The Evidence
I. Admissions of the accused
1) Windisch,
Vol 1 p 99 122
Vol 7 p 1008 – 1079
Vol 17 p 2428 – 2522
2) Werner
Vol 1 p 125 – 149
Vol 7 p 1086 – 1113
Vol 13 p 1828 – 1833
Vol 19 p 2661 - 2663
II. Witnesses
a) Domestic Witnesses - full addresses given in
original, but as some of these people are still living, only names will
be given here
1. Innkeeper Leib Baranczyk
2. Cabinetmaker Wilhelm Baumann
3. Retired Police Secretary Julius Bockhacker
4. Division Head Gerhard Bormmann
5. Mrs. Adelheid Bornmann nee Hanweg
6. Locksmith Ferdinand Brambeer
7. National Railway Secretary, retired, Karl Breitlaender
8. Roofer Willi Broecker
9. Optician’s Assistant Paul Bruderek
10. Warehouse worker Kurt Buettner
11. Store Clerk Hans Cordes
12. Mrs. Rotraud Dellemann nee Niemz
13. General Major of Police, retired, Anton Diermann
14. Carpenter Wilhelm Draga
15. Industrial Engineer Rudolf Dubis
16. Retiree Karl Frost
17. Brewer Lorenz Fischer
18. Merchant Jakob Gerlach
19. Gendarmerie Major, ret, Arthur Gieschen
20. Store Clerk Leo Glaubermann
21. Truckdriver Eberhard Hanweg
22. Former Kriminaloberrat [a legal position associated with a court]
Georg Wilhelm Heuser
23. Genardermerie Major, ret, August Hoepfner
24. Post Office Secretary Victor Jaeger
25. Laborer Guenter Jumtow
26. Ret. District Forester Bruno Kahler
27. Mrs. Margarete Kahler
28. Applied Graphic Artist Josef Kiefer
29. Cabinetmaker Fritz Kleinhans
30. Senior Teacher, ret., Ernst Knauer
31. Retiree Kurt Koeber
32. Retiree Hans Krause
33. Ret. Forester Valentin Kuczynski
34. Police Lt., ret., Friedrich Lengen
35. Mrs. Lieselotte Lerm nee Meier
36. Brewery Engineer Joachim Lochbihler
37. Merchant Rachmid Pupko
38. Carpenter Adolf Raimann
39. Police Officer, ret, Franz Riedel
40. Laborer Anton Ripper
41. Gov’t. Official Paul Ross
42. Agriculturalist Henning von Rumohr
43. Practicing Dr. Schild
44. Comptroller Fritz Schlieter
45. Registrar Josef Schuhbeck
46. National Railway Conductor Wilhelm Schulze-Allen
47. Fitter Josef Selzner
48. Mrs. Maria Sprenger nee Koschinska
49. Employee Baron von Stackelberg
50. Insurance salesman Max Stein
51. District Chief of Gendarmerie, ret. Hermann Ueck
52. Industrial trade representative Hans Welke
53. District Chief of Gendarmerie, ret. Albert Wester
54. Ret. Teacher Artur Wilke
55. National Railway Sr. Inspector, ret. Fritz Wilke
56. Ret. Teacher Wilhelm Willenberg
57. Mrs. Johanna Zietlow, nee Knauf
b) Foreign Witnesses
1. Merchant Zorach Arluk
2. Engineer Vladimir Barzach
3. Merchant Moshe Beirach
4. Official Zalman Berkowicz
5. Merchant Frank Cummings (formerly Franz Kamianski)
6. Typesetter Eliahu Damesek
7. Bookkeeper Jacob Druck
8. Mrs. Feiga Druck, nee Kaplan
9. Official Leib Dworecki
10. Jacob Frenkiel
11. Official Shmuel Geller
12. Cattle dealer Marvin Ginsburg
13. Mrs. Pesia Golubok
14. Official Dov Gorfung
15. Farmer Michael Groznik
16. Police jr. officer Sameul Haspel, Investigations Office for Nazi
Crimes at the Headquarters of the Police in Tel Aviv
17. Mechanic Josef Kaplan
18. Painter Moshe Kaplan
19. Physician Dr. Kaplinski
20. Practicing Physician Dr. Broino Kiveloff (formerly Kiwelewicz)
21. Butcher Harry Konopko
