Shimon
Feivel b. Benzion F 07/07/1928 63 Friedberg Solomon Zalman
b. Shimon Shraga Feivel H, F 10/19/1952 54 Friedman Abraham& Avraham
Yitzchak b. David H,
F, GF 10/9/1964? 86 Friedman Celia Tzivia
b. Tzvi Hersh M 01/19/1932 52 Friedman Eva Chava
b. Menachem Mendel 03/10/1920 29 Friedman Gussie& Chaya
Gittel b. Avraham W,
M, GM 07/05/1965 73 Friedman Jacob Yakov
b. Berel H, F 06/25/1943 57 Friedman Louis Leib
Aharon b. Avraham H, F 03/09/1917 42 Friedman Sadie Sarah
b. Aizak M,
GM 08/05/1955 64 Funt Celia Shasha
b. David HaK M,
GM 06/01/1948 58 Funt Philip Yomtov
Lipa b. Tanchum H, F 02/23/1934 43 Gabrelow Bette Rivka
Chaya b. Binyamin W,
M, D, Si 10/16/1956 39 Gabrelow Gabriel Gavriel
b. Meir H, F 03/12/1946 68 Gabrelow Lena Leah
b. Chanan M,
GM, GGM 06/14/1964 88 Gabriel Claire& Zisel
b. Aryeh Leib M,
GM --- --- Gabriel Harold Tzvi
Hersh b. Avraham Nachman U 07/24/1905 12/05/1972 Gabriel Henry Chana
Getzel b. Avraham Nachman HaL H, F 01/08/1954 56 Gabriel Larry& Ozer
b. Avraham Nachman HaL H,
F, GF --- --- Gabriel Rose Rochel
b. Aharon W,
M, GM 05/07/1973 Gam Max Mordechai
b. Eliezer H, F 12/16/1941 48 Gartman Albert Avraham
b. Michel H, F 3/17/1888 12/19/1947 Gartman May Mirel
b. Tzvi Hersh HaK M,
GM 9/12/1898 09/14/1951 Gelfand Max& Mordechai
Hersh b.Dov Ber H,
F, GF 7/16/1887 03/16/1962 Gelfand Rebecca& Devorah
b. Moshe David W,
M, GM 9/18/1887 03/12/1972 Gendel Morris Moshe
Nachman b. Shmuel Chaim F 09/09/1930 42 Genofsky Joseph Yosef
Fishel b. Boruch H, F 12/17/1947 54 Genofsky Yetta --- M,
GM 05/30/1968 74 Getzoff Beckie Bina
b. Binyamin? 09/02/1922 34 Getzoff Benjamin& Binyamin
b. HaR Shmuel H,
F, GF 05/16/1959 78 Getzoff Eva Chava
b. --- W, M 1900 1949 Getzoff Fruma Fruma
b. --- M 10/20/1925 77 Getzoff Joseph Yosef
b. --- F,
GF 1893 1953 Getzoff Mary& Masha
b. Kalman HaK W, A 10/15/1968 83 Getzoff Sarah Sarah
Rochel b. Yehuda M 01/17/1920 30 Ginsberg Bernard
M. Boruch
Mordechai b. Yakov H 09/02/1943 49 Ginsberg Celia Zlote
b. Todrus M 08/29/1944 49 Ginsberg Eva Chava
Itka b. Yakov M,
GM 11/21/1954 69 Ginsberg Morris Moshe
Chaim b. Eliyahu H, F 01/21/1942 59 Givner
nee Maller Frances Fruma
b. Yisrael --- 03/28/1919 05/25/1964 Godovnick Joseph& Yosef
Yitzchak b. Avraham H,
F, GF, GGF 03/09/1976 85 Godovnick Rose& Rochel
Leah b. Avraham W,
M, GM 04/01/1964 69 Gody
(Godovnick) Pvt.
Daniel D. David
b. Yosef Yitzchak In
France; H 06/12/1944 23 Goldberg Anna Chana
b. Boruch Leib M,
GM, GGM 05/17/1967 77 Goldberg Bessie Sarah
Pesha b. Leib HaK M,
GM, GGM 08/09/1976 87 Goldberg Chayah
R. Chaya
Raizel b. Aryeh Leib M 08/12/1922 65 Goldberg Etta& Ita
b. Avraham W,M 06/20/1941 57 Goldberg Harry Tzvi
Hersh b. Gershon F,
GF, GGF 07/28/1966 73 Goldberg Harry
W& Yisrael
b. Yehuda Leib H,F,GF 12/04/1951 Goldberg Isidor Avraham
Yitzchak b. Tzvi Meir H,
F, GF 06/20/1953 54 Goldberg Jacob Yakov
b. Moshe H,
F, GF 06/30/1953 67 Goldberg Morris& Moshe
Yirmiyah b. Yakov H,
F, GF, GGF 1890 1963 Goldberg Rebecca Rivka
b. Chanan HaK W, M 04/16/1948 57 Goldberg Samuel Shmuel
b. Gershon H,
F, GF 04/19/1962 72 Goldberg Samuel& Shlomo
Hersh b. Avraham Yitzchak H, F 8/20/1885 09/07/1961 Goldberg Sarah Sarah
Minna b. Gedalia M 05/14/1923 75 Goldberg Sarah& Sarah
b. David W,
M, GM, GGM 1890 1977 Goldberg Yetta& Yitka
b. Avraham HaL M,
GM 8/15/1892 07/01/1969 Golden Albert& Yisrael
Tzvi b. Yitzchak HaL? H,
F, GF 6/21/1880 01/18/1973 Golden Sarah& Sarah
Devorah b. Moshe Aryeh W,
M, GM 4/15/1885 10/15/1969 Goldinger Leo ???
