From "Shtetl Finder Gazetteer"
by Chester G. Cohen, Heritage Books, Inc.,
Bowie, MD, 1989
Kupiskis, N. of Vilna: Located east of Ponivezh
(Panevezys). 1858 - A fire caused heavy damage in Kupishok but
aid to the homeless was given by residents of nearby Vobolnik and
Ponivezh, according to the report in "Hamagid" by
Ezriel Berman and Yehuda Leib Gordon of Ponivezh. Efraim Oshry,
author of the memorial book "Churban Lita", 1951, said
that Kupishok was his home town. He said that agriculture
professor Yakov Yaffe in New York was from Kupishok, and so was
Shlomo Kadesh, who wrote the book "Kupishok Sh'haya"
(Kupishok That Was). E.J. Article Kupiskis. Kagan 7467