22. Mrs. Syma Kosher
23. Official Reuven Kranin
24. Merchant Abram Kusielewicz
25. Josef Kusielewicz
26. Mrs. Ruth Lapidus, nee Nowoprucka
27. Officieal Elimelech Melamed
28. Merchand Menachem Reznik
29. Teacher Cyla Sawicki
30. Merchant Eliahu Wolczynski
III. Expert Witnesses:
1) Neurologist Professor Dr. Kluge
Vol 15 p 2056/2158 [re: Windisch]
Vol 17 p 2340/4 [ditto]
Vol 23 p 3228/53 [re: Werner]
2) Dr. Hildegard von Kozte, Institute for Modern History, Munich
Vol 18 p 2528/37
3) Guenter Plum, Institut for Modern History, Munich
Vol 20 p 2705/8
IV. Documents:
a) Minutes of judicial interrogations of the following
5 witnesses:
1) Tanner Josef Bojarski
(vol 12 p 1766/70)
vol 20 p 2817/22
2) Mordechai Girszowicz
Vol 20 p 2832/39
3) Painter Aron Oszerowski
(vol 3 p 603/11)
vol 13 p 1880/3
vol 20 p 2863/39 [sic]
4) Construction worker Jerucham Rubinowicz
(vol 17 p 2347/50)
vol 20 p 2824/28
5) Painter Irena Zadarnowska
(vol 1 p 20/34)
vol 19 p 2568/98
b) Other pieces of evidence (single documents as well
as document collections):
1) The official German edition of the International Military Tribunal
– JMT – in Nuremberg (Blue volumes)
2) Report to the General Commissioner for Belarus of 31 July 1942 to
the Reichs Commissioner for the East, regarding suppression of partisans
and Judenaktionen in the General District of Belarus vol 1 p 17/19 d. A.
3) Minutes of the meeting of the Regional Commissioners in proxy in
Minsk of 10 April 1943, Document vol I & II as well as vol 4 p 659/81
d. A.
4) Excerpts of the complete report of the Chief of Einsatzgruppe A,
DR. Stahlecker (the so-called Stahlecker Report) to 15 Oct 1941, Doc. Vol.
III, 165/80
5) Report of the Chief of Einsatzgruppe 3 of 1 Dec 1941 about the executions
conducted in the territory of EK3. Doc. Vol III p 187/95
6) Letter of 10 Feb 1942 by the Chief Commissioner of Baranovichi to
the Reichs Commissar for the East regarding the position of the Wehrmacht
in regard to the question of Jewish skilled workers (a list of the indispensible
Jewish workers) Doc. Vol III p196/7 as well as VIII p 620/21
7) Letter of the General Commissioner for Belarus of 10 July 1942 to
the Regional Commissars and the Reichs Commissar for the East regarding
Jewish skilled laborers Doc. Vol III p 198/99
8) Letter of the Reichs Commissar for the East of 30 Sept 1942 to the
General Commissar in Minsk regarding Judenaktionen in Belarus Doc vol III
p 199a
9) Minutes of a Russian commission of 3 April 1945 regarding the opening
of mass graves in Ivje. Doc. Vol III p 201/06
10) Report of the Regional Commissar of Slutsk of 30 Oct 1941 to the
General Commissar in Minsk regarding Judenaktionen in Slutsk carried out
by a police batallion. Doc vol III p 207/11
11) Undated report of the Chief of Dept. Iva at the Command of the
SP [Sicherheitspolizei = security police] and the SD inMinsk, SS- Sr. Storm
Chief Burkhardt, about executions of Jews in Belarus
12) Letter of the Reichsminister for the occupied Easter Territories
of Sept 1942 to the Reichs Commissar for the East in proxy – regarding
boundaries of authority between Reichs General Commissars & Regional
Commissars one the one hand & the Police offices on the other.