b. Moshe HaK S 06/25/1929 7 Goldstein Abraham Avraham
b. Yitzchak H,
F, GF, S 01/05/1913 07/18/1969 Goldstein Donald
S. Tuvia
b. Chaim B 03/31/1933 12/16/1944 Goldstein Esther Esther
b. Ber 2/9/1896 04/15/1989 Goldstein Hyman Chaim
Leib b. Kalman H,
F, GF 09/17/1959 49 Goldstein Ida Hedya
b. Avraham M,
GM, GGM 7/15/1890 11/03/1980 Goldstein Isidore Yitzchak
b. Laizer H 12/07/1954 74 Goldstein Isidore Yisrael
Akiva b. Yehoshua Leib H,
F, GF 7/15/1885 10/28/1956 Goldstein Jennie Chashka
b. Yehoshua M,
GM 1/7/1890 02/21/1959 Goldstein Joseph Mordechai
Yosef b. Moshe Eliyah H,
F, GF 03/14/1965 Goldstein Kate Chaya
b. Zalman Simcha W, M 11/05/1937 46 Goldstein Sally Shaina
b. Shmuel W, M 11/20/1909 12/22/1957 Goldstein Sarah
Berman Sarah
b. Moshe W,
M, GM 03/10/1905 04/26/1983 Golus Abraham Avraham
Chaim b. Yitzchak H, F 05/29/1935 47 Golus Rose Rashe
b. Avraham M,
GM, GGM 07/27/1964 74 Golus S/Sgt.
Benjamin D. Berl
David b. Avraham S, B 06/19/1945 22 Gordon Adelaine
Beverly& Elte
b. Reuven W,
M, GM 03/20/1916 10/28/1971 Gordon Irving& Yitzchak
b. Yosef H,
F, GF 12/25/1909 03/15/1994 Gordon Isaac Izak
b. Boruch H, F 01/15/1940 51 Gordon Minnie Masha
Yehudis b. Meir M,
GM, GGM 01/06/1976 84 Gordon Morris& David
Meir b. Boruch H,
F, GF 01/25/1961 79 Gordon Rose& Chana
Raitzel b. Avraham W,
M, GM, GGM 02/03/1968 82 Gottlieb Esther& Esther
b. Chezkel W,
M, GM, GGM 07/07/1982 88 Gottlieb Meyer& Meir
b. Shmuel H,
F, GF 10/13/1958 68 Greenfield Harry Tzvi
Hersh b. Yakov H 01/14/1944 56 Greenfield Louis Yehuda
Leib b. Yakov 02/28/1917 35 Greenwald Martha Marta
b. Zeev Volf W,
M, GM 8/23/1890 02/02/1973 Greenwald Solomon Shlomo
b. Mordechai H,
F, GF 8/10/1885 08/24/1960 Groont Solomon Zalman
b. Benzion F,
GF 10/17/1969 82 Grossman Isidore Yisrael
b. Tuvia H,
F, GF 06/28/1967 87 Grossman Rose Raizel
b. Leibish M,
GM, GGM 12/04/1993 90 Gurwitz Nathan Nasan
Nohte b. Azriel Zelig H,
F, GF, GGF 10/28/1962 81 Gurwitz Rosie Raizel
b. Chaim Meir W,
M, GM, GGM 09/17/1960 76 Halperin Barnett-- Berel
b. Avraham H,
F, GF 12/16/1888 02/23/1969 Halperin Bertha& Braina
b. Wolf W,
M, GM 7/7/1888 04/17/1972 Helfand Helen Chana
b. Aryeh Leib W,
M, GM, Si 04/04/1925 08/15/1990 Helfand Joseph Yosef
David b. Mordechai Chaim H, F 04/01/1947 56 Helfand Sarah --- M,
GM, GGM 01/23/1975 79 Helfand William Velvel
b. Yosef David H, F 07/03/1917 02/23/1978 Herkowitz Albert ??? H, F 01/09/1947 65 Herman Hyman& Chaim
b. Eliezer Yakov H,
F, GF 05/19/1966 80 Herman Sarah& Sarah
b. Shlomo W,
M, GM 03/09/1964 75 Hodus Bessie& Shaina
Basha b. Yitzchak W,
M, GM 11/02/1957 66 Hodus Solomon& Shlomo
b. Yehoshua Kalman H,
F, GF 07/11/1964 81 Horowitz Louis Nachum
Leib b. Meir Yakov HaL H, F 3/10/1890 07/30/1939 Horowitz Minnie Minna
b. Yosef Ber M,
GM 07/16/1953 60 Horowitz Morris Moshe
b. Meir Yakov HaL H, F 11/30/1939 51 Hyatt Lena M, S 02/15/1919 40 Ingerman Rose& Raisha
b. Shaya W,
M, GM 01/19/1966 76 Ingerman Samuel& Shmuel
b. Aharon F 04/23/1958 78 Ingerman Sarah Sarah
b. Avraham Shimon M 05/09/1928 59 Itzkowitz George Guddel
b. Shlomo F 04/15/1972 86 Jackson Emma
B. ??? D,
Si 03/01/1926 05/20/1929 Jacobs Anna
Sadie ??? W 10/04/1929 41 Jacobs Harry Hersh
b. Shlomo Zalman H,
F, GF 12/30/1952 63 Jacobs Pauline Perel
b. Hersh M 04/14/1954 62 Janaver Edward Mendel
b. Moshe Meir H, F 03/16/1931 46 Kalmanowitz Elias Eliayu
b. David H,
F, GF 01/25/1964 66 Kanarsky Samuel& Yakov
Asher b. Zalman H,
F, GF 9/28/1884 10/05/1957 Kantrowitz Lillie Leah
b. Shmuel W,
M, GM, GGM 03/09/1905 06/05/1905 Kantrowitz Max Mattisyahu
b. Michel H, F 09/14/1944 56 Kantrowitz Seymour Shlomo
b. Mattisyahu 07/07/1926 2 Kaplan Benjamin Boruch
David b. Shraga Feivel 01/22/1948 56 Kaplan Bennett Berl
b. Yitzchak Aharon H, F 12/18/1961 64 Kaplan Fannie& ??? W,
M, GGM 07/10/1984 88 Kaplan Gussie Gittel
Chaya b. Avraham David W,
M, GM 02/23/1951 62 Kaplan Israel& Yisrael?
