JewishGen | ShtetLinks | Kolonie Lvovo | MapQuest Map | 1877 Map | Cemetery | Search in JGFF

L'vove, Kherson, Ukraine
Jewish Cemetery

The Jewish cemetery was established in 1890. The last known Jewish burial was 1941. The type of Jewish community which used this cemetery was Hasidic. No other towns or villages used this cemetery. The cemetery is not listed and/or protected as a landmark or monument.

The cemetery location is suburban, located on flat land, part of a municipal cemetery, marked by no sign or marker. It is reached by turning directly off a public road. The access is open to all. The cemetery is surrounded by no wall or fence. There is no gate. No stones visible. Locations of any stones that have been removed is not known. The cemetery contains marked mass graves.

The present owner of the cemetery property is the municipality. The cemetery property is now used for agricultural use (crops or animal grazing). Properties adjacent it is agricultural. The cemetery boundaries is smaller now than 1939 because of agriculture. The cemetery is visited rarely by local residents.

The cemetery has been vandalized during World War II. There is no maintenance now. Within the limits of the cemetery there are no structures. Vegetation overgrowth is a seasonal problem, preventing access.

Very serious threat: uncontrolled access and vandalism.
Moderate threat: weather erosion, pollution and vegetation.
Slight threat: existing nearby development.

Other documentation exists but was not used because it is not accessible.

Compiled by Marcos Curzon November 10, 1999 - © 1999 Marcos Curzon.
Updated by Dmitry Abramson - October 26, 2001.
Survey by Oks V.M. of 270065, Odessa, Varnenskaya st. 17d, apt. 52 [ph: (0482)665950] - December 5, 1994.
Interviewed for the survey: Tishchenko A.N. of Berislav - December 5, 1994..

JewishGen | ShtetLinks | Kolonie Lvovo | MapQuest Map | 1877 Map | Cemetery | Search in JGFF