Doc vol III p 224/28, V p 389/94
13) Report of the Inspector for Statistics of 19 April 1943 to the
Reichs Leader of the SS [personal staff] in Berlin about the Final Solution
to the European Jewish Question Doc vol III p 235/42, 244/60
14) Letter of the SS Reichs Leader (Field Command post) of 9 Apr 1943
to the Chief of the Security Police and the SD in Berlin regarding the
statistical Report,,,[it. 13 on this list] Doc vol III p 243
15) Reports of the Armaments Commando Minsk (Central Economics Inspection
(branch)) Doc. Vol IV p 289, 2932 f, 299 f, 302, 305, 307, 311, 313, 316
16) Letter of the Reichs Commissar for the East of 25 Nov 1942 to the
Reichsministerium for the Occupied Eastern Territories in Berlin regarding
the Jewish Question Doc vol IV p 319
17) “The Civil Administration in the occupied Eastern Territories”
(Brown case). Organizational requirements and working guidelines
of the Reichsministerium for the Occupied Eastern Territories of 3 Sept
1941 as weel as “Edicts and Orders of the Fuehrer” regarding administration
of the occupied Eastern territories by proxy of 29Jun 1941 & 17 jul
1941, Doc vol V p 320/71
18) Temporary guidelines for the treatment of Jews in the terrritory
of the Reichs Commissar for the East of 18 Aug 1941, Doc vol V p 394a/
19) Express letter of the Reichsfuehrer SS & Chief of Police of
29 Jan 1942 to the Reichsministerium for the occupied Eastern Territories
regarding guildelines for the treatment of the Jewish Question as well
as a letter on this topic of 4 Feb 1942 from the Main Department I in the
Reichsministerium for the occupied Eastern territories, Doc vol V p 403/13
20) Comments of the Reichsministerium for the occupied Eastern Territories
of 18 Mar 1942 for the draft of the Order on the determination of the term
“Jew” in the occupied Eastern territories (separation of Jews as a political
& biological necessity in priority over all economic considerations)
Doc vol V p 414/15 as well as VIII 642/43
21) Incident Reports, USSR, from the Chief of the Security Police &
a) No. 151 from 5 Jan 1042
b) No. 155 of 14 Jan 1942
c) No. 178 of 9 Mar 1942
d) No 179 of 11 Mar 1942 and
e) No. 186 of 27 Mar 1942
Doc vol VII p 437 ff, 446, 449, 482, 498, 510, 516
22) DC & WAST Documents (Document Center & Wehrmacht Information
Center) on Windisch & Werner, Doc vol VII p 537/98 (Windische) doc
vol VII p 599/619 (Werner) as well as questionnaires of the Spruchkammer
(Court of Arbitration) Marburg re. Werner, Doc vol VII p 620a
23) Communication of the General Commissar for Belarus of 2 Sept 1941
to the Reichsminister for the Occupied Eastern Territories regarding the
takeover of the civil administration in the General Region Minsk as well
as in the entire Main District Baranovichi. Doc vol VIII p 631
24) Boundaries [of administrative subunits] of the occupied Eastern
territories Doc vol VIII p 633
25) Report of the General Commissar of Belarus of 29 Dec 1942 on the
personal Reviewer of Reichminister Rosenberg regarding “stinking acts”
of the accused Windisch against Regional Commissar Hanweg as well as further
correspondence on this topic. Doc vol VIII p 634/38
26) Report of the General Commissar for Belarus of 11 Aug 1942 regarding
the subordination of the Police under the civil administration (“The Police
must remain the executives of the civil administration”) Doc vol VIII p
27) Letter of the Reichsminister for the Occupied Eastern Territories
of 7 Mar 1942 to the Reichs Commissar for the East regarding stipulations
for action in the Organizational Orders for the East No. 2 ( among others,
orders regarding running reports from the Regional Commissar on important
matters) Doc vol VIII p 647/50
28) Extract of a letter of the Reichsminister for the Occupied Eastern
Territories of 2 Sept 1942 to the Reichs Commissar of the East on the uniforms
for the male members of the offices in the occupied Eastern terrritories.
Doc vol VIII p 652/57
29) Essay of the Reichs Commissar for the East on building up the East,
reprinted in the NS Monthly Magazine of Jan 1942 Doc vol VIII p 665/667
30) Extracts from a notebook of the Reichsminister for the Occupied
Eastern Territories (Stand 20.12.41) on the General Region Belarus
31) Letter of the Reichs Commissar for the East of 29 Jun 1942 to the
General Commissioner in Riga regarding new regulation of the monthly camp
reports of the General & Regional Commissars.