b. Yakov Moshe? ? 07/30/1962 73 Kaplan Jacob Yakov
b. Mordechai S 08/04/1919 10/28/1941 Kaplan Lillian Sarah
Leibe b. Moshe HaL M,
GM, GGM 08/04/1970 Kaplan Max Mordechai
b. Getzel F,
GF, GGF 02/04/1961 85 Kaplan Max Mordechai
Mottel? b. Yakov H,
F, GF 10/12/1951 59 Kaplan Sam Shmuel
Eliezer b. Avraham H, F 06/19/1950 59 Kaplowitz Samuel Shlomo
Mendel b. Ber Yakov H, F 03/28/1940 49 Kasofsky Anna Nechama
b. Yitzchak M,
GM 04/22/1959 70 Kasofsky Hyman Chaim
Mottel b. Tuvia H, F 02/01/1948 60 Katzman Fannie Feige
b. Eliyah Shalom W, M 10/14/1931 37 Katzman Jake Yakov
b. Nasan Nohte HaL H 07/17/1943 53 Kaufman Solomon Shmuel
b. Moshe H, F 04/07/1909 08/23/1963 Kelsky Annie
(Nonie) Chana
b. Boruch D,
Si 02/10/1926 12 Kelsky Benjamin& Boruch
b. Mordechai H,
F, GF 1/26/1887 05/08/1962 Kelsky Rose& Raizel
b. Avraham W,
M, GM 7/27/1891 08/30/1973 Khmelnitsky Alexander Shimon
b. Shlomo H,F,GF 10/16/1915 08/07/1982 Klaiman Lillie-- Leibe
Chana b. Dov Ber HaL W,
M, GM, GGM 11/10/1992 90 Klaiman Morris& Moshe
Yakov b. Yosef H,
F, GF 05/12/1957 55 Klein Herman Tzvi
b. Yisrael HaK H, F 06/04/1944 58 Klein Ida Ita
b. Tzvi Hersh M,
GM 4/1/1890 03/30/1961 Klein Louis --- H,
F, GF 05/18/1961 69 Klein Pauline Perel
b. Yisrael HaK W, M 02/22/1929 36 Kleinstein Aaron Aharon
Leib b. Dov Ber H, F 12/15/1906 12/19/1951 Kleinstein Barnett Ber
Leib b. Karpel Eliezer F,
GF 07/27/1953 76 Kleinstein Sarah Sarah
Basha b. Efrayim W, M 04/15/1946 64 Klubok Bessie Basya
b. Eliyahu W,
M, GM 05/21/1964 73 Klubok Dora& Riva
b. Zeev W,
M, GM, GGM 8/18/1888 11/12/1970 Klubok Isaac& Avraham
b. Issur HaL H,
F, GF, GGF 8/14/1888 03/28/1972 Klubok Max Mordechai
Leib b. Issur F,
GF, B 06/08/1966 69 Klubok Rose Rochel
Leah b. Esther A,
GA 2/11/1892 09/13/1976 Klubok Shimke Shimka
b. Mordechai Leib M 06/08/1923 60 Kobrin Anna Chana
b. Avraham Naftali W, M 06/29/1954 62 Kobrin Isidore Yitzchak
b. Meir H, F 06/24/1955 72 Kobrin Jonah Yonah
Moshe b. Meir B 01/05/1937 Kosovsky Israel& Yisrael
b. Berel Laizer HaK H, F 04/07/1954 73 Kosovsky Sarah& Sarah
Hinde b.Yehuda Leib HaK W, M 12/13/1956 72 Koval Irving Yitzchak
b. Avraham B 07/30/1981 79 Kraker Annie& --- 7/26/1872 09/26/1929 Kraker David& --- F 1/26/1861 11/04/1936 Krakow Sidney Shmuel
b. Mordechai H, F 01/30/1951 62 Krane Ida& Chaya
b. Moshe W,
M, GM 12/10/1970 Krane Norman& Nachman
b. Yakov H,
F, GF 04/26/1996 Kunofsky Isidore Yitzchak
Shimon b. David B
(in France) 09/29/1918 22 Kunofsky Rebecca Rivka
b. Yisrael M 06/05/1958 68 Kunofsky Samuel Shlomo
b. David HaK F 12/17/1965 76 Lampert Semel Zemel
b. Yeshaya H,
B, U 02/19/1964 71 Lande Golde Golde
b. Anshel W 02/14/1919 20 Lande Mollie& Malka
b. Hershel Menachem W,
M, GM, GGM 1901 1978 Lande Sam& Shaya
Zalman b. Avraham HaK H,
F, GF 1883 1969 Lapidus Mollie& Sheindel
b. Chaim M,
GM 01/07/1965 81 Lapidus Samuel& Shlomo
Berel b. Yisrael Eliyahu H,
F, GF 12/18/1956 72 Laver Louis Yisrael
Ari b. Chaim Yechiel H, F 03/09/1949 63 Leimsider Adele& Heshe
b. Shmuel W,
M, GM 12/20/1914 05/12/1989 Leimsider Harold& Moshe
Hersh b. Yisrael H,
F, GF 06/29/1914 10/05/1975 Lempert Morris& Moshe
b. Meir F,
GF 03/30/1965 83 Lempert Rebecca& Riva
b. Tuvia M,
GM 12/08/1971 88 Lepofsky Beny& Boruch
b. Yosef H,
F, GF, GGF 7/20/1894 07/30/1969 Lepofsky Sarah& Sarah
b. Yitzchak M,
