Possible variations in spelling using the soundex of the Ellis Island Database

The names are in alphabetical order. A word of warning – be careful and double check using longitude and latitude, if you know them, or closeness to other towns. An additional problem is the changing of nation names due to wars and treaties.

In the EIB there are 181 people who had names of their town which were a match for Litin or Lityn. I included Lityn because I found family members from Litin who were listed under Lityn.

This color signifies an exact match.
This color signifies a name of another town that sounds like Litin.
This color signifies names of places in the Ellis Island Database but they do NOT exist the database of JewishGen.

Brest Liton, Poland; L...iatyn, Austria; Leatin, Russia; Leitjin, Russia; Leiton, Russia; Letan; Leten, Romania; Leten, Russia: Letin: Letnia; Letnia, Galicia; Li..., Lithuania; Lidan, Russia; Liden, Russia; Lidim, Russia; Lidin, Russia; Litam, Russia; Litan; Litan, Russia; Litan., Lithuania; Litan..., Russia; Litem, Russ.; Liten; Liten, Russia; Liten/Russia; Litena; Litene, Austria; Liteni; Liteni, Bukowisca; Liteni, Roumania; Liteni, Russia; Liteny Roumania; Litenye, Hungary; Lithen, Russia; Litien; Litien, Russia; Litin; Litin Gorod, Russia; Litin Pod, Russia; Litin Prd, Russia; Litin, Podol; Litin, Podolsk; Litin, Podolsk, Russia; Litin, Poltawa; Litin, Poltawa; Litin, Povolia, Russia; Litin, Russ.; Litin, Russia; Litina, Russia; Litine, Russia; Litjan, Russia; Litjen, Russia; Litm, Russia; Litni, Russia; Liton, Russia; Liton...; Litonje, Russia; Litten Russia; Litten, Russia; Littena, Russia; Littin; Littin, Russia; Lityn, Podal; Lityn, Russia; Liutun, Russia; Ljetin, Russia; Ljutin, Russia; Llutjin; Ltan; Luityn; Luthin, Austria; Lutian, Russia; Lutin, Russia; Lutiny, Russia; Lutjan, Russia; Luton, Russia; Luttin, Russia; Lutyen; Lutyin; Lytoma, Russia; Lytonn; Lytouni, Russia; Lytun..., Russia; Lytyn, Russia; Sitin; Sitin, Russia (I found family from Litin, where the capital had been coded as a capital S).

Statistics about Immigrants from Litin that passed through Ellis Island

Using the site Searching the Ellis Island Database in One Step (Jewish Passengers) and adding those that I know of, who where not listed as “Hebrew” for some reason, I have complied the following graph to show the number of immigrants passing through Ellis Island from Litin/Lityn. I know that it does not include all the immigrants to American during those years, and that people from Litin migrated to other countries besides America, but the graph does give us a perspective of how the events in history affected their lives by either allowing migration or inhabiting it.

I wish to thank Stephen P. Morse, and Michael Tobias for the great job they did in developing Searching the Ellis Island Database in One Step (Jewish Passengers).