Joseph & Annie Reitstein’s Rotsztejn Family


Marriage #14 reg. in Nasielsk April 21, 1882 of Josek ROTSZTEJN, 23, son of the late Miszka and Chai Sura nee GRANAT of Nasielsk to Chana Rajzla BLASZKA, 20, dau. of Moszko and Ryfka Ruchla nee BANK of Nasielsk. Witnesses: Gersz RAPY, 70, and Dawid CIELOWNIKA, 60.


Josek and Chana Rotzstejn migrated to South Africa via the UK, anglicised their names to Joseph and Annie Reitstein.

Here they are with their grandchildren: Raie, Claude and Leonard Reitstein. Maurice, the youngest, was born later.

For more information on the Rotsztejn - Reitstein family contact Eli Rabinowitz