GM, GGM 12/25/1894 05/18/1982 Leventhal Anna Chana
b. Avraham Tzvi W,
M, GM 09/16/1975 76 Levine Abraham Avraham
b. Berel H, F 08/10/1954 73 Levine Annie Chana
b. Yehushua D 12/11/1919 10 Levine Barnett& --- H,
F, GF 1/15/1876 02/17/1965 Levine Beckie Beile
b. Dov Ber 06/08/1956 62 Levine Bessie Basha
Gittel b. Mordechai M,
GM 04/25/1960 71 Levine Fannie& Feige
b. Chaim Velvel W, M 05/13/1968 75 Levine Harry
B. Aharon
Binyamin b. Tuvia HaL H 10/22/1938 52 Levine Helen Nele
b. Avraham W,
M, GM, GGM 10/12/1993 82 Levine Louis& Yosef
Leib b. Shlomo H, F 08/22/1960 77 Levine Molly Malka
b. Yehoshua M 01/02/1951 63 Levine Morris
I. Moshe
Yisrael b. Pesach H, F 10/17/1928 63 Levine Pola Pesha
b. Moshe HaK W 10/16/1940 51 Levine Rebecca Sarah
Rivka b. Tuvia Yehoshua W 10/28/1933 62 Levine Reizel Raizel
b. Chaim Meir 10/31/1945 67 Levine Rose& --- W,
M, GM 4/10/1890 07/15/1967 Levine Ruth Rochel
b. Moshe Yisrael D,
Si 09/30/1930 19 Levine Sam Shmuel
b. Leib HaL F,
GF 04/14/1963 75 Levine Sidney Yoel
Mendel b. Yitzchak Noach H,
F, GF 12/23/1960 52 Levine Solomon
Z. Shlomo
Zinwel? b. Binyamin David HaL B, U 10/30/1955 76 Levinson Gerson Gershon
b. Yitzchak Leib H, F 01/15/1932 42 Levinson Mollie Machli
b. Moshe W, M 10/21/1918 27 Levitan Fanny
Sturtz Feige
b. Yechiel W,
M, GM 04/16/1951 62 Levy Esther Esther
b. David M 11/03/1918 25 Lieberman Ida Chaya
b. Avhraham Yehoshua M 12/15/1924 35 Lieberman Jacob Yakov
b. Yosef F 10/17/1932 56 Lipkis Ida& Idel
b. Yeshaya GM 01/07/1969 81 Lipkis Louis& Yakov?
Leib b. Yeshaya H 12/19/1953 69 Liss Esther& Esther
Naomi b. Peishel W,
M, GM, GGM 03/10/1992 98 Liss Isidor& Avraham
Azriel b. Meir H,
F, GF 07/15/1963 71 Liss Meyer Meir
David b. Leib H, F 04/19/1943 56 Liss Rubin Reuven
b. Shimon H,
GF 05/04/1970 53 Liss Sadie Stisha
b. Moshe 12/23/1959 71 Liss Sarah Sarah
b. Yishaya Meir W, M 12/24/1948 55 Liss Sarah Sarah
b. Meir David M 10/21/1938 70 Lubetsky Alex& Eliyahu
b. Gershon H,
F, GF 02/24/1972 88 Lubetsky Ida ??? 01/20/1914 07/27/1915 Lubetsky Julia& Yehudis
b. Yitzchak Leib W,
M, GM 08/11/1965 79 Lupchansky Bessie Pesha
b. Mordechai Leib W,
Si 09/20/1945 48 Lupchansky Harry Aharon
b. Eliyahu F,
GF, GGF 12/25/1889 04/04/1973 Mali??? Ann ??? M ??? 29 Maliner Julia Yehudis
b. Nachum Moshe W, M 04/26/1952 68 Maliner Nathan Nasan
b. Moshe F,
GF 01/17/1964 80 Maller Frieda Fruma
b. BenZion W,
M, GM 10/1/1896 12/05/1983 Maller Goldie Golda
b. Yisrael D,
Si 10/07/1934 14 Maller Isidore Yitzchak
Avraham b. Yisrael H,
F, GF 4/28/1895 04/29/1974 Marmor Abraham Avraham
b. Nisan H, F 02/09/1947 63 Marmor Isidor& --- F,
GF 1/23/1897 01/16/1969 Marmor Mollie& --- W,
M, GM 12/15/1897 08/23/1987 Marmor Sophie Shifra
b. Moshe M,
GM 11/11/1949 65 Mart Bessie
(Lampert) --- W,
M, GM 4/15/1892 06/21/1973 Mart Louis Leib
b. Aharon H, F 06/27/1941 52 Mechanick Helen Huda
b. Issur M,
GM 1/30/1895 08/20/1970 Mechanick Samuel Zidel
b. Kalman Ber Eliyah H,
F, GF 3/26/1888 12/07/1955 Melis Michelle
Joy --- 10/07/1959 06/16/1965 Meltzer Abraham
B Avraham
Boruch b. Yitzchak S 12/26/1946 29 Meltzer Dora Devorah
b. Chaim Leib W,
M, GM 02/01/1962 59 Meltzer Isaac Aharon
b. Meir Leib Si 03/02/1932 20 Meltzer Isidore& Yitzchak
b. ??? H,
F, GF 07/22/1980 89 Meltzer Meyer Meir
b. Moshe H, F 10/03/1951 63 Meltzer Sarah& Sarah?
