Section4: Appendices
Appendix 1.
of reporters from Lazdey to the Hebrew periodicals "HaMelitz"
and "HaTsefirah".
In"HaMelitz": Shmeriah Gisovsky, Tsvi-Aryeh Ginzburg,
Avraham-Yitskhak Hurvitz, Yosef Meirberger, Shmuel Burak, Zalman-Mordekhai
In "HaTsefirah": Elyakum Levinzon, Yehudah Akhron.
Appendix 2.
list of personalities born in Lazdey.
Yisrael Prais (1869-1942), reporter and writer, from
1890 in USA, pioneer of spreading the "Chibath Zion"
ideology among religious Jewish circles in America, published
articles in the Hebrew periodicals "HaMelitz", "HaMagid"
and HaTsefirah" and later in the Yiddish press in America.
Published many books on Jewish historical themes.
Yosef Akhron (1886- 1943) composer, violinist and teacher.
Among his compositions:"Hebrew Tune", 3 concerts for
violin, concert for piano and many more.
Shmuel Bortn Sekler (1897-??), immigrated to USA, researcher
and inventor.
David Cohen (1901-murdered in 1941), painter.
Yakov fon Idelson, in 1843 Russia's consul in Koenigsberg,
despite being an apostate, helped Jews in trouble.
Sarah Dushnitsky-Nishmith-Shner was born in Sejny
in 1913, but lived from the age of twelve in Lazdey where she
graduated in the Lithuanian high-school. Educational Psychology
from Vilna University and B.A. in Classic Linguistics from Kovno
University. During the school year 1939-1940 headmistress of the
Teachers Seminar "Tarbuth" in Vilna. 1942-1944 with
the partisans in the Belarus woods, from 1948 in Kibbutz Lokhamei
HaGetaoth, writer and researcher of the Holocaust in the "Ghetto
Fighters House". Published 2 books for children, books and
stories and many articles mostly on research of the Holocaust.
Appendix 3.
of Lazdey Jewish families who perished in the Holocaust, according
to the streets in which they lived. (Compiled by Rivkah-nee Gershtein-
and Ze'ev Mikhnovsky) [note: see also the alphabetical list of
Lazdei's Holocaust Victims]
Starishok Street (beginning from the bridge)
- 1. Ozhekhov, Yitskhak
- 2. Paulan, Binyamin
- 3. Paulan, Efraim
- 4. Paulan, Yosl and Payeh
- 5. Falkovitz, Ber-Leib
- 6. Falkovitz, Avraham
- 7. Grudzin, Bertshik
- 8. Dumbelsky
- 9. Ribak
- 10. Sider, Yekhezkel
- 11. Mariampolsky, Getsel
- 12. Matskibutsky, Mordekhai
- 13. Punsky
- 14. Dimant, Barukh-Shlomo
- 15. Bas, Yosef-Heshl
- 16. Epshtein, Moshe-David
- 17. Punsky, Shmuel
- 18. ---?---, Tsadok+Pantofel (daughter and husband)
- 19. Pintshikhovsky (blacksmith)
- 20. Bergzon, Dobrusha and sons
- 21. Zilonsky, Zalman
- 22. Mariampolsky, Barukh
- 23. Zubritsky
- 24. Shilingovsky, Reuven
- 25. Prusak, Avraham
- 26. Khoronzitsky
- 27. Matskibutsky, Yerakhmiel
- 28. Bas, Khaim
- 29. Gershtein, Rabbi Ya'akov-Aryeh
- 30. Man, Khaim-Yenkl
- 31. Goldman, Alter
- 32. Gibralter, Shimshon
- 33. Ribak, Yosl-Henakh
- 34. Einbinder, Alter
- 35. Frank, Khloine
- 36. The sisters Sarah and Heshka (seamstress)
- 37. Leidman, Moshe
- 38. Leidman, Khaim
- 39. Bernshtein, Alter
- 40. Man, Yitskhak and brother
- 41. Smolan, and wife Feige
- 42. Gisovsky, Leib
- 43. Subartevitsky, Khaim
- 44. Shats, Karpel
The Alley between the Prusak and Khoronzitsky families
- 45. Shimantshik, Elyakum
- 46. Sveisky, Reuven
- 47. Luksniansky, Yeshayahu
- 48. Katkishky, Avraham nad wife Zlate (seamstress)
- 49. Zef, Aba (mortician)
- 50. Zusman, Mendel
- 51. Lefkutz
- 52. Kovalsky, Yisrael
- 53. Polazdeisky
- 54. Yakir (mortician)
- 55. Yablon
- 56. Paulan, Khaim Itsel
- 57. Lefkutz
- 58. Lefkutz, Zisel
- Starishok Street (continuation from the other side of the
- 59. Rindzunsky
- 60. ------------- (the shoemaker from Suwalk)
- 61. Milikovsky (teacher)
- 62. Shchupatsky, Avraham
- 63. Vafner, Eli (Scriptures copier)
- 64. Prager, Yisrael
- 65. Prusak, Ya'akov
- 66. Prusak, Shalom
- 67. -------- Meir (taylor)
- 68. Borovsky