32) Action, Clearing & Experience Report of the Regional Commissar
of Lida of 15 Aug 1944 with a list of the members of the administration
Doc vol VIII p 680/91
33) Action, Clearing & Experience Report of the Regional Commissars
a) Baranovich of 11 Sep 1944
b) Glebokie of 16 Aug 1944
c) Slonim of 19 Aug 1944, Doc vol VIII, p 745/58 (Baranovichi), vol
5 p 880/98 (Glebokie), doc vol VIII p 759/62 and vol 5 759/62 d. A. (Baranovichi)
34) Extracts from a report of the Reichs Commissar of the East, presumeably
from summer 1942 on the development of the civil administration in the
occupied Eastern territories to date & the position of the Reichs Commissars,
Doc vol IX p 703/14
35) Extracts from the Court of Arbitration (AG Munich) re. The former
Commander of the III/JR 727, Hauptmann Mayr, Doc. Vol IX p 763/67
36) Transcriptions of American transcripts from 18 Sept and 15 Oct
1947 regarding the interrogation of the former interpreter in the General
Commissariat Slonim, Alfred Metnzer, presumeably executed in Poland in
1950 Doc vol IS 785/805
37) Order by Goering of 31 Jul 1941 to the Chief of the security police
& the SD, Heydrich, on preparations for the Final Solution to the Jewish
Question, Doc vol X p 808/09
38) Wannsee – minutes of 20 Jan 1942 on the Final Solution to the Jewish
Question, Doc vol X p 810/21
39) Prohibition by Heydrich of 16 Apr 1942 against the photography
of executions, Doc vol C p 822
40) Express letter of the Reichs Security Headquarters of 5 Nov 1942
regarding the maintenance of penal law against Poles & members of Eastern
peoples, Doc vol C p 823
41) Report of the Reichs Commissar of Schaulen of 10 Sept 1941 to the
General Commissar in Kauen regarding Jewish affairs in Schaulen (the use
of Lithuanian special workers for the final solution of the Jewish Problem),
Doc vol C 824/25
42) Remarks of the Reichs Commissar of the East of Nov 1941 regarding
a complaint by Intendantturrat May, on the orders of the Chefintendant,
to the Wehrmachts Commander on the liquidation of Jewish skilled workers,
as well as the instruction of the Reichs Commissar for the East to the
Higher Officers of the SS & Police in Riga, and to the General Commissars,
to prevent such liquidations, doc vol V p 829/32
43) Transcript of a conversation of 21 Mar 1942 between the General
Commissar & the Reichs Commissar for the East in Riga (urgent &
clear solution to the Jewish Question, correct procedures for liquidation).
Doc vol C p 833/34
44) Undated chart of the divisions of the General Region Belarus
Doc vol X p 835/36
45) General charts (undated) on the tasks of the Einsatzgruppen in
the East, Doc vol X p 837/39
46) Letter of the Reichsfuehrer-SS & Chief of the German Police
of 22 Jan 1942, to, among others, the Higher SS & Police Officers regarding
the implementation of the 2nd Wave of Gendarmie-Trains (motorized) in the
Reichs Commissariats (Gend. Mot. Zug 13 was stationed in Lida). Doc vol
X p 845/46
47) Express letter from the Reichsfuehrer SS & Chief of the German
Police of 31 Jan 1942 regarding the charging of the Gendarme Regional Chiefs
with SS & Regional Police Leader affairs. (Lida: Regional
Lt. Of the Gendarmie Albert Wester). Doc. Vol. X p 847/50
48) Express letter from the Reichsfuehrer SS & Chief of the German
Police of 31 Jul 1941 regarding -“Schutzfomationen” [incitement to protect???]
in the Eastern Territories [a Nazi-speak term I don’t understand]
49) Field verdict (DC-Documents) of the SS & Police Court XVI-
Riga – of 14 Sept 1942 in the penal matter against the Master of the Gendarmie
Hamburg, vol 2 p 312/319 d. A.
50) Extracts (DC documents) from a disciplinary hearing of the SA-
Group Westphalia against Gerhard Borrmann, vol 3 p 492/97
V. Other Evidence (Verdicts)
1) Verdict of the jury [Schwurgericht] in Koblenz of 12 Jun 1961 in the
penal case against Remmers and Zenner for accessory to murder.