b. ??? W,
M, GM 12/13/1979 83 Menaker Bessie& Bluma
b. Nohte HaK W,
M, GM, GGM 01/30/1963 72 Menaker Hyman Chaim
Yosef b. Nisan H, F 06/18/1939 48 Menaker Morris& Moshe
b. Shamai H,
F, GF, GGF 05/02/1965 79 Menaker Yetta Yenta
b. Avraham W,
M, GM 03/18/1958 66 Mervin Beckie& Rivka
b. Shlomo W,
M, GM 03/16/1971 76 Mervin Sam& Shmuel
b. Chana H,
F, GF 08/05/1968 72 Meyers Benson Binyamin
b. Yosef Mendel S, B 11/13/1932 12 Meyers Joseph
M. Yosef
Mendel b. Chaim H, F 05/09/1944 47 Meyers Rose Raizel
b. Chaim Binyamin M,
GM 7/30/1897 10/16/1974 Miller Esther Esther
b. Aharon M,
GM, GGM 02/27/1969 86 Miller Harry Chaim
b. Moshe H,
F, GF 11/28/1955 67 Miller Simon Shimon
b. Yakov H, F 5/30/1882 01/25/1944 Miller Tillie Toiva
b. Shlomo W,
M, GM 08/30/1963 72 Millin Esther Esther
Gidel b. Yedidiah W, M 05/09/1935 44 Millin Samuel Shlomo
b. Yitzchak 12/15/1949 67 Mintz Abraham Avraham
David b. Zev H, F 6/18/1876 01/17/1949 Mintz Rose Rochel
b. Yonah W, M 7/9/1890 03/15/1950 Mishkin Louis Yisrael
Leib b. Shraga Feivel H, F 05/29/1928 40 Mishkin Pauline Pesha
Rochel b. Hersh M,
GM 10/23/1955 74 Mogil Isador --- H, F 12/15/1886 06/15/1939 Mogil Solomon Yeshaya
Zalman b. Chaim Aryeh ??? 9/4/1884 05/21/1958 Muchnik Bessie Basha
b. Yakov Wolf M,
GM, GGM 7/15/1894 09/04/1975 Muchnik David David
b. Yosef H,
F, GF 07/26/1952 61 Neufeld Bessie
Block Pesha
b. Meir W,
GM 02/08/1954 64 Newman Celia Sima
b. Yosef M,
Si 04/18/1961 70 Niss Hyman Elchanan
b. Wolf GF 05/22/1975 79 Niss Lillian Leibe
b. Yechezkel GM 05/10/1954 52 Novick Sam Yeshaya
b. Avraham H, F 05/12/1935 45 Ocko Annie& Henya
Rochel b. Yitzchak W,
M, GM, GGM 10/18/1883 03/29/1974 Ocko Isaac Yitzchak
Menachem b. Yehuda S 10/02/1918 28 Ocko Samuel& Shlomo
Mendel b. Yehuda H,
F, GF 8/18/1882 07/17/1955 Odintz Abraham Avraham
Aharon b. Zerach S 01/07/1917 04/17/1923 Odintz Ida& Beile
Chaya b. Mote Moshe M,
GM, GGM 10/03/1976 82 Odintz Julius& Zerach
b. Avraham Aharon H,
F, GF 03/14/1956 63 Odintz Louis& Hersh
Leib b. Avraham Aharon H,
F, GF 02/02/1960 66 Odintz Sarah Sarah
Leah b. Shabtai M 11/11/1935 70 Odintz Sarah& Sarah
b. Yehuda Leib M 11/15/1976 77 Osherowitz Fannie& Feige
b. Shimon W,
M, GM, GGM 1888 1976 Osherowitz Morris& Yitzchak
Moshe b. Yakov H, F 02/22/1956 66 Paver Eva Chava
Toiva b. Nachum 02/15/1954 64 Pearlman Philip& Gershon
Zeev b. Shimon H, F 7/15/1884 03/23/1952 Pearlman Sarah& Sarah
b. Tzvi M 4/22/1886 12/12/1971 Penziner Anna& Chana
b. Yosef M,
GM 10/12/1969 Penziner William& Velvel
b. Gavriel H,
F, GF 03/01/1976 Penzner Anna& Chana
Gittel b. Moshe Mendel W,
M, GM 07/17/1980 90 Penzner Julius& Yehuda
Leib b. Mendel H,
F, GF 06/26/1963 77 Perelman Daniel Daniel
b. Yosef Yitzchak H, F 6/25/1880 05/29/1948 Perelman Ida Chaya
Rivka b. Yehuda Aharon M,
Si 8/17/1882 11/09/1952 Perelman Rose Raisha
b. Shimon W, M 02/10/1927 43 Perlman Louis Leib
b. Yosef Yitzchak F,
GF 05/20/1957 77 Perlman Max& Mordechai
b. Binyamin HaK H,
F, GF 1/5/1879 04/06/1974 Perlman Stella
H.& Esther
b. Shlomo Aizik W,
M, GM 12/26/1889 10/25/1970 Perlmutter Morris Moshe
b. Yosef H, F 08/15/1930 52 Pescow Anna --- M,
GM, GGM 21/1/1898 11/10/1963 Pescow Sophie --- 1894 1941 Pincus Max Mordechai
b. Shimon H, F 04/12/1938 51 Pincus Sophie Shasha
b. Chaim M,
GM 12/04/1958 Pines Celia
Kaplan ???