- 69. Ozhekhov, Yisrael
- 70. Levin, Matityahu
- 71. Groznik, Shmuel
- 72. Gurvitz, Tsvi
- 73. Prusak, Shmuel
- 74. Paulan, Khaim Yitskhak
- 75. Mariampolsky, Avraham
- 76. Kantarovsky, Ya'akov
- 77. Gorfinkel
- 78. Kshevitsky-Luksiansky
- 79. Zeligson
- 80. Grudzin, Reuven
- 81. Grudzin, Gershon
- 82. Kufran, Malka and Kazys (survived thanks to her Lithuanian
- 83. Grudzin, Sarah
- 84. Prusak, Eliyahu
- 85. Prusak, Nekhama
- 86. Kulitsky, Shmuel
- 87. Levinzon, Note
- 88. Reikher, David
Around the Market Square
- 89. Sider, Avraham
- 90. Shmulkovsky, Yosl
- 91. Finkelshtein, Barukh
- 92. Gilary, Eliezer
- 93. Rozenblum
- 94. Golub, Zerakh
- 95. Beker, Betsalel
- 96. Smolsky
- 97. Pilitovsky
- 98. Kantorovsky-Mikhnovsky
- 99. Meretsky, Asne
- 100. Lishkov, Mordekhai
- 101. Volovitsky, Velvl
- 102. Volovitsky, Yosl
- 103. Kantarovsky, Aba
- 104. Shilibolsky, Kune
- 105. Finkelshtein, Shepsl
- 106. Shilingovsky, Shalom
- 107. Kahanovitz
- 108. Kalvareisky, Yisrael
- 109. Shishlov, Mordekhai
- 110. Aks, Yeshayahu
- 111. Prusak, Leibush
- 112. Khalote, Ya'akov
- 113. Kubelsky (lawyer)
- 114. Tsimerman
- 115. Kreingel
- 116. Kohen Alter
- 117. Levin
- 118. Kulesky, Bath-Sheva
- 119. Broide, Pesakh
- 120. Bergson
- 121. As (barber)
- 122. Idovitz
- 123. Milman (teacher)
- 124. Mirkes
Kovna Street
- 125. Markus, Sime
- 126. Lipsky
- 127. Kalir, Menakhem (cantor) immigrated to Eretz Yisrael before
the war
- 128. Pilitovsky, Yakir
- 129. Krasnopolsky
- 130. Baranovsky, Khaim-Shimon
- 131. Krikshtansky, brothers
- 132. Abramovitz, Ane
- 133. Kaufman, Shlomo
- 134. Soloveitshik
- 135. Oftshinsky, Yosl
- 136. Prusak, Eliyahu
- 137. Klibansky+Liberman, Naftaly
- 138. Hakhnokhi
- 139. Lefkutz
- 140. Katsenelenboigen
- 141. Shapira
- 142. Voltshansky
- 143. Khoronzitsky
- 144. Dzivak Kalman
- 145. Kohen, Ya'akov-Yosl
- 146. --------, Eli (poultry merchant)
- 147. Pintshikhovsky, David
- 148. Rabinovitz, Mordekhai-Velvl
- 149. Doberman, David
- 150. Zavatsky, Avraham
- 151. Zavatsky, Yitskhak
- 152. Sokol
- 153. Sider, Leib (oven builder)
- 154. Gerdasky, Shmerl
- 155. Getker
- 156. Levin (hatter)
- 157. Levin, Velvl
- 158. Zinger (tailor)
- 159. Liubovitz, Peshe
- 160. Prusak, Khaim-Yosl
- 161. Okunevitz, Khaim-Mendl
- 162. Berkman
- 163. Breitbord
- 164. Tenenboim, Khaim
Seiny Street
- 165. Titevsky, Yeshayahu
- 166. Kopilovsky, David
- 167. Okunevitz, Moshe
- 168. Paulan and sons Iser, Aba, Shlomo, Nakhum and married
sister Khayah
- 169. Lipshtein
- 170. Paulan, Asne
- 171. Dunsky, Avraham (baker)
- 172. Dunsky (bank clerk)
- 173. Paulan, Berl-Zelig
- 174. Norkin
- 175. Dushnitsky
- 176. Lisovsky
- 177. Paulan, Meir
- 178. Rubinshtein, Motl
- 179. Paulan, Moshe-Mikhel
- 180. Shilingovsky
- 181. Yurzditsin, Yisrael
- 182. Brozovsky, Shepsl
- 183. Polazdeisky
- 184. Sheiman
- 185. Navisky, Iser
- 186. Paulan, David
- 187. Tsvikler, Sarah-Ita
- 188. Dvorsky, Reuven
- 189. Shtabinsky
- 190. Mark, Khaim
- 191. Gibralter, Barukh
- 192. Ginzburg (doctor)
- 193. Paulan
- 194. --------, Yosl and family (son in law of Moshe David Epshtein)
- 195. Shtabinsky (rope maker)
- 196. Prusak, Yosef
- 197. Burak, Meir
- 198. Burak, Iser
- 199. Kovensky, Rukhama
- 200. Levin-Kovensky
Dumbli Street
- 201. Domovitz (rabbi)
- 202. Ratshkovsky, Iser
- 203. Katkishky, Leib-Iser
- 204. Rindzhunsky, Kopl
- 205. Shimantshik, Binyamin
- 206. A family of 4 persons, sister of Ane Abramovitz
The estates in the vicinity of Lazdey
- 207. Roslender (Sventezeris)
- 208. Kalvareisky, Yosl (Barova)
- 209. Kalvareisky, Alter (Barova)
- 210. Pagirsky (Barova)
- 211. Ziman (Barova)
- 212. Gishtrovsky, Zerakh (Rali)
- 213. Gurvitz (Katkishok)
- 214. Leben (Nirovtse)
- 215. Shapira, Moshe (Milotshisky)
- 216. Zef Moshe (Bukta)
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