2) Verdict of the Bundes Court of 9Apr 1963 – 5 StR 22/63 – in the
penal case against Dr. Filbert and 3 others for murder & accessory
to murder.
3) Verdict of the jury in Koblenz of 21 May 1963 – 9 Ks 2/62 – in the
penal case against Heuser and 10 others for murder and accessory to murder.
4) Verdict of the jury in Nuremberg-Fuert of 27 May 1963 – 1070 Ks
7/62 – in the penal case against Paur and 2 others for accessory to murder.
5) Verdict of the jury in Munich I of 21 Jan 1966 – 113 Ks 1/65 – in
the penal case against Renndorfer and Dadischek for accessory to murder.
6) The orders for execution of the judicial preliminary investigation
by the National Attorney Hamburg of 31 March 1964 – 141 Js 173/61 – in
the penal case against Erren and 4 others for murder & accessory to
7) Charges by the National Attorney Luebeck of 24 Jan 1966 – 2 Js 259/65
– in the penal case against Lauden for murder.
VI. Supporting documents
1) 1 folder of divorce documents, Windisch (1 R 189/64 LG Mainz).
2) 1 folder explanatory documents against Windisch for antisemitic
remarks by proxy (2 Js 243/59 pol. StA. Darmstadt)
3) 1 folder explanatory documents Windisch against Unknown for embezzlement
(1 AF 309/65 StA Mainz)
4) 1 folder explanatory documents against Frank Cummings and others
for perjury (2 Js 288/66 StA Mainz)
5) 1 folder explanatory documents against “supervisory Jurists” of
the OLG Koblenz for “Damages to the Constitution” (2 Js 466/66 StA Mainz)
6) 1 folder explanatory documents against LGRat Haertter for “Damages
to the Constitution” (2 Js 467/66 StA Mainz)
7) 1 folder explanatory documents against LGRat Haertter and others
for “Damages to the Constitution” by proxy (2 JAR 117/66 StA Mainz)
8) 1 folder explanatory documents against Windisch for murder (Vg Vr
1555/53 Landesgericht Linz, Austria)
9) 1 folder explanatory documents against Windisch & others for
murder (27 d Vr 6058/64 Landesgericht Wien, Austria)
10) 2 folders personal documents re. Werner (County Outpost Marburg
& Standort administration Allendorf, Kreis Marburg)
VII. Miscellaneous (Transparency folder, maps. Etc)
1) 2 Leitz trays with Dc & WAST docuemnts
2) 1 transparency folder (94 pictures, among them pictures of the accused,
misc. buildings & parts of Lida, the mass graves in Ivje, and the selection
point in Vornovo).
3) 1 folder with slides of letters & postcards from the accused
4) 2 maps of Lida
5) 1 roll of maps “Ostland-Verwaltungs-Karte” “Eastern Territories
Administration Map”, ditto for Belarus, & Smolensk, as well as several
general maps of the Lida region
VIII. References
1) H.-J. Neufeldt, J. Huck, G. Tessin “On the History of the Ordnungspolizei”
1936 – 1945: (Schriften des Bundesarchivs No. 3, Koblenz 1957). [Unless
otherwise stated, language is German; I’m translating the titles]
2) Helmut Krausnick, “Persecution of Jews” in “Anatomy of the SS-State”,
vol II, (Sachverstaendigengutachten des Genereralsekretaers des Institutes
fuer Zeitgeschichte im grossen Auschwitz-Prozess) Muenchen 1964.
3) Hans Buchheim “SS & Police in the NS-State”, (Sachverstaendigengutachten
des Genereralsekretaers des Institutes fuer Zeitgeschichte im grossen Auschwitz-Prozess)
Staatspolitische Schriftenreihe 1964.
4) Gerald Reitlinger “The Final Solution”, 4. Auflage, 1961.
5) Extracts (translated) from the book “Khurbn Vilna” by C. H. Kuszerginski,
(among other things the report of 5 Jun 1942 by the Jew Jutan Zacharaias
(+) on the executions in Lida) vol 1 p 61/63, vol 20 p 2761/71 d. A.
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