b. Yosef W,
M, GM 12/17/1895 07/22/1979 Pinkelberg Jacob Yakov
Moshe b. Shlomo HaL F,
GF 02/11/1946 55 Pinkelberg Rose Raizel
b. Yehuda W,
M, GM 08/27/1943 58 Pintus David Gedalia
b. Menachem Mendel F,
GF 3/15/1888 12/07/1952 Pintus Gussie Genendel
b. Simcha M,
GM 06/11/1966 78 Poelns Isidore Yitzchak
Feivel b. Chaim Leib H, F 10/02/1950 68 Poelns Rose Risha
b. Moshe W, M 10/12/1936 48 Pollack Fannie --- W,
M, GM 10/28/1964 74 Rabinowitz Mori& Moshe
b. Naftali HaL H,
F, GF 02/01/1972 78 Rabinowitz Riva& Rivka
b. Yitzchak HaL W,
M, GM, GGM 05/24/1982 82 Raisin Anna Chana
b. Mordechai M,
GM, GGM 03/24/1968 81 Raisin Jerome Yerucham
b. Avraham H, F 02/22/1941 56 Raisin Yoel Yoel
b. --- Fr --- 1932 38 Rapoport Beckie Bedege
b. Gusha HaL W,
M, GM 08/25/1952 66 Rapoport Frank Feikel
b. Yitzchak HaK F,
GF 05/08/1957 76 Rappaport Carrie --- 1896 1958 Rappaport Samuel Shmuel
Ber b. Mordechai H, F 03/09/1917 33 Rechlis Bertha Braina
b. Leibush W, M 10/10/1942 54 Rechlis Hyman Chaim
b. Moshe H, F 11/22/1888 02/01/1951 Reigrod Charles& Yechezkel
b. Mordechai Aharon H,
F, GF 01/03/1968 78 Reigrod Nathan Yehuda
b. Nisan Mordechai H 01/10/1933 45 Reigrod Sarah& Sarah
b. Sholom W,
M, GM 08/23/1986 92 Reiss Bernard Dov
Ber b. Yitzchak HaK H, F 07/19/1949 64 Resnick Barnet Dov
Ber b. Leib F 05/28/1927 46 Resnick Blanche Bluma
b. Yisrael Tzvi M 09/21/1958 62 Resnick Isidore Avraham
Yitzchak b. Shmuel H, F 09/19/1945 54 Resnick Lizzie Lifshe
b. Yehuda Menachem M, S 07/02/1953 66 Resnick Morris 11/14/1915 03/06/1916 Rocaff Jacob Yakov
b. Chaim H, F 06/03/1919 37 Rockoff Frances Fruma
b. Mordechai David M,
GM 01/20/1958 68 Rockoff Samuel Yishayahu
b. Yitzchak H, F 05/07/1946 55 Rosen Abraham& Avraham
b. Tzvi H,
F, GF 8/12/1896 04/03/1971 Rosen Joel
Marvin Yakov
Moshe b. Yisrael Wolf S, B 06/15/1933 08/20/1944 Rosenberg Minna Minna
b. Yitzchak W,
M, GM --- 03/27/1986 Rosenberg Samuel Shmuel
b. David H,
F, GF --- 07/17/1973 Rosenblatt Barnett& Boruch
Mordechai b. Moshe F 05/20/1935 55 Rosenblatt Lena& Rochel
Leah b. Reuven HaL M 01/11/1933 54 Rosenblatt Nathan Noach
b. Moshe Chaim H, F 10/16/1945 61 Rosenblatt Rose Rochel
b. Casriel W, M 07/29/1952 66 Rosenbloom Joseph& Yosef
b. Moshe H,
F, GF 01/13/1977 82 Rosenbloom Sarah& Sarah
b. Tuvia W,
M, GM, GGM 04/19/1987 87 Rosenfeld Barnet Berel
b. Noach U 10/10/1948 62 Rosenfeld Charles Shalom
Yechezkel b. Reuven F,
GF, B 12/17/1924 10/06/1978 Rosenfeld Eva& stillborn
child 05/06/1921 05/06/1921 Rosenfeld Isaac Yitzchak
b. Noach F 01/18/1925 45 Rosenfeld Miriam Miriam
b. Yechezkel M,
GM, GGM 05/18/1904 06/08/1990 Rosenfeld Mollie Malka
b. Yosef David M,
GM, GGM 5/17/1883 09/23/1969 Rosenfeld Rosie& Rochel
b. Yechezkel M 05/06/1921 24 Rosenfeld Rubin Reuven
b. Noach F 12/14/1938 46 Rosenfeld Samuel
Gerard Capt. MD, M.C.A.U.S Shmuel
b. Yitzchak H, F 08/13/1909 02/10/1944 Rosin Benjamin Shmuel
Binyamin b. Shimon David HaK 06/14/1944 52 Rothberg Anna Chana
Leah b. Yakov W, M 01/05/1940 65 Rothberg Meyer Meyer
b. Yitzchak F,
GF 10/01/1954 80 Rubin Leo Lipa
b. Lipa H, F 09/14/1944 58 Rubin Rose Raishe
b. Nachum M 04/30/1930 30 Ruditzsky Fannie Fruma
b. Avraham Yitzchak M 11/23/1951 67 Ruditzsky Isaac
Moses Yitzchak
Moshe b. Eliyahu Gedalia? H, F 08/07/1946 64 Sachs Sam Shmaryahu
Leib b. Zeev Wolf H,
S, F 07/22/1921 30 Salitsky Benjamin
P. Pesach
b. Yitzchak H, F 1/19/1899 01/10/1951 Salitsky Rubin Reuven
b. Gavriel GF,
GGF 04/14/1964 80 Salitsky Selda Zelda
b. Mendel M,
GM 11/30/1899 02/23/1965 Salkin Harry Chaim
Hersh b. Avraham F,
GF, GGF 12/25/1885 10/06/1972 Salkin Sadie Sarah
b. Gershon W, M 01/11/1937 40 Salupsky Hyman Chaim
Dov b. Naftali Hertz H,
F, GF 11/23/1961 82 Salupsky Jennie Shaina
Freide b Moshe HaL W,
M, GM 10/23/1944 62 Sampson Anna Chana
b. Refael D,
Si 06/18/1915 01/03/1933 Sampson Frieda Freide
b. Simcha Leib M 12/25/1942 43 Sampson Raphael Rafael
b. Yakov F 11/02/1935 42 Satoren Celia& Tzena
b. Moshe Nachum HaK W,
