MSCIBOW between the Two World Wars
This site allows us a glimpse into the lives of the residents of Mscibow betwwen World War One and World War Two of the twentieth century.
The first set of pictures is courtesy of Rabbi Chaim Bernstein, the son of Avigdor Bernstein.
Rabbi Bernstein thinks this is the market area, but Leah Zemach-Na'aman, who lived in Mscibow, thinks that the larger of the buildings is the Provoslavic Church. At that time there were two churches in Mscibow; the Catholic Church and the Provoslavic Church. 1918
Another explanation is given Zofia Zukowska's father, a former resident of Mscibow. The larger building shows the roman-catholic chapel (not the orthodox) and must have been taken before 1905. This chapel was built of boards from the older church (which was pulled down). There is no belfry seen on
this picture which was built soon after 1905. |
Frida, Zelig and Sheina Rash Bernstein, children of Nachman Lieb Bernstein. They were all killed in the Holocaust.
Yitzhak Bernstein with cousin Frida who was killed in the Holocaust.
Avigdor Bernstein
The second set of pictures is courtesy of Leah Zemach (Kupernik) - Na'aman
A panoramic view of Mscibow as seen from the river. This is enlarged from the picture below. 1933
Elchanan Zemach Krupernik and his wife Zipporah in front of their home and their shop. Elchanan made the shoes (not the soles) as can be seen in the sign hanging at the entrance to their home. 1933
Leah in front of the "storage" hut. They kept wood here for the half of the year when they had to heat the house. The cow that produced milk for the family was also kept inside. Pay attention to how the hut is built on top of boulders and not directly on the ground. 1933
Moshe Kupernik and his sister Leah. 1926
Leah and her brother Shimon on his visit back home in 1933. Leah told me how the river would freeze over during the winter and then before Pesach you would hear the ice breaking up from afar.
The third set of pictures is courtesy of Zofia Zukowska
The view of Mscibow from the "castle". Mscibow was so-called "krolewszczyzna", a property of a king.
There was a wooden castle built probably in XIV century, but it has been burnt down several times, the last time probably in XVIII century. Before the war (WWII) there was only a place called the "castle", with
remainings of fortification. Before the partition of Poland, Mscibow was a seat of a "starosta", the last "starosta" was Prince Oginski. White building on the right was the school (at Batorego street).
The woman in the picture is Maria Zukowska, the aunt of Zofia Zukowska.Probably taken around 1942.
The church as seen from the marketplace. On the left is the building of the co-operative, on the right the post office.
The man in white skirt is Jozef Zukowski the uncle of Zofia Zukowska, one of the others (in the front)is her father's uncle Julian Okulinski. Picture was taken most probably in 1938.
One of Zofia Zukowska's uncles. The Church is seen from the gardens.Probably taken around 1942.