M, GM 6/16/1892 04/23/1960 Satoren Nathan& Nachman
b. Yehuda Yakov H,
F, GF, GGF 5/6/1885 10/17/1982 Sauber Ella& Elka
b. Shamai W 6/28/1894 12/03/1970 Sauber Samuel& Zalman
b. Leib H 3/17/1889 08/05/1958 Savlowitz Eva Chava
b. Shmuel HaK M 06/13/1949 62 Savlowitz Harry
L Aryeh
Leib b. Moshe F,
GF 05/21/1955 66 Savlowitz Libby ??? C 06/25/1931 09/28/1932 Schapiro Pincus Pinchas
b. Zelig H, F 02/02/1924 26 Schein Anna& Chana
Golde b. Tzvi Hersh HaK M 04/24/1940 66 Schein Samuel& Shlomo
Chaim b. Noach F 03/11/1940 68 Schiller Samuel Shlomo
b. Yehoshua Hemil? F 12/09/1950 60 Schlipstein Joseph Yosef
b. Michoel H,
F, GF 12/07/1952 62 Schlipstein Rose Rochel
b. Moshe M,
GM, GGM 11/07/1973 83 Schuler Harris Tzvi
Hersh b. Yeshoshua Hemil? F 11/02/1951 Schuler Ida Itka
Rochel b. Eliyahu W, M 08/10/1944 --- Schvartsman Rachel --- 08/24/1940 09/11/1982 Schwartz Rose Rochel
b. Yosef M 09/05/1940 45 Schwartz Samuel Shlomo
b. Avraham HaK H, F 02/20/1937 43 Seid Louis Yechiel
Leib b. Shmuel H, F 02/20/1931 52 Seidenberg Ida --- M,
GM, GGM 12/27/1976 82 Seidenberg Morris --- H 08/19/1935 49 Selibowsky Sam Shmuel
Leib b. Dov Ber U 03/26/1948 50 Selip Rose Rivka
b. Dov Ber Si,
A 06/28/1964 70 Seltzer Abraham Avraham
Yitzchak b. Zelig H,
F, GF 09/19/1951 62 Seltzer Barnet Boruch
b. Zelig B 11/26/1941 50 Seltzer Bella Beile
b. Shlomo M 04/07/1936 72 Seltzer Lauren
Gail Pesha
Freide b. Nasan D 03/30/1954 01/26/1957 Seltzer Sidney Yekutiel
b. Avraham H,
F, S 03/10/1917 09/14/1969 Shaevich Tsipa Tsippora
b. Mendel M,Si 08/23/1914 02/26/1982 Shakin Barnet& Dov
b. Binyamin H,
F, GF 11/18/1962 75 Shakin Gussie& Gisha
b. Akiva Yosef W, M 03/11/1954 53 Shapiro Esther& Esther
b. Shamai W 05/05/1907 09/09/1986 Shapiro Nathan& Naftali
b. Shmuel H 5/15/1889 06/21/1972 Shekhtman Shulim Sholom
b. Leib H,
F, GF 08/19/1919 04/08/1982 Sherman Benjamin& Dov
Ber b. Avraham HaL H,
F, GF 06/26/1966 73 Sherman Fannie& Feige
b. Yirmiyahu W,
M, GM 01/30/1966 68 Sherman Fanny Maras
Feige b. Avraham Ever M 08/06/1920 65 Sherman Morris& Moshe
b. Avraham 03/23/1954 49 Sherman Rose
Cutler Rochel
Itel b. Avraham M,
GM, GGM 03/27/1960 71 Shorr Sylvia Slava
b. Yakov W 06/25/1948 38 Shubert Kate Kayla
b. Zelig HaL W, M 10/24/1934 56 Shubert Selig Zelig
b. Shmuel H, F 11/07/1911 01/10/1970 Silitsky Rebecca Rivka
b. Dov Ber W,
M, GM, GGM 08/17/1959 75 Silver Clara Chaya
Leah b. Yosef Ezra ? 10/28/1938 46 Silver Morris Moshe
b. Leib H, F 08/13/1935 38 Simon Louis Eliezer
b. Yisrael H, F 02/03/1922 47 Sisenwein Anna Chana
b. Tzvi Hersh M 06/22/1967 67 Sisenwein Hyman Chaim
Gershon b. Avraham H,
F, GF 9/15/1896 02/20/1958 Sklar
(Sobel above) Nathan& Arvaham
Nachum b. Aharon Moshe H,
F, GF? 2/22/1898 11/27/1975 Skolnick Isidore Issur
b. Mattisyahu B 03/18/1939 41 Skolnick Max Mattisyahu
b. Shalom H, F 06/20/1921 42 Slutsky Bernard ??? child 08/15/1921 Smelson Abraham& Avraham
b. Tuvia H,
F, GF 10/29/1891 06/26/1968 Smelson Annie& Chana
b. Binyamin W,
M, GM 1/1/1893 09/20/1974 Smelson Jennie --- 10/08/1915 07/07/1916 Smith Abraham Avraham
Yitzchak b. Chaim 05/09/1950 28 Smith Fannie Zisa
Feige b. Yechiel Michoel W, M 12/17/1950 63 Smith Hyman Chaim
b. Yitzchak Aizak HaL F 01/30/1954 71 Smith Izzy ??? 11/03/1912 10/17/1913 Smith Morty Moshe
b. Chaim Yitzchak HaL H,
F, B 01/20/1909 04/08/1975 Smith Theodore Tanchum
b. Chaim HaL S 07/10/1914 11/22/1924 Sobel Dora& Dvorah
b. Yoel W, ? 9/1/1898 01/18/1975 Sodikoff Ida Chaika
b. Yonah 03/09/1948 70 Sodikoff Louis Ari
Leib b. Moshe F,
GF, GGF 03/14/1964 87 Sokolsky Celia& Shtasha
Osna b. Avraham W, M 8/18/1893 08/23/1970 Sokolsky Sam& Simcha
b. Avraham H, F 3/15/1893 10/28/1976 Soldinger Fannie& Feige
b. Yitzchak M,
GM 9/10/1888 11/19/1965 Soldinger Max& Moshe
Chaim b. Yisrael HaK H, F 2/29/1888 05/29/1941 Solotoroff Abraham& Avraham
b. Boruch H,
F, GF 06/12/1958 68 Solotoroff Esther& Esther
b. Moshe W,
M, GM 08/08/1978 83 Spelrein Jane --- W, M 07/28/1949 --- Spielberg Anna Dina
B. Avraham Moshe M,
GM 6/30/1882 11/02/1969 Spielberg David David
b. Azriel Zelig H, F 10/02/1941 65 Spielberg Martin Mattisyahu
b. Reuven S 11/15/1932 9 Spielberg Morris Moshe
b. Azriel ??? H, F 4/15/1878 04/04/1947 Spielberg Rubin& Reuven
b. Mattisyahu H,
F, GF 6/8/1893 11/20/1960 Stamboulli Marcelle Marcel
b. Moshe W 01/13/1913 03/23/1982 Stein Fannie Feige
Leah b. Shmuel W 02/16/1943 48 Stern Lauren
Traci --- 04/11/1951 05/03/1984 Stern Samuel Yehoshua
Tzemach b. Moshe Lipman 12/26/1931 49 Stern Tema Tema
b. Lipa Tzemach M 02/07/1927 70 Sturtz Louis Aryeh
Leib b. Yisrael H, F 12/06/1930 45 Sussman Frieda Freida
b. Shimon W,
M, GM, GGM 05/19/1900 05/14/1977 Sussman Joseph Gedalia
b. Zeev Wolf H, F 01/20/1942 47 Switsky Fannie Feige
Rochel b. Dov Berl W,
M, GM, GGM 12/25/1898 05/09/1992 Switsky Harry
J Yonah
b. Avraham H,
F, GF 9/24/1894 11/05/1953 Switsky Lena& Dina
Rochel b. Michel Leib M 08/11/1952 71 Switsky Morris& Moshe
Yonah b. Yakov F 08/20/1952 76 Switzky Joseph Gedalia
b. Avraham F 07/05/1938 52 Switzky Julia Yehudis
b. Aharon W, M 03/03/1928 40 Switzky Tillie
C. Tilla
b. Reuven M 12/27/1931 43 Tane-Friedman Ratsa --- 07/04/1904 04/19/1993 Targum Abraham& Avraham
Yosef b. Yitzchak Abba H, F 07/08/1942 64 Targum Anna Ella
Miriam b. Boruch Zelig M,
GM 09/15/1948 60 Targum Hyman Chaim
Reuven b. Yitzchak Abba H 08/19/1938 50 Targum Isie ??? child ??? ??? Targum Lena& Leah
Tzida b. Yisrael Chaim M 12/04/1942 62 Tartakovsky Gersh Tsvi
Hersh b. Shlomo H,
F, GF 6/15/1896 09/16/1982 Turchin Alex Yitzchak
b. Moshe S, B 7/14/1895 06/12/1933 Udell Irving& Yitzchak
b. Avraham H,
F, GF 04/28/1959 65 Udell Reba& Rivka
b. Avraham W,
M, GM 09/27/1957 63 Velkes Esther Esther
Raishe b. Shimon M 09/16/1956 69 Velkes Max ??? H, F 11/27/1944 63 Volin Harry& Hersh
Ber b. Mordechai H,
F, GF 12/20/1898 11/22/1963 Volin Tessie& Mosha
b. Yosef W,
M, GM 04/14/1900 06/12/1965 Waks Sarah Sarah
Perl b. Melech HaL M 12/20/1935 72 Wangro Minnie Minke
b. Avraham W, M 08/09/1947 50 Wax Gertrude Slava
Gittel b. Leib D 06/14/1930 26 Weinstein Rachel Rochel
b. Yakov M,
GM 08/30/1966 79 Weinstein Sam Yishayahu
b. Shlomo Zalman H,
GF 09/04/1952 67 Weisberg Samuel Shalom
b. Leib 05/20/1956 63 Welkes George ??? 02/26/1947 72 Wiener Abraham Abraham
Pinchas b. Boruch Yakov F 10/30/1918 46 Wiener Dave& David
b. Shaya H 12/06/1901 11/03/1960 Wiener Dr.
Richard Yitzchak
b. Shaya H,
F, GF 02/12/1907 10/28/1967 Wiener Fannie Tzirel
Feigel b. Moshe Nachum HaK M 1878 1948 Wiener Ida Ita
b. Eliyahu M 02/22/1950 66 Wiener Ida Chaishka
b. Yehuda Si,
A 9/15/1895 11/21/1985 Wiener Jeannette Sheindel
Esther b. Pishel Moshe W,
M, GM 08/14/1907 12/08/1992 Wiener Joseph Shaya
b. Moshe David H, F 02/19/1940 59 Wiener Lena& Liebe
b. Shmuel W 02/17/1903 02/16/1994 Wiener Samuel Shaya
b. Yehuda H, F 10/20/1942 59 Willenchik Isidore Yisrael
b. Boruch HaL H,
GF 2/16/1889 05/24/1957 Winick Harry
J& Aharon
Yonah b. Pinchas H,
F, GF 1891 02/26/1956 64 Winick Ida& Itka
b. Yudel W,
M, GM, GGM 07/24/1969 76 Winiger David David
b. Yosef F 07/29/1929 38 Winiger Minnie Minka
b. Yosef M,
GM 1889 1964 Yellen Abraham& Avraham
b. Shlomo HaL H,
F, GF 8/15/1894 01/13/1966 Yellen Clara& Chaya
b. Yehoshua HaL W,
M, GM 02/06/1901 09/21/1963 Zarlin Stanley --- S 10/29/1935 04/17/1936 Zarwooskin Fannie Fruma
b. Shlomo M 09/21/1951 71 Zatoren Belle Chaya
Beile b. Peretz Si,
A 12/29/1971 Zatoren Harry& Peretz
b. Yehuda Yakov H,
F, GF 10/15/1890 10/20/1960 Zatoren Tillie& Toiva
b. Yosef M,
GM 12/15/1969 --- Zaturensky Leo Aryeh
Leib b. Shmuel Yosef H 05/02/1940 44 Zawooskin Anna Chana
Beile b. Aharon M 05/22/1928 44 Zawooskin Meyer Meir
b. Shmuel F 10/26/1879 11/29/1945 Zottar Edward& --- H,
F, GF, GGF 08/18/1907 12/24/1988 Zottar Sadie --- W,
M, GM 08/11/1912 05/09/1963 Zukoff Alex Elkanah
b. Aizak H, B 10/25/1910 05/06/1973 Zukoff Isaac Aizak
b. Mordechai 1883 1945 Zukoff Mollie Malka
b. Michel 08/03